The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 9 The willing ones take the bait

Backed by mountains and facing water, with green trees and red flowers, one house, one person, and one mountain, this is Zhang Chen's current life.

"Sure enough, what Mr. Jiang said is right. Only by integrating into nature can you experience the way of heaven."

Lifting the fishing rod in his hand, Zhang Chen stretched comfortably.

The fishing rod is made of wood and the workmanship is rough. It can be seen that Zhang Chen made it himself. The only difference from other fishing rods is that this fishing rod has no fish hook.

Zhang Chen stood up with the fishing rod and looked at the peak behind him.

The small pit that Zhang Chen stepped on became deeper, but now Zhang Chen is no longer as anxious to climb up as before. The reason is very simple. Zhang Chen has climbed to the limit.

Now Zhang Chen can climb to 5,000 meters, but there is no way to continue. On the one hand, the higher he climbs, the more difficult it is to come down. On the other hand, Zhang Chen feels that his method is wrong.

Just a few days ago, Zhang Chen finally couldn't hold on and returned to the thatched house he used to live in, wanting to ask Mr. Jiang how he got up at that time.

Unfortunately, when Zhang Chen went back again, Jiang Lao had already left, and only the thatched house was still standing alone.

Although Zhang Chen did not see Jiang Lao, Jiang Lao left a message for Zhang Chen.

If you are confused, return to the starting point, and those who are willing will take the bait.

This sentence made Zhang Chen rack his brains, but he still couldn't figure it out. Although he didn't understand the first sentence, Zhang Chen still knew a little about the latter part.

These four words are a proverb, Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who are willing will take the bait.

Zhang Chen couldn't think of anything else, so he could only imitate Jiang Taigong, made a fishing rod by himself, and started fishing every day.

At first, Zhang Chen couldn't sit still at all, and was very irritable every day, and he muddied the water in the stream every time.

As time passed day by day, Zhang Chen's heart slowly calmed down, and this calmness made Zhang Chen discover a secret of Jiang Lao.

Before, Zhang Chen didn't know why Jiang Lao would fish every day, and he still used a fishing rod without a hook.

But now Zhang Chen understood, because by chance, Zhang Chen entered a state of full faith and understanding of nature.

Unlike the previous God's perspective, this time, Zhang Chen was like this fishing rod.

He could see the surrounding water flow, feel the warmth of the supreme goodness like water, and feel that he seemed to have placed his mind in this flowing water through the fishing rod.

In this state of understanding the world, Zhang Chen's mind calmed down, and even his cultivation increased.

"The willing ones take the bait, so that's how it is, I understand."

Zhang Chen withdrew from this state and smiled gently.

Zhang Chen is no longer in a hurry now.

One is that he has tried it before, and he can't go up the mountain by himself, and the other is that Zhang Chen enjoys this natural state of willing ones taking the bait.

However, it may be that God thinks that Zhang Chen has the ability to go up. Three days later, Zhang Chen was immersed in the state of willing ones taking the bait, and a noisy sound came from not far away.

"Ha ha ha! Lord Quail is here to patrol the mountains. He will patrol the South Mountain and then the North Mountain!"

Zhang Chen immediately recognized that this was the sound made by the quail that knocked him out before.

"Quail... That's right! According to legend, the quail is the bird that controls all the tools made by Emperor Yan. Maybe the way to get up the mountain lies in it!"

Zhang Chen put away his fishing rod and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Not far away, he saw the quail digging a hole in the ground with a small shovel.

Zhang Chen didn't know anything when he first came to Kunlun Mountain, but now it's different.

There is no place on Kunlun Mountain that is not magical. Take the land for example. Even if Zhang Chen now uses all his spiritual power, he can only dig a hole less than half a meter. But when he just came here, the quail was digging holes everywhere, and each one was no less than two meters! If you say that there is nothing magical about the quail, Zhang Chen now will never believe it.

Seeing that he was so close to the quail but the bird still didn't react, Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "Master Quail is in a good mood, digging a hole so well."

"Of course, I am the most powerful bird here, you kid...huh? Why is it you! Why aren't you dead yet!"

The quail immediately realized that the person who praised him was Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked at the quail with interest, "Why, Master Quail doesn't want to see me? I have missed Master Quail for a long time, and I especially want to thank Master Quail for the revenge of the claw that I gave me at that time. For this, I have been practicing seriously for a long time."

The quail smiled awkwardly, "Haha, this, Master Quail wanted to play a joke on you at that time, oops, I suddenly remembered that I had something to do, so I left first."

The quail slowly retreated as he spoke, and when it was finally done, he turned around and flew back.

Zhang Chen had been staring at the quail, and when he found that the bird was about to run away, he took out the fishing rod and used his clever strength to wrap it around and tie the quail directly.

The quail couldn't fly, and its wings were tied, so it fell to the ground.

Zhang Chen walked up slowly with an evil smile on his face, "Hehehe, it's just right, I'm out of luck here, and today I can eat roast chicken! "

The quail panicked when he heard it.

"Don't! Boy! I'm not tasty, there's not much meat on my body, and it's very dry, not tasty."

"Oh? Really? Well, actually, I didn't want to stay here for too long, but you see the mountain behind? I can't go up, there's no way, I can only live here for a while."

When the quail heard that it was related to the mountain behind, it also understood Zhang Chen's thoughts.

"You actually want to go to Kunlun Territory! Boy! You are going to die!"

Zhang Chen saw that the quail started to speak seriously and stopped making jokes, so he started to ask seriously.

"Since you know, it's easy. As for whether I want to die or not, it has nothing to do with you. I just ask you, can you help me get up the mountain?"

After hearing this, the quail seemed to be stimulated by something, jumped up from the ground, and screamed, "Boy! Did the old man in the forest tell you!"

Zhang Chen should know Jiang Lao from the quail's reaction.

"You are talking about my master, but it's really not him who told me. Now I just want to say something straightforward, do you have a solution?"

The quail's eyes turned around, "Well, there is a solution, but you have to help me do something."

Zhang Chen heard that he still had to do something, so he immediately turned his head to look at the sky and sighed, "Oh, today is a good day for barbecue, with no clouds in the sky, just right for making smoked meat!"

The quail saw that the boy was stubborn and wanted to eat him, and immediately got anxious.

"You can't eat me! What I asked you to do is related to your going up the mountain!"

Zhang Chen glanced at the quail, "Really?! You didn't lie to me?"

The quail looked at Zhang Chen with contempt and said proudly, "I, your quail master, am a well-known man and never lie to anyone!"

Zhang Chen looked at it with contempt, "You just dig holes and cheat people all the time, right?"


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