The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 8 Heading to Kunlun Territory

Zhang Chen finally chose the three techniques of returning to his roots, scattering beans to form an army, and gathering sand to form a tower.

One to assist, one to fight, and one to protect oneself.

Spread beans to form soldiers: compress your own spiritual power to form spiritual bean magic weapons, and scatter them to defend against the enemy. The stronger the spiritual power, the greater the number of magic soldiers and the higher the combat effectiveness.

Gather sand to form a tower: Use spiritual power to absorb surrounding materials to form a protective shield. The defensive ability increases with the increase of spiritual power.

Zhang Chen did not leave in a hurry. He began to practice these three techniques seriously under the guidance of Mr. Jiang.

"The spiritual power has not been fully released."

"No, the suction power of the final form is too small and there is no way to return to the origin!"




Zhang Chen practiced over and over again and failed again and again. Finally, after failing again, he just lay down on the grass and stopped practicing.

Zhang Chen felt that he was right every time, but in the end he made a mistake, as if there was a missing link in the middle.

"Is it because of the environment? No, the reason why the technique is difficult to learn is because it harms the harmony of heaven and earth. It is not subject to any constraints. It only depends on one's own cultivation and understanding..."

"Could it be...that there's something wrong with my understanding?"

The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the more he felt it was like this. With doubts, Zhang Chen found Mr. Jiang.

What Zhang Chen didn't expect was that Mr. Jiang, who usually answered Zhang Chen's questions whenever he came, did not tell Zhang Chen directly this time, but just left with a few words.

"Haha, the technique is not that easy to learn. Think about the feeling when you used a wooden ax before."

Zhang Chen recalled what happened before cutting firewood.

Is it because of the Arrancar? !

Zhang Chen thought back to the reason why his spells always failed before, and felt that it was very possible.

In this case, let’s do it again!

Zhang Chen did not use the technique directly this time. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the grass and carefully searched for the feeling he had when he realized how to activate the Arrancar last time.

The wind is moving.

Zhang Chen's heart slowly drifted into the distance with the wind.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling surged into Zhang Chen's heart.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but perform the magic of returning to his origins.

In an instant, an invisible black hole seemed to appear around Zhang Chen, gathering all the invisible spiritual energy around him into a drop of liquid.

Zhang Chen withdrew from that wonderful feeling, looked at the drop of Guiyuan Liquid floating in front of him, and smiled knowingly.

"Finally I see you! Gui Yuan Ye!"

As Zhang Chen entered this mysterious and mysterious state, the practice of the three techniques was on the right track, and Zhang Chen also liked this feeling a little bit, and even entered this state when practicing.

Half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang Chen has reached the eighth level of Qi training, all the talismans are ready, and he has learned all three techniques. Before, Zhang Chen did not dare to think that his strength could be improved so much. quick.

But in the magical place of Kunlun, Zhang Chen did it with the help of Mr. Jiang.

"To go to the Kunlun Region, you need to go to the highest mountain. There are five sacred pillars on the top of the mountain. All you have to do is hike up the mountain, and then use your own spiritual energy to communicate with one of the sacred pillars, and then a passage will appear."

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Jiang who was talking eloquently and felt a little complicated.

"Master, why do you know so clearly? And why are you hiking to the mountain?"

Mr. Jiang pinched his beard and smiled mysteriously, "I know clearly because this is how I went up. As for why I hiked, you will know when you get there."

"Back then, my journey to seek Taoism had just begun. It was Kunlun that I came to for the first time, and I took my first step here. Forty years have passed in the blink of an eye..."

"If you meet a girl named Hongnu inside, tell her that there are different paths between human beings and immortals, so she doesn't have to wait any longer."

Zhang Chen knew there must be a story when he heard it, but since Mr. Jiang didn't tell it, Zhang Chen wouldn't ask.

Zhang Chen nodded and saluted Mr. Jiang.

"Master, take care, I'm going right now."

Mr. Jiang waved his hand, Zhang Chen took one last look at Mr. Jiang and left the thatched house.

After leaving this place where he had lived for nearly two months, Zhang Chen took out his long-lost sword and executed a sword fight. Zhang Chen's sword flew into the sky.

Flying in the air, Zhang Chen felt that this time the sword was different from before.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Chen realized that he was no longer afraid of heights.

Think about it, it’s natural to have enlightenment, and even enter that mysterious and mysterious state, that magical God’s perspective, how can you still be afraid of heights?

Zhang Chen identified the direction in the air and found that the entire Kunlun Mountain was a relatively regular circle, and Zhang Chen also saw the highest peak that Mr. Jiang said.

Rather than seeing it, it was too big, because the surrounding area was empty, except for a peak on the east side that reached into the sky.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Chen flew towards the east.

Since he was no longer afraid of heights, Zhang Chen discovered a lot of beautiful scenery that could not be seen from the ground. Before, he did not dare to look at the ground, so he missed a lot, which made Zhang Chen very regretful.

In about an hour, Zhang Chen arrived at the foot of this magical mountain.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, the already unattainable peak appears even higher.

Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to fly up directly with his sword, but after arriving here, Zhang Chen discovered that the entire mountain peak was shrouded in a terrifying pressure of spiritual energy. If he forced himself to fly with his sword, Zhang Chen might be hit by a huge force within five minutes of flying. The pressure is crushing, just like the water pressure in the deep sea increases the deeper you go.

Zhang Chen took a breath and took out the talisman that he had prepared long ago from the system backpack.

"Fortunately, I drew a lot of immortal body talismans and magic step talismans, which can be used at this time.

Immortal body, let the body adapt to the environment better and improve physical resistance.

Phantom step, after using it, double the movement speed.

After Zhang Chen put the talisman on himself, he began to hike up the mountain.

In the real world, Zhang Chen has also climbed mountains, but these mountains either have artificial stairs or cable cars. It can't be said to be very easy, but at least it guarantees safety. But here there is nothing. What Zhang Chen needs to do is to climb up nearly 20,000 meters on a steep cliff with an almost 90-degree angle!

It's true that you will die if you run too fast.

Zhang Chen climbed less than a thousand meters and came down because of exhaustion.

"No, with my current strength, there is no need to think about climbing this mountain. I have to think of other ways. "

Zhang Chen settled down near the mountain.

In addition to trying to climb mountains every day, Zhang Chen thought of various ways.

Every day, Zhang Chen refreshed the climbing record.

Even because of Zhang Chen's use of spiritual power, a small pit winding upwards has been formed on the mountain.

This was all created by Zhang Chen using his own spiritual power outside his body, grinding it out bit by bit.

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