Xu Da chatted a lot about antiques with Zhang Chen along the way, and Zhang Chen listened carefully.

In any case, Xu Da is an expert in this area. He has heard his grandfather talk about it since he was a child. He is still half an expert. Although he is not as good as a real expert in distinguishing between true and false, it is still relatively easy to tell the origin of an object. simple.

After chatting for a while, Xu Da stopped the car at the entrance of Zhuhai University. There were already two beauties waiting at the door.

One of them had his back to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen could not see his face, but the person facing Zhang Chen was Liu Shiyu.

Xu Da rolled down the window and waved to Liu Shiyu, "Shiyu, here."

Liu Shiyu saw Xu Da smile and smiled at the girl next to him, "Sister Lin, he's here. You can't be so sullen. Be happy, ha!"

After hearing Sister Lin, Zhang Chen's face was already a little uncomfortable. When the two of them turned around and walked over, Zhang Chen already had a constipated look on his face.

Zhang Chen sat in the passenger seat and lowered his head.

Oh my god, how could it be her... This is so embarrassing.

Xu Da didn't notice Zhang Chen's situation. Now all his thoughts were on Liu Shiyu, and he enthusiastically invited the two beauties to the car.

Returning to the driver's seat, Xu Da saw Zhang Chen lowering his head, glanced behind him, touched Zhang Chen with his elbow, and whispered, "What are you doing! Everyone has gotten in the car, and the one who brought him here is your landlord!" Why don't you take this opportunity to build a relationship?

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes.

Get involved? We are so close that she even grabbed my underwear, okay?

But it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Now that this is the case, let's say hello.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen turned to the two beautiful ladies behind him and said, "Hello, Fairy Liu, uh... Hello, Sister Lin."

Lin Xue has not been well at all these past few days. Every day, the scene at Zhang Chen's house can be thought of in her mind. Thinking of her makes her embarrassed, making her unable to eat or sleep well these days, and she often loses focus in class.

Today, my best friend who grew up with me said that she wanted to go out and take her to relax. Lin Xue also wanted to go out for a walk, so she came.

What she didn't expect was that Zhang Chen was also there!

"Why is it you!" Lin Xue felt even more embarrassed.

Could this Zhang Chen be his mortal enemy? How come I can meet him everywhere!

Then Lin Xue began to worry about Zhang Chen telling what happened that day.

Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue looking a little more haggard than the previous few days. He couldn't help but touch his nose and laughed twice, "Ha, ha, it's not just me."

Xu Da and Liu Shiyu are both smart people. You can tell at a glance that they have a story, but judging from the looks of these two people, they definitely won't tell it.

Xu Da began to ease the atmosphere at this time, "Okay, let's not talk anymore, we have to leave, otherwise it will be too late to come back."

After that, he started the car and drove towards the suburbs of the city.

Zhuhai City is a veritable metropolis, and its development is reflected in all aspects.

There is anything you want in the city. As long as you have money, you can find everything.

Now that people's living standards have improved and there is a demand for tourism, tourist resorts and farmhouses have begun to appear in the mountains and rivers next to the city.

Zhang Chen and the others were going to the most famous mountain in Zhuhai City - Xanthium Mountain.

Along the way, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue kept silent in a tacit understanding. Xu Da and Liu Xianzi noticed the situation of these two people, so they chatted enthusiastically along the way.

From time to time, Fairy Liu would joke with Lin Xue, which made Zhang Chen a little depressed.

After taking a look at the high-spirited Xu Da, Zhang Chen muttered in a low voice, "Forgetting one's true nature!"

However, Zhang Chen was happy to have some leisure time. After all, there was no practice today, and it would still take more than two hours for them to arrive at their destination, so Zhang Chen simply leaned on his seat, put on a training posture, and started practicing Qi. .

Xu Da originally wanted to chat with Zhang Chen, but when he saw Zhang Chen closing his eyes and taking a long breath, a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

Why did this kid just give me the feeling of my old man... Impossible, I must be dazzled.

Zhang Chen was immersed in practice, and time flew by in the blink of an eye.

A sudden shock pulled Zhang Chen out of his practice.

"We're here! Shiyu, you and Sister Lin go and wait for a moment while Chenzi and I park the car."

Liu Shiyu nodded after hearing this, took Lin Xue's hand and got out of the car together.

When the two got off the car, Xu Da looked for a good place to park and said to Zhang Chen, "What's the matter with you kid? Did you provoke Sister Lin?"

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly, "How dare I! This is my aunt!"

Xu Da interrupted Zhang Chen's words, "You're welcome. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. But I can tell you that I think Sister Lin has some misunderstandings with you. You better clear up the misunderstanding this time, otherwise, Your rent will probably skyrocket!"

Zhang Chen hurriedly agreed.

He doesn't want to show some special abilities to his good brother now, and if Xu Da asks, Zhang Chen doesn't want to lie to him, but this system is of great importance, it can actually travel through time, and there are all kinds of magical things, Zhang Chen himself has not done it It is clear that now we can only continue to hide it.

After parking the car, several people climbed up to Xanthium Mountain together.

Xanthium Mountain is a must-go place in Zhuhai. On the one hand, it has beautiful scenery and steep rocks. On the other hand, it is also because of the legends and stories of gods and goddesses here.

Because there is no artificial modification or destruction in this place, everything is the same as before.

The mountain road is long and narrow, with a stone wall on one side and a cliff on the other. If you are not careful, something could go wrong.

Zhang Chen and his group of four were divided into two groups. Liu Shiyu and Xu Da were in front, and Zhang Chen and Lin Xue were naturally behind.

Zhang Chen felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but he didn't know that all this was discussed by the two people in front, specifically to resolve the conflict between the two and give them space to be alone.

The two people in front quickly climbed up the mountain road, while Zhang Chen and Lin Xue walked slowly.

"You, you didn't tell anyone about what happened that day?"

Just when Zhang Chen felt that the atmosphere was wrong, a series of whispered questions successfully resolved the invisible embarrassment.

Zhang Chen hurriedly replied, "No, how could it be, that day I didn't see anything, really!"

When Lin Xue heard that she saw everything, she couldn't help but spit.

He saw everything, but he still said he didn't see it. This person is really shameless!

However, Zhang Chen's words made Lin Xue feel relieved.

The two of them didn't want to be in a cold war like before.

Along the way, the two of them slowly relaxed. After all, they both wanted to ease the atmosphere. As long as they had a beginning, the rest would be easy.

"Why did you suddenly leave when I was in class that day?"

"That day? Oh! I remember now. Hi! I was not feeling well that day. I wanted to ask for leave, but I thought that I had to go to Sister Lin's class. As a result, I couldn't hold on in class. I went to the infirmary and got better. When I came out, the get out of class was over."

Zhang Chen said the reason he had thought of long ago without blinking.

And this reason was completely flawless. He was indeed dizzy that day and almost lost consciousness.

Lin Xue felt a little uncomfortable after listening to Zhang Chen's words.

I didn't expect that he would come to class even though he was sick. It seems that I misunderstood him.

Lin Xue walked forward with this thought, but didn't notice a loose stone on the ground in front of him.

He stepped on it and lost his balance in an instant, falling into the woods at the foot of the mountain.


Lin Xue screamed in shock, thinking in the air, how could I be so stupid, it's so high here, am I going to die like this...

While Lin Xue was screaming and thinking wildly, she suddenly felt a dark in front of her eyes, and then she was in a warm embrace.

It turned out that Zhang Chen reacted and jumped off the cliff and hugged Lin Xue.

Lin Xue's scream attracted the attention of Xu Da and Liu Shiyu. The two looked at each other and quickly turned around to find Zhang Chen and Lin Xue.

At this time, Lin Xue had fainted, and Zhang Chen was holding Lin Xue and flying towards the woods with a sword.

This must not be seen by others, especially Xu Da and Liu Xianzi, otherwise it would be troublesome.

When Xu Da and Liu Shiyu came to the place where Lin Xue fell, they saw the bag left on the ground, and both of them looked serious.

Something happened!

The author is sick...But this chapter is still rushed out. I originally wanted to make a double attack during the weekend, but I can only wait until next week. That's all. If you like this book, please collect it and vote for it!

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