The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 7: Become a disciple of Jiang Taigong!

In a room that looked ancient, Zhang Chen suddenly woke up.

After looking around and finding no danger, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that there should be no danger at the moment, but the bird that calls itself Lord Quail is so strong. I have no room to resist at all..."

This time, being knocked unconscious by Lord Quail made Zhang Chen realize again that his cultivation was not good enough. He clicked on the personal attributes. This time, Zhang Chen looked at the comments behind the system seriously.

Name: Zhang Chen (a common name)

Identity: Shushan disciple (you are just a supporting role)

Cultivation: Qi training level 2 (you are just an ant)

Items: Talisman pen, inferior talisman x11

Reward: None

Skills: Talisman (beginner), sword control (a scumbag), sword flying (are you sure you are not afraid of heights?)

Zhang Chen found that his talisman was completely introductory, and there were two more items, but his sword was not counted. It was probably because the sword bought on Taobao was too low-level.

At this moment, the door outside suddenly opened without anyone, and a kind voice sounded from outside.

"My friend, since you have woken up, why don't you come and sit by the pool."

Zhang Chen was shocked.

How did this person know that I was awake?

However, Zhang Chen quickly adjusted his mood. He didn't want to expose the system here.

After walking out of the room, Zhang Chen realized that he had just lived in a thatched house, but it was exquisitely made, so Zhang Chen didn't notice it at all.

The thatched house was between the woods and green grass, and the sky and the earth were connected. The scenery was naturally beautiful.

A tree-lined path meandered in the woods. Zhang Chen looked around. There was no other place to go except this path, so he simply walked straight into the depths of the woods.

After walking for three minutes, Zhang Chen admired the person who had just made the sound.

From such a distance, he could actually talk to Zhang Chen and know that Zhang Chen had woken up. This cultivation was really amazing.

Just as he was thinking, Zhang Chen's eyes suddenly opened up. At a glance, the light was clear and a pool of water was introduced into Zhang Chen's eyes. The lake was clear, birds and wild animals appeared in groups, and the scene was magnificent.

Zhang Chen looked at the scene of the gods in front of him with a shocked face. To be honest, modern pollution is too serious. Zhang Chen has not seen such a spectacular scene for a long time.

When Zhang Chen was in Shushan, he only saw the solemn and majestic environment of the immortals. This kind of natural landscape was the first time he saw it.

"Why don't you come and sit down?"

Zhang Chen looked in the direction of the voice and saw a figure wearing a linen robe and fishing with his back to Zhang Chen.

What surprised Zhang Chen was that he didn't notice anyone here just now. Even when he saw it just now, Zhang Chen didn't find anyone sitting here. If he hadn't taken the initiative to speak, Zhang Chen might have to look for a long time.

Walking up to the master, Zhang Chen bowed respectfully and said, "Junior Zhang Chen greets senior."

"Young friend, there is no need to be polite. I am a free and easy person, practicing in seclusion here. I saw you fainted in a deep pit in the psychedelic flowers. I was afraid that you might have an accident, so I invited you to rest in my humble abode."

After hearing this, Zhang Chen understood that the quail had knocked him unconscious and thrown him into the pit it had dug!

"Thank you for your rescue, senior! I am sorry for not asking for your name."

The master took off his straw hat, turned his head and looked at Zhang Chen and smiled, "I have forgotten my real name a long time ago. You can just call me Jiang Shang."

Zhang Chen looked at the simple and natural Jiang Shang and said seriously, "Then I will call you Jiang Lao. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Jiang Shang laughed, "Haha, although I cannot be called that, it is not wrong for you to call me Jiang Lao."

Jiang Shang raised the fishing rod, patted the bluestone slab beside him, and motioned Zhang Chen to sit down. After Zhang Chen sat down, the two began to chat. :

"Please sit down, my friend. I wonder why you are here in this desolate mountain?"

Zhang Chen scratched his head in distress and said, "I came here to find the Kunlun Mountain. Unfortunately, I came to this place with beautiful natural environment and many exotic flowers and plants, but I encountered a quail bird digging holes everywhere. I couldn't beat it, so I was knocked unconscious by it and had to be rescued by the senior."

Jiang Shang smiled after hearing this, "My friend, do you know what the quail bird is?"

Zhang Chen was a little confused, "The quail bird is a quail? Could it be a person?"

Jiang Lao smiled and shook his head while combing the fishing rod.

Zhang Chen saw that Jiang Lao didn't speak, and he probably thought there was something he couldn't listen to. Just when he saw that there was no fish hook on Jiang Lao's fishing gear, he was curious, "Jiang Lao, there is no fish hook on your fishing rod, how can you catch fish?"

Jiang Lao sorted out the fishing rod, put it back into the water, stroked the beard on his chin, and said meaningfully, "I never use fish hooks when fishing, and those who are willing to take the bait will be caught."

Zhang Chen was shocked after hearing this!

Isn't this what Jiang Taigong said!

Zhang Chen thought carefully. Jiang Lao said that his name was Jiang Shang, and Jiang Ziya was actually originally called Lu Shang. He changed his surname only because his fiefdom was Jiang. So, the person in front of him is Jiang Ziya Jiang Taigong? !

"Jiang Lao, you..."

Jiang Lao knew that Zhang Chen recognized him as soon as he saw his face. He shook his head and interrupted Zhang Chen, "My friend, meeting is fate, and we are both seeking the Tao, so there is no need to be so particular."

"Practice Taoism?"

It was the first time Zhang Chen heard the word "cultivation Taoism".

Seeing that Zhang Chen really didn't know, Jiang Lao couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, "My friend, you have cultivation, although it is still shallow, but I see a touch of righteousness between your eyebrows, and your character is good. You should practice the righteous way of heaven and earth. How come you don't know what you are practicing?"

Zhang Chen was embarrassed by Jiang Lao's praise, "To be honest, I know a little swordsmanship and some superficial training of qi, but I have never practiced Taoism."

After listening to Jiang Lao, for the first time he stopped joking and became serious, "My friend, everything in the world is Taoism. The sword you practice is the way of swordsmanship, and the qi you practice is the way of qi. As long as there is Taoism in your heart, it exists. So, I say that we are both people who seek Taoism."

Zhang Chen was confused.

To be honest, as a modern man, Zhang Chen thought he had a sense of pride since he had the system.

On Mount Shu, he practiced sword control and talismans, which made Zhang Chen completely immersed in the joy of being superior.

But this trip to Kunlun gave Zhang Chen a blow.

There was no one along the way, and he finally met a quail, but was despised. The most important thing was that Zhang Chen couldn't beat it in the end and had no power to fight back.

It can be said that until now, Zhang Chen has been confused, confused about what he did in this world, and confused about what he wanted.

Now after Jiang Ziya finished speaking, although Zhang Chen did not understand, for some reason, in Zhang Chen's heart, he had firmly remembered the two words "seeking the truth".

Then, Zhang Chen became more and more absorbed in his thoughts, and unknowingly entered the state of cultivation.

The spiritual energy around him was already rich. After Zhang Chen entered this magical state, the spiritual energy around him was so rich that it began to liquefy, but it also became more and more turbulent, and even Zhang Chen's face had a painful look.

Jiang Shang looked at Zhang Chen in surprise, "This young friend has a high level of comprehension, but unfortunately, his cultivation is a bit low, and his body can't withstand the spiritual energy entering his body... That's it, I will help you."

After Jiang Shang finished speaking, he gently waved his hand, and the originally turbulent spiritual energy around him became gentle again, and Zhang Chen's originally red face also eased.

When Zhang Chen came back to his senses, he found that the sky outside had darkened.

Zhang Chen checked his attributes and found that his cultivation had reached the fifth level of Qi training!

"Congratulations, my friend. I am not as good as you in understanding. You have entered the world of enlightenment just by listening to my two words. You are worthy of being a person in the Three Realms and Five Elements!" Jiang Lao, who was standing by, noticed that Zhang Chen was awake and congratulated him.

Zhang Chen also figured it out at this time. Jiang Ziya should have discovered that he was not from this world, but he did not say anything. He also pointed out Zhang Chen's future path. Jiang Lao is indeed a strange man!

Zhang Chen bowed deeply to Jiang Lao, "Thank you for your guidance, I have learned a lot."

Jiang Lao shook his head, "You don't have to thank me, I just want to say a few more words."

Zhang Chen thought about it, and suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Ziya, "I have an unwelcome request, I hope Jiang Lao can agree!"

Jiang Ziya smiled, put away the fishing rod, turned around and walked towards the thatched house.

Zhang Chen lowered his head, and heard Jiang Ziya's footsteps getting farther and farther away, feeling a little lost.

Sure enough, I am still too weak. Even a wise man like Jiang Taigong thinks I am hopeless.

Zhang Chen was feeling discouraged when Jiang Taigong's voice came from a distance, "What are you still doing here? I have a lot of homework for you tomorrow. Go to bed early!"

"Thank you, Jiang Lao! Oh, thank you, Master!"

Zhang Chen couldn't help showing joy on his face. He stood up and followed Jiang Ziya to the thatched cottage.

Jiang Taigong, who had already walked a distance ahead, looked at the shining stars in the sky, "I don't know if I am right or wrong to do this. I hope that he, an outsider, can change the whole chess game."

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