There is only one town within 500 miles of Shushan Mountain. This town is also the largest ancient town. The town is backed by Shushan Mountain and has a plank road in front. Merchants come and go in an endless stream.

The annual fair held here is also the most distinctive. Because the merchants come from all over the world, the fair here also brings together the characteristics of all over the world. It can be said to be very exciting!

In order not to be too shocking, Zhang Chen and Li Yiru landed their flying swords near the town. As soon as they came down, Li Yiru ran to the town with excitement, "We are here! Hehe, we can finally go out and play again!"

Zhang Chen followed behind and muttered, "Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, color is a knife above the head..."

Except when they went down Shushan Mountain, Li Yiru took Zhang Chen on the sword for the rest of the journey. Zhang Chen was afraid of heights, so he hugged Li Yiru tightly. It can be said that he accidentally touched countless oils, which made Zhang Chen feel a little charming while being afraid of heights.

Entering the town, the hawkers on the roadside were hawking their wares one after another, and the street performers occasionally made a wonderful move, which caused a burst of applause from the surroundings.

Li Yiru took Zhang Chen to look around in this lively market.

When she saw the sugar man, Li Yiru pestered Zhang Chen to buy one, and when she saw the candied haws, she acted coquettishly to Zhang Chen. When she saw all the fun and interesting things, Li Yiru would look at Zhang Chen pitifully.

Zhang Chen could only buy it with a wry smile.

The more Li Yiru looked, the more excited she became, and she didn't notice that she was holding Zhang Chen's hand tightly.

Zhang Chen looked at Li Yiru holding his hand tightly and fell into deep thought.

Zhang Chen was not a saint. Li Yiru was beautiful and had a good personality. He could also see that Li Yiru also had a good impression of him. She was a simple girl, and her father was Li Xiaoyao. She could be said to be the dream lover of many people.

After these three months, the relationship between the two people could be said to be only separated by a layer of gauze, but Zhang Chen did not dare to break it.

Because he is not from this world, he can only stay here for three months. Zhang Chen can certainly seize the day, but that would be too unfair to Li Yiru, a simple girl.

Li Yiru was walking in front, and suddenly saw someone selling flowers. She hurriedly pulled Zhang Chen over, picked up a pink peony, and smiled at Zhang Chen, "Zhang Chen, look, is it beautiful?"

This sentence brought Zhang Chen back to reality from deep thought.

Seeing the girl sniffing the peony, she said, "It's beautiful, as beautiful as you!"

Li Yiru's face instantly turned red.

"Hate, hate, what are you talking about! Slippery tongue!"

Although it was a blame, everyone could hear the shame in the words.

Zhang Chen looked at Li Yiru's shy appearance, and shouted Amitabha in his heart.

"Isn't this forcing me to submit!" Zhang Chen murmured with a bitter smile.

Li Yiru looked at Zhang Chen with a tangled look on his face and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Nothing."

Li Yiru secretly glanced at Zhang Chen, raised the flower in his hand, and whispered, "Please help me wear it, okay?"

Zhang Chen took the flower in his hand, moved in front of Li Yiru, and put it in Li Yiru's hair.

Li Yiru turned around and said to Zhang Chen, "Does it look good?"

Zhang Chen nodded vigorously, "It looks good."

At this moment, Zhang Chen seemed to feel that he was really in love.

System, can I return to this plane again, or take people out of this plane?

[Not at present. ]

Zhang Chen did not feel lost after hearing the system's answer.

Not at present, which means there will be a chance in the future, so, my goal of hard work is to improve my strength for Li Yiru!

As the time of return is getting closer, Zhang Chen also cherishes the time with Li Yiru more and more.

Next, Zhang Chen and Li Yiru played for three whole days.

In the town, Li Yiru gradually developed a secret love for Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen, who had untied his knot, no longer suppressed his inner feelings. The two boys and girls spent a wonderful time here.

They watched lion dance performances, acrobatics, shadow puppetry, and lantern shows together.

The two of them played and joked until they came to the most famous wishing tree in the town.

In front of the wishing tree, Li Yiru personally hung the red wishing card in her hand on the tree, closed her eyes under the tree, and prayed silently.

While hanging her own wishing card, Zhang Chen asked Li Yiru, "Yiru, what wish did you make?"

Li Yiru opened her eyes, playfully stuck out her tongue, and said with a slightly red face, "I won't tell you!"

Then she turned and ran away.

"Hey! Yiru, wait for me!"

"Come and chase me! Hehe!"

"Okay! I'll catch up with you!"

The two played all the way until they came to a hillside.

Li Yiru sat on the ground, with Zhang Chen next to her.

"You still didn't catch me!"

Zhang Chen looked unconvinced, "You cheated and ended up flying on a sword!"

Li Yiru said coquettishly, "That's why I won!"

"Okay, okay, you won."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, the two of them stopped talking.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning slowly climbed up the mountain, and Li Yiru gently leaned against Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen hesitated for a moment, smiled slightly, and put his arm around Li Yiru.

"Zhang Chen."


"The sunrise is so beautiful."

"If you like it, I'll take you to Mount Tai to watch the sunrise. The sunrise there is the most beautiful."

"Okay, don't forget."


As the first ray of sunlight fell, Zhang Chen heard the sound of the system.

[Task 2: Survive for three months to complete! 】

[Return will begin in 3 minutes, host please be prepared! 】

Zhang Chen listened to the sound of the system and said softly to Li Yiru, "Yiru, I'm leaving. I don't know when I will come back. If I can't come back, you..."

Before Zhang Chen could finish his words, he was stopped by Li Yiru's affectionate kiss.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Li Yiru's face was flushed, and she looked at Zhang Chen with blurred eyes, "I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you, waiting for you to take me to see the most beautiful sunrise!"

"Zhang Chen, do you know what my wish is? My wish is that we will be together forever." Li Yiru said with a flushed face and tender eyes.

Zhang Chen hugged Li Yiru tightly with a smile on his face, "I know, I actually always knew."

As the countdown reaches zero, it slowly disappears from the fairy sword plane.

Why do you want to be surrounded by loneliness?

You are on the other side of the world,

Deep affection for me,

How can I write everything with just a few words? How can I write everything?

Don't be greedy for one, I wish,

I think of your face again,

Morning and evening, life is a long road,

Every moment, I see in your eyes,

Tender as water,

The fate of this life will continue in the next life.

What is love, a promise of life and death,

If I have you by my side, I won’t envy the mandarin ducks or immortals!

It is updated on time at 6 pm every day, and it breaks out from time to time. If you have any opinions, please leave a message in the book review area. The author will visit it every day. Finally, please use the collection and recommendation votes in your hands to beat me as much as you want!

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