The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 6 My Kunlun can’t be so deceptive!

Kunlun Mountain, a place full of birdsong and exotic flowers, suddenly a white light flashed in the sky, and Zhang Chen fell freely from the light.

Zhang Chen in the air was obviously prepared. He turned over and regained his balance. Then he used the sword-controlling technique and slowly fell to the ground.

"Hehe, little guy, system, you underestimate me too much." Zhang Chen laughed triumphantly as he fell.

Last time, Zhang Chen was tricked by the system and fell badly. This time, Zhang Chen was prepared early.


Four hundred miles southwest of Huaijiang Mountain is Kunlun Mountain, the capital of Huangdi in the lower world. Kunlun Mountain is managed by the god Luwu, who also manages the nine regions in the sky.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas. Great Wilderness West Classic" says: "South of the West Sea, there is a mountain called Kunlun Hill on the shore of the flowing sand"; "Classic of Mountains and Seas. West Classic of the Sea" says: "The Kunlun Void in the Sea is in the northwest, the capital of the emperor. The ruins of Kunlun are eight hundred miles square and ten thousand feet high."

These are all written records describing Kunlun Mountain. Zhang Chen has actually been yearning for Kunlun for a long time. He is also very excited to come here today.

Zhang Chen jumped down directly when he was still one meter away from the ground, "Roar! Kunlun, here I come!"

Excessive joy may turn to sorrow for people like Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen felt something was wrong as soon as he landed. There was no solid feeling of the land under his feet. Then, with a bang, Zhang Chen fell into a deep pit.

Zhang Chen, who had just climbed out of the deep pit with a dusty face, spit out the grass and soil in his mouth, "Puh! Damn! Who is so wicked!"

Zhang Chen had just climbed out and looked at the deep pit that was more than two people high, with a face full of grief and indignation.

[Transfer successful, now the official task is released: 1. Enter Kunlun Mountain, 2. Join a camp, 3. Find information about the only divine object. The task reward will be settled after it returns! ]

Zhang Chen looked at the system information, and there were too many doubts in his heart. This official task also explained too many problems.

First of all, the task is completely different from the previous one. Secondly, the system did not give any information. Even after Zhang Chen had arrived at Kunlun Mountain, he actually released the first task.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Chen shook his head, "Forget it, let's look around first. It is said that Kunlun is a sacred mountain. Such a good opportunity cannot be missed!"

Zhang Chen took his sword and saw countless exotic flowers and plants along the way, but Zhang Chen did not relax at all. What kind of place is this? This is the birthplace of many myths. It is said that those who have entered Kunlun have never returned.

However, after walking for a long time, Zhang Chen, who had been pinching the sword, was already hungry. His current cultivation was too low, and the matter of fasting was impossible for Zhang Chen now.

Zhang Chen walked through a sea of ​​yellow flowers. His excitement had completely subsided, and he was about to collapse.

Zhang Chen tried to step on the ground in front of him and found that it was soft again. He couldn't help but yell, "Oh my God! Who is so boring! There are so many pits!"

Zhang Chen had just finished yelling when a sharp voice suddenly came out from the side.

"Hey! Boy! How dare you say that to me! Do you want me to beat you up!"

"Who is it! Who is talking!"

Zhang Chen nervously pinched the sword and looked around. Looking at the yellow flowers everywhere, he found that there was no one at all.

"Boy! Unreasonable boy! Where are you looking!"

This time Zhang Chen finally found the talking... thing following the voice.

That's right, it was a thing. It was very strange. It looked like a bird, and a sparrow with dyed feathers, but it was carrying a large frame of tools on its back. The top one was a small shovel with mud on it.

Zhang Chen relaxed and looked at the little guy curiously, "You were the one who was talking just now?"

Although the dyed bird didn't have much expression, Zhang Chen could magically feel its contempt, "Boy! You are so rude! I am Quail! You have to call me Bird Master!"

Zhang Chen felt that the name sounded familiar, looked around the equipment on the bird, and asked uncertainly, "Then you are an animal on Kunlun Mountain?!"

The Quail looked insulted, jumping up and down and shouting, "Your Quail Master is obviously the butler! He manages everything here!"

After listening to what it said, Zhang Chen remembered that there seemed to be a kind of bird on Kunlun Mountain. It is said that it manages the various utensils and clothing of the Yellow Emperor.

"Then, did you dig all the pits here?" Zhang Chen asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time.

The Quail nodded proudly, "Of course! This kind of precision work that can only be done with tools can only be done by this uncle except me! Because they are a bunch of idiots who don't know how to use them at all!"

Zhang Chen glanced at the noisy Quail and shook his head.

I guess they are not as boring as you!

Although Zhang Chen wanted to condemn the quail bird that was so bored that it dug holes all over the mountain, he could only endure his depression after thinking that this bird was the only one he met here and could talk to.

"Master Quail, are you the only one on this mountain? When I came here, I heard that there are many rare and exotic animals here, and this place is also called the sacred mountain by us!" Zhang Chen asked the quail bird in a flattering manner.

The quail bird looked at Zhang Chen contemptuously and said, "Why? Boy, you, a mortal who has just practiced, want to find out the secrets here? But I have to say that you dare to come here, you are very brave, and what I can't believe is that you actually walked here. It seems that I have to sue those local worms who guard the door!"

Zhang Chen heard a lot from the words of the quail.

First, there should be dangerous guards outside. From this point of view, this system is quite reliable. It did not directly teleport to there. In addition, this should be Kunlun Mountain, but according to the system, this is not Kunlun Mountain. Then, the next step should be to find the real Kunlun Mountain.

Zhang Chen thought about it, looked at the quail thoughtfully, and said, "Then do you know how to get to Kunlun Mountain?"

The quail glanced at Zhang Chen, "This is Kunlun Mountain, mortals are mortals, so annoying!"

Zhang Chen was amused when he heard it. This bird was interesting and could tell jokes, but he still didn't forget the business, "Yes, Master Quail is right, but I want to go to Kunlun Mountain, the real Kunlun Mountain!"

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, the quail suddenly became quiet and sneered, "Hehe, you quail tricked it out! Boy, you are still a little naive!"

Zhang Chen knew it was not good when he heard the sneer, and hurriedly used the sword control technique, but the quail was too close to Zhang Chen. The sword was not halfway in the air, and the quail had already arrived in front of Zhang Chen like lightning. Then Zhang Chen's eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

The quail looked at Zhang Chen lying on the ground and flapped its wings proudly, "Boy, you dare to trick your master quail? Let me teach you a lesson first!"

This chapter is slow again, the author is heartbroken, and at the same time feels guilty and ashamed. If you like it, please use collection and recommendation to kill me! In addition, even if there is no recommendation, there will be more on the weekend! The author will not forget what he said last week! That's all! What's the point of keeping collection and recommendation!

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