In an old residential building, Zhang Chen was awakened by the ringing of the phone.


"Hello? If you have something to say, come on, if not, leave."

Zhang Chen answered the phone in a daze.

"Chenzi, you are screwed. You actually dared to skip the class of Miss Lin. She just finished the roll call and found that you were not there. She asked us to notify you to go to the office after class, otherwise you will fail this semester. However, the roll call has just been finished. If you run over now, you will still have time."

Zhang Chen was completely awake when he heard Miss Lin, and he felt a toothache when he heard the latter part.

Miss Lin is Zhang Chen's name for Lin Xue. Lin Xue is Zhang Chen's music teacher and Zhang Chen's current landlord. Therefore, Zhang Chen usually dares not miss Lin Xue's class. After all, the rented house belongs to someone else. If the rent increases after skipping class, Zhang Chen will have no place to cry.

"Good brother, wait, I'll be there soon!"

Zhang Chen quickly put on his clothes. This set of skilled reactions shows that this is not the first time for Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen. If there is anything special about students of Zhuhai University, it is probably that they are very lucky.

He did not have very good grades in normal times, but he accidentally got into the admission line of Zhuhai University in the college entrance examination. When choosing a major, he accidentally clicked the wrong button and chose to accept the adjustment. Unexpectedly, he was adjusted to a popular major with the lowest score.

It can be said that Zhang Chen has changed his fate many times with luck in the first half of his life.

Zhang Chen rode his bike and ran towards the school.

A stone suddenly hit him on the road, and Zhang Chen fell one meter away.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen reacted quickly and protected his head with his hands in time. He only had some scratches on his hands and bleeding.

"Damn! Why am I so unlucky today!"

Standing up with a curse, Zhang Chen decided to find the culprit who made him fall.

When picking up the stone, Zhang Chen looked at the irregular green stone and was in doubt.

Zhang Chen looked carefully and found that in addition to the green color, there seemed to be something like smoke rotating in the middle of the stone.

"Is this... jade?"

Zhang Chen, who was rushing to school, didn't think too much. He put the stone in his pocket and hurried to school.

Zhang Chen was anxious and didn't notice that the blood on his hands was less.

When Zhang Chen arrived at school, the first class was halfway through.

Rushing to the door of the classroom, Zhang Chen didn't rush in, but observed from outside.

People who often skip classes know that under normal circumstances, the teacher will not notice whether there is an extra person in the classroom after class, and when the teacher is studying the blackboard, it is the best opportunity to enter the classroom.

Zhang Chen found Xu Da from the back door and sat next to him.

"You are good, kid, you come now, but I guess it's useless for you to come, because Sister Lin Xue knows you!" Xu Da said with pity after seeing Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked helpless, "No way, I got up late today. By the way, why are you here for class? Young Master Xu."

Xu Da is Zhang Chen's best friend. They knew each other in high school. Unlike Zhang Chen, Xu Da comes from a wealthy family and comes to Zhuhai University only to prepare for studying abroad in the future.

Xu Da heard Zhang Chen's surprise, pointed to the front, and whispered, "Isn't it, trying to get close to me during class?"

Zhang Chen looked forward and saw the back of a girl in front of him. Just the back made people feel elegant and quiet.

"Damn! Fairy Liu?!" Zhang Chen recognized this girl.

"Yes, one of the top ten beauties in our school, she just passed a note to me!" Xu Da proudly raised the small note in his hand and laughed.

Zhang Chen was about to speak when he suddenly felt dizzy.

[System binding...]

Along with the dizziness, there was also a mysterious voice.

The dizziness was so strong that Zhang Chen felt dizzy and fell directly on the table.

Xu Da was startled, "Hey, Chenzi, are you okay? Don't scare me!"

Zhang Chen lay on the table, gritting his teeth and pretending to be relaxed, "It's okay, I'm just sleepy, I'll take a nap first."

Xu Da still felt something was wrong, "Okay, you rest first, call me if you feel something is wrong, I'll take you to the infirmary directly."

Zhang Chen couldn't speak anymore, waved his hand, and continued to lie on the table.

As the dizziness became stronger and stronger, Zhang Chen felt that the space around him was distorted.

Just when Zhang Chen was about to give up, the dizziness suddenly disappeared without a trace.

[System binding successful! ]

Zhang Chen can clearly confirm that he has never heard this voice, and this voice came from the depths of his mind.

Who is it?

[I am the plane lottery system. ]

Plane lottery system? Are you kidding me?

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes.

[I can talk to you in your mind, what else is impossible? ]

Zhang Chen heard this, but he was powerless to refute it.

Yes, I can talk to it without even saying anything, what else is impossible?

[End of small talk, start teleporting in three minutes, destination: Shushan! ]

What! Three minutes? !

Zhang Chen was a little panicked, he didn't want to suddenly disappear in front of so many people in the classroom.

"Da Zi, I'm going to the toilet."

Zhang Chen stood up hurriedly, threw a word to Xu Da and ran out.

Lin Xue, who was giving a lecture, turned her head and looked at Zhang Chen leaving the classroom, her face was extremely ugly.

Lin Xue had seen Zhang Chen when he first arrived. She was relieved to think that he would listen carefully, but he fell asleep in class right after he arrived, and now he suddenly ran out of the classroom.

Brat, wait for me, we are not done!

After leaving the classroom, Zhang Chen ran to the toilet while asking the system about teleportation.

"Is each teleportation random?"

[Currently, yes, the remaining hosts are too weak, please work hard to improve their strength. ]

"Then is each teleportation time so short?"

[It will be longer as the host's ability increases. ]

Zhang Chen just arrived at the toilet and wanted to ask something, but a white light flashed, and Zhang Chen's figure was no longer in the toilet.

After a while of spinning, Zhang Chen suddenly appeared in a place with green mountains and clear waters. Zhang Chen lay on the ground, looking like a dog eating shit.

As soon as he stood still, a sense of enlightenment emerged in Zhang Chen's brain.

The Shushan School is located in the mountains of western Sichuan. The peaks are in the sky, like floating clouds. It is said that it is a place bestowed by the immortals on the world. Since the founding of Shushan, disciples of all generations have diligently practiced immortal arts, entered the world to subdue demons, and imprisoned demons in the Demon Locking Tower, protecting the world from the disturbance of demons, and are deeply loved by the people. In Shu, they are even revered as immortals. Shushan has not had deep contacts with the martial arts sects, and the Shushan immortal arts they practice are also between internal strength and Taoist cultivation. However, Shushan disciples practice not to become immortals, but to save the world, which is different from ordinary Taoists.

"Is this... Immortal Sword?!"

The new book needs care, please smash me to death with collections and recommendations!

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