The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 10 Three days of seclusion!

In the early morning, with the first ray of sunshine, the whole Kunlun Mountain began to come alive. Zhang Chen was no exception. He ran to the stream early to fish and practice.

Unlike before, there was a bird beside Zhang Chen this time.

The quail looked at Zhang Chen fishing slowly and leisurely, and was a little impatient. It jumped around Zhang Chen anxiously for a few times. Seeing that Zhang Chen did not respond, it finally couldn't help asking, "Boy! Do you still want to go up? I told you that as long as you can get that thing done, you can go up the mountain!"

Although he heard the words of the quail, Zhang Chen did not move at all. He continued to sit there and fish leisurely.

However, although Zhang Chen did not speak, the fishing rod in his hand that could not be placed steadily had betrayed him.

In fact, Zhang Chen did not enter the natural state of willing to take the bait, because his heart was not calm.

Zhang Chen kept thinking about what the quail said yesterday. To be honest, Zhang Chen was really hesitant.

Yesterday, after hearing that Zhang Chen was going to Kunlun, Quail asked Zhang Chen to do one thing. This thing was to ask Zhang Chen to find a beast similar to a tiger but larger than a tiger in Kunlun. If he killed it, he could use the inner elixir in his body to dissipate the spiritual pressure on the Kunlun Peak, and Quail only needed its skin.

Originally, this was the best of both worlds, and Zhang Chen would not refuse, but! Zhang Chen is not from this world, and he knows countless legends about Kunlun.

These legends all mention a beast called Jianwu, also called Shenluwu. According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", this is a beast that lives in Kunlun Mountain and controls all the animals on the entire Kunlun Mountain. It is conceivable how powerful it is.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen put away his fishing rod and stood up.

When the quail saw Zhang Chen move, it became active again and flew to Zhang Chen's shoulder, "Boy, what do you think?"

Zhang Chen glanced at the quail on his shoulder and said with a fake smile, "Did you tell the truth yesterday?"

The quail patted its chest with its wings, "Of course! As long as you kill it, you can climb the Kunlun Peak and enter the Kunlun Domain!"

Sighing, Zhang Chen caught the quail in front of him.

"Alas, you still don't tell the truth, what can I do? Do you think I don't know? This Jianwu is the king of Kunlun Mountain, how can he be so easy to kill? You still didn't tell me the truth, Master Quail, I'm sorry."

After speaking, Zhang Chen used his spiritual power to produce a ball of fire, slowly approaching the quail.

When the quail heard that Zhang Chen knew so clearly, it was shocked and thought that Zhang Chen would kill him to silence him in the future, but when it saw that Zhang Chen actually used spiritual fire to burn it, it was no longer anxious.

"Boy, listen to me. Yes, Jianwu is very strong, but we can design it! He likes wine. As long as you can bring out good wine, he won't do anything to you. I have a bottle of Phoenix Dew here. This is the best wine. Just wait until he gets drunk, and then you can attack him. It will be much easier!"

Zhang Chen stopped the spiritual fire in his hand and said disdainfully, "Phoenix Dew? I've never heard of any crappy wine."

This sentence stimulated the quail bird, and it jumped up and down, "Boy! Be careful with your words! This Phoenix Dew is what I use every day to show my true self... Boy! Are you deceiving me?"

Halfway through, the quail bird looked at Zhang Chen's playful smile and immediately understood.

Zhang Chen let go of the quail bird and walked straight into his hut.

"Hey! Boy! Are you going to do it or not!"

The quail bird looked puzzled. This kid was stupid and weak when they first met. Now it's only been a few months. Not only has his strength improved so fast, but his style of doing things is also unpredictable. He feels like a cunning old man.

Zhang Chen waved his hand with his back to the quail, "Go find Jianwu in three days, prepare your wine, I will be in seclusion for three days."

"Huh? You agree? Good! I will wait for you for three days!"

Zhang Chen walked into the hut he built, and his expression became solemn.

This quail didn't tell the truth, and in the end, it still didn't tell the truth.

Zhang Chen was sure that Jianwu should blame the quail, and the quail shouldn't be like this now.

Just now it said Phoenix Dew, and said that it showed its true form. It seems that this quail should be a strange beast like the phoenix, or it may not be a phoenix, but it is possible to have the blood of the phoenix.

However, Zhang Chen still has a few things that he can't figure out. There is nothing to think about now, so he can only take one step at a time.

Zhang Chen threw these messy ideas out of his mind, he wanted to arm himself to the teeth.

First of all, the talisman, Zhang Chen would draw a few every day, and at this time he could see the benefits of his usual accumulation.

Drawing talismans is simple, but to achieve good results, you need to have a perfect unity of spirit, that is, draw talismans with full concentration, so that not only the quality of the talismans will be guaranteed, but also the power will be increased.

But this also means that Zhang Chen will not draw many talismans every day. With Zhang Chen's cultivation, the best state is 10 talismans a day. If he draws more, the power will decline. Before, Zhang Chen would draw a few talismans every day. So far, he has 24 immortal body talismans, 26 magic step talismans, 15 scepter soul talismans, 20 evil spirit talismans, and a new talisman, 8 martial spirit talismans.

Among them, the immortal body increases its own resistance, the magic step doubles the speed, the scepter soul doubles the defense, the evil spirit prevents evil spirits from entering the body, and the martial spirit doubles the attack.

At present, the immortal body and magic step talismans are the most, because they have been needed for climbing before, so Zhang Chen drew a lot. These three days are mainly to draw the martial spirit talismans, because the following is the battle time, and the martial spirit is indispensable.

After confirming the talisman, Zhang Chen took out a handful of spiritual beans emitting yellow light.

These were condensed from the Beans into Soldiers technique, a total of 35 beans. This technique was too difficult to practice, and a maximum of 2 beans a day was required. In addition, controlling these magic weapons also required great mental support. Zhang Chen could only summon 3 at the same time.

Zhang Chen looked at the spiritual beans in his hand and murmured, "If there is danger this time, it depends on whether you can give it your all!"

Finally, Zhang Chen took out a ball of transparent liquid suspended in the air. The liquid exuded a faint fragrance, and a faint colorful light flowed on the surface of the liquid.

Guiyuan Liquid, a good product for drawing talismans and healing injuries.

Now Zhang Chen is at the ninth level of Qi training. According to this, as long as there are 25 drops of Guiyuan Liquid, he can be full of energy, but it will take half an hour to recover.

There are a total of 760 drops in this ball. If you draw a talisman, you need 10 to 19 drops for each talisman. In the end, the more Guiyuan Liquid, the better.

Add an ordinary sword, a talisman pen, and a fishing rod, and that's all Zhang Chen has.

"Well... let's divide the day into four parts: 6 hours of drawing talismans, 6 hours of condensing spiritual energy beans, 6 hours of circulation and returning to the origin, and 6 hours of cultivating spiritual energy and taking a full rest!"

Zhang Chen decided on the time and began his first real retreat in his life, although this retreat was only three days...

I'm sorry everyone, the author had something to do at home before, so I didn't update for a week. I apologize. Now the author is back, and if there is nothing wrong, I will not stop updating!

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