The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 2 Immortal Sword Shushan

The Shushan Immortal Sword Sect was established on Shushan Mountain, a hanging mountain formed by the roots of the sacred tree attached to the heart of Pangu. It was the largest immortality cultivating sect in the human world, and was also regarded as the number one sect in the martial arts for a certain period of time. The only choice for people to learn skills from a teacher plays an important role in every "Legend of Sword and Fairy" story.

[Release tasks: 1: Become a disciple of Shushan 2: Survive for three months! 】

After Zhang Chen digested the information in his mind, he was very excited.

As a fan of Immortal Sword, no one can resist entering Shushan. Even though there are many rules in Shushan, it is undeniable that Shushan is the most powerful sect in Immortal Sword!

After Zhang Chen's excitement wore off, he looked at the towering Shu Mountain in front of him and became worried.

Everything is good in Shushan, but this sect is built too high. How should we go up now?

Just when Zhang Chen was worried, a crisp voice sounded.

"Huh? You idiot standing there!"

Zhang Chen quickly turned around, only to find that there was nothing.

"Who! Who is talking!"

Zhang Chen felt that he had suffered a nervous breakdown from the system.

"Hehe, you are really an idiot, here, here!"

This time, Zhang Chen finally heard that the sound came from the sky. He quickly raised his head and saw a beautiful girl in her mid-twenties. She stood in a goose-yellow dress and fluttered on a beautiful flying sword. A lively and pure breath hits your face.

Li Yiru saw the idiot in front of him looking at him dumbfounded, covered his mouth and chuckled, "What an idiot! Hey, idiot, what are you doing standing here?"

Only then did Zhang Chen realize his gaffe and quickly replied, "Girl, I came to Shushan to learn from a teacher, but when I got here I found that there was no way."

After listening to what Zhang Chen said, Li Yiru smiled even more cheerfully, her big eyes curved into crescent moons, "You are so interesting. Who doesn't know that Shushan is in the air? If you just walk with your feet like this, you will never be able to walk." arrive."

"Of course I know that, but I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't have magical powers like flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, so when I get here I can only look at the mountains and sigh."

Li Yiru grew up on Fairy Island, and everyone around her respected her because of Li Xiaoyao. She hadn't met such a fun person for a long time, and of course she wouldn't let Zhang Chen go just like that.

"Then I'll give you a ride!"

After saying that, Li Yiru made a series of spells with both hands and pointed at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen felt his body getting lighter and lighter, and then floated into the air.

"Wait, wait, that..."

Zhang Chen wanted to say something else, but Li Yiru nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, let's go!"

After saying that, Li Yiru instantly turned into a rainbow, and behind him was Zhang Chen, who was floating in the air and swaying around.

"Wait a minute! I, I'm afraid of heights..."

At this moment, a burst of silvery laughter and Zhang Chen's miserable screams rippled across Shushan Mountain.

Zhang Chen, who touched the ground again, retched for a while, but nothing came out. After all, he hadn't eaten a bite of food since morning.

"Hehe, entering from here is the place where Shushan recruits disciples. I can't enter. You must become a Shushan disciple, so that I can have a junior disciple! By the way, idiot, my name is Li Yiru, what's your name?"

Zhang Chen, who had calmed down, looked at the beautiful girl standing in front of him and said, "My name is Zhang Chen."

It turns out that she is Li Yiru, so it seems that it should be the time of Fairy Sword II, with Li Xiaoyao as the leader.

"Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen, um, I remember, you must become a Shushan disciple!" Li Yiru said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Chen nodded, "Yes, definitely!"

It was only at this time that Zhang Chen had the opportunity to look at this place.

There was a light mist surrounding it, and the fragrance of herbs permeated it. In front of them was a palace with three large gilt characters on it, Taiqing Palace.

Zhang Chen had imagined what Shushan looked like, and had seen it in games and TV movies, but he was not as shocked as he was now.

It turns out that this is Shushan...

While Zhang Chen was observing, a gap suddenly opened in the closed door of Taiqing Palace.

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and slowly walked into Taiqing Hall.

What Zhang Chen didn't expect was that the Taiqing Palace was filled with people.

Standing in the center was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties, carrying a long sword behind him. His appearance was somewhat similar to Brother Hu.

This should be Li Xiaoyao.

Zhang Chen quickly stepped forward and said, "Young man Zhang Chen, I have longed for Shushan for a long time. I hope I can worship in Shushan and slay demons and protect the Tao!"

Zhang Chen said these words sincerely.

After all, this place is different from the real world. In this world, there are many monsters. Without any ability to protect himself, Zhang Chen would be unable to move here.

Zhang Chen lowered his head and waited for a long time, but did not receive a response. He looked up and found that Li Xiaoyao was looking at him intently.

The Shushan disciples standing on both sides also began to discuss quietly.

At this moment, a disdainful voice sounded from the Shushan disciples, and the slightly sharp voice echoed in the hall.

"Hmph, even ordinary people want to worship in Shushan. What a wishful thinking!"

Zhang Chen turned around and saw a young man who looked about the same age as himself.

Who is this person? are you crazy! I didn't provoke you, I didn't mess with you, why are you mocking me?

Zhang Chen glanced at the young man and turned around to continue waiting for Li Xiaoyao's answer.

But Zhang Chen could bear it, but some people couldn't.

"Wang Yishu! I brought Zhang Chen here. You just said he was delusional?" Li Yiru walked in from outside the Taiqing Palace and pointed at the young man.

Li Xiaoyao finally spoke, "Yiru, don't be rude!" Although it was a reprimand, Li Xiaoyao's voice was as gentle as jade, and his eyes were full of doting when he looked at Li Yiru.

"Dad, don't keep us in suspense. Just tell me whether Zhang Chen can join Shushan!" Li Yiru walked to Li Xiaoyao's side, hugged his arm and acted like a spoiled child.

"Yes, of course." Li Xiaoyao smiled.

"Zhang Chen, from today on, you are my Shushan disciple."

Hearing Li Xiaoyao's words, the people below went crazy.

"Master, there is not even an entrance examination. It's against the rules!"

"I hope Master will think twice. The rules of Shushan cannot be broken!"

"Please think twice!"


When the people below were quiet, Li Xiaoyao looked at everyone and said, "Of course the rules cannot be broken, but this person is different." Li Xiaoyao pointed at Zhang Chen.

And said something that shocked everyone.

"He is from my Shushan, so how can he not return to his own mountain gate? If we follow the seniority, I have to call him uncle!"


"This... is incredible!"

The people below were completely speechless.

And Zhang Chen, he was more confused than everyone else!

I am an ordinary person who traveled through time and space, but I am so awesome? ! And I am Li Xiaoyao's uncle? !

The author is a slow-moving person, and the same is true for this book. The author can't update too fast every day, because on the one hand, he has to go to school, and on the other hand, he has to work. I hope everyone understands.

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