The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 11: Leaving the Customs!

People who practice Taoism often say that practice has no time. Before, Zhang Chen always thought that this sentence referred to the loneliness of practice, but now he realized that it should refer to the retreat in practice.

During the three days, Zhang Chen lived an extremely fulfilling life. In addition to daily meals, he spent the rest of his time practicing. Not only the spells and skills Zhang Chen had mastered, but also his cultivation level also increased a little.

Time flies, and three days pass by in a blink of an eye. Zhang Chen opens his eyes from the futon, collects his energy and exhales before standing up.

"Today is the fourth day, and the three-day retreat is finally over."

Although Zhang Chen has only been in seclusion for three days now, his strength has already made a qualitative leap compared to before.

Name: Zhang Chen (a bad name)

Identity: Disciple of Shushan, disciple of Jiang Ziya (this actor has some background)

Cultivation: Ninth level of Qi training (a powerful ant)

Items: Talisman-making pen, ordinary steel sword, Returning Liquid x800, Immortal Body Talisman x25, Magic Step Talisman x30, Soul Talisman x25, Evil-Repelling Talisman x25, Martial Spirit Talisman x25, Spiritual Energy Bean x40

Rewards: None yet

Skills: Talisman (Advanced), Sword Control (Advanced), Sword Flying (Why don’t you take advantage of the wind), Throwing beans into soldiers (ancient magic), Gathering sand into a tower (this is a classic), Returning to the original (A must-have for home travel)

Looking at his personal attributes, Zhang Chen had a smile on his face.

Finally! The personal attributes have finally changed, and the evaluation of the system has also changed.

The previous evaluation of his cultivation was that of an ant, but now he is a powerful ant. Although he is still an ant, for Zhang Chen, this is an improvement.

Moreover, both Talisman and Swordsmanship are no longer entry-level, but advanced.

In fact, in the past three days, Zhang Chen was not the happiest about the advancement of talismans and techniques. What made Zhang Chen happiest was the advancement of sword control.

In the previous Shushan plane, although Zhang Chen only stayed for a few months, he gained more than that. Zhang Chen memorized many sword-controlling skills unique to Shushan.

Previously, he was unable to practice due to his low strength and insufficient cultivation, but during the three days of retreat, Zhang Chen actually took the time to practice new moves.

Many people who are familiar with Shushan know that sword-controlling skills do not change at all in the beginning, but in the end there will be moves that can destroy the world. However, Zhang Chen has advanced the sword-controlling skills in the past three days and opened up a new world. course.

Sword Controlling Technique (Advanced): The attack evolves from attacking the enemy with a single sword to slashing with sword energy, controlling the flight of the flying sword and sending out sword energy to attack the enemy.

Destroy Yuehan (sword control): Concentrate and pour all spiritual power into the weapon, strike the ground with all your strength, the ground will shake, the mountains will shake, and the rocks will collapse!

The art of sword control can not only emit sword energy, but also has its first skill.

I have to say that Zhang Chen's luck is so good. This is the benefit of inheritance. As long as the cultivation level is high, the moves can be practiced.

Zhang Chen walked out of the house, came to the open space, took out his steel sword, and couldn't wait to try the power of destroying Yuesha.

Zhang Chen stood with the sword in his hand, concentrating and holding his breath. Then a wave of spiritual energy emerged from his body, and ripples poured into the steel sword in Zhang Chen's hand. At this time, Zhang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and used all his strength to insert the steel sword into the ground.


Zhang Chen felt the ground shake for a while, and then a row of soil spikes suddenly appeared from the ground directly in front of him, extending quickly towards the front and not stopping until nearly ten meters away.


Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief after pulling out his sword.

Looking at the results in front of him, Zhang Chen was a little excited. This was Ji Yuehan, and this was his first attack skill!

Indeed, Zhang Chen's previous attacks were too simple. When he first came to Kunlun Mountain, he didn't even know how to spread the beans into an army. He could only attack the enemy with a sword like a green man.

But the Kunlun Mountain group not only allowed Zhang Chen to learn spells and solve the problem of making his own talismans, but also gave Zhang Chen attack skills and moves.

Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction. These three days of retreat were really useful. If I have the opportunity in the future, I must retreat more!

"Gah?! What's going on?" At this time, the sound of a quail came from not far away.

Zhang Chen turned around and saw that the quail looked very funny now. Originally, the quail was carrying a basket on its back, which made him feel happy when he saw it. Now, in front of the quail, it was holding a jar of wine as big as itself with its claws. It looks like a quail looking at its head but not its tail.

What makes people laugh even more is that the body of this quail is actually covered with mud. From a distance, people would think it was a wine jar that has become semen.

"Oh, it's nothing. I had some insights while I was in seclusion. Let's try some new moves. By the way, what are you doing?" Zhang Chen asked, suppressing a smile.

The quail flew in front of Zhang Chen, put down the wine jar, and said with a gloomy look, "Gah! Don't mention it! I will never dig a hole again! I'm so stupid! I have been looking for the place where the wine was buried for the past three days, but it was all covered with wine. I dug the hole myself. It took me three days to find this wine, and I went through at least 500 deep holes!”

Zhang Chen finally couldn't help laughing, "Haha, it's your own fault. When I came here, there were all traps there, and you even disguised yourself. Who can blame you?"

The quail flapped its wings and said, "Okay, let's think about a specific plan!"

"What are your plans? I'm not familiar with this place. Although I've lived here for a long time, I only know the woods next to Yaochi and this place." Zhang Chen touched his chin and started thinking seriously.

Quail glanced at Zhang Chen, "Jianwu lives behind the Kunlun Mountain Peak. Don't think about it Fei. The spiritual energy pressure there is the same as here, so we have to make a big circle and enter through the Kunlun Mountain Gate, but that's it. If so, there will be countless monsters along the way. Either we will be caught or we will sneak in. "

Zhang Chen fell into deep thought.

According to Quail Niao, it is impossible to reach Jianwu directly, so we can only take a detour, but if you take a detour, you will be discovered by the spirits, and it is definitely impossible to kill them all the way. After all, you have to offer wine.

"Well... let's go over there first, feel out the situation, and then decide based on the situation." Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said.

This is actually the best way. The quail is now on the same camp as him, but Zhang Chen has not forgotten that the quail has never told the truth or is hiding something from him.

Why this quail digs holes and why he knows Mr. Jiang are all a mystery.

"Okay, let's go take a look first." Quail looked at the thoughtful Zhang Chen and nodded.

Now that everything had been discussed and prepared, Zhang Chen immediately flew towards the direction pointed by the quail with his sword.

There is something unusual in Kunlun today. In the past, Zhang Chen could find traces of spiritual beasts or animals while flying with his sword, but today he didn't see any traces of them. However, Zhang Chen didn't think too much. Maybe there was Jian Wu here. Sit down, they don't dare to come over.

The author will try to update it twice a day starting from today. In addition, the previous chapters may be revised. If the revision is completed, I will remind you in a new chapter. In addition, I shamelessly ask for recommendations and collections. The first chapter of this book The climax is coming!

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