The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 13 God of War Xingtian (Updated)

With the arrival of the quail, the situation on the battlefield was reversed instantly, and all the demons were exposed to the sun for the first time.

Zhang Chen observed carefully and found that all the demons had dark mysterious patterns on their bodies, and their eyes were also scarlet. Apart from these two points, they were no different from ordinary humans.

All the spirit beasts on the battlefield were excited. After all, their own strong reinforcements had arrived.

"Master Quail, you were so handsome just now."

"Well done! Master Quail!"

"Lord God, let's attack!"


The spirit beasts were all active, but Zhang Chen found something wrong. Although the black fog around the demons was completely eliminated, all the demons were not panicked at all, and even the fluctuations in their eyes did not change.

Zhang Chen glanced at Jian Wu.

The Lord of Kunlun was not too excited, and his tiger eyes were fixed on the demons opposite.

The sense of superiority that had just risen in Zhang Chen's heart gradually disappeared. Through these signs, it was very likely that the war had just begun.

While Zhang Chen was thinking, a voice suddenly came from the back of the demons.

"Well done. If I remember correctly, you are the last phoenix, right? Red Phoenix..."

The originally excited spirit beasts seemed to have their throats pinched after hearing this. The noisy voices stopped abruptly, and all the spirit beasts focused their attention on the demons again.

As the voice came, the demons who were originally standing neatly suddenly separated from the middle, and a huge figure slowly walked out of the demons.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rhythmic footsteps not only made Zhang Chen's heart beat faster, but the shaking ground was telling Zhang Chen that this demon who was about to appear was definitely not simple.

Jian Wu did not speak, but he slowly walked towards the center of the battlefield.

The quail looked at the depths of the demon clan with a serious face, turned his head and said to Zhang Chen seriously, "This is not a battle you can participate in, step aside."

Zhang Chen looked at the demon clan that gradually revealed its figure, and swallowed his saliva gently, "Yes, I'd better stay in the back and play with the small fish."

It's no wonder that Zhang Chen was so timid. In fact, the demon clan on the opposite side shocked Zhang Chen too much. Even when this demon clan just appeared, Zhang Chen already knew his identity.

The original height of this demon clan should be about 3 meters. Zhang Chen estimated that his current height should be about 2.6 meters. The reason why he was originally 3 meters tall was because this demon clan had no head!

That's right, there was no head. The two scarlet eyes when Zhang Chen came before were actually emitted from the two breasts of this giant demon clan.

In one hand, he held a weapon similar to an axe but more ferocious than an ordinary axe, and in the other hand, he held a weapon that looked like a shield and a knife.

He was wearing a flowing bronze armor, which simply protected his limbs, shoulders, and hips. There were two small drums on his waist that looked like waist drums.

Looking at the almost classic image of the giant in front of him, Zhang Chen couldn't help but mutter, "Xing Tian..."

The quail heard Zhang Chen speak and looked back at Zhang Chen deeply. At this time, Zhang Chen also looked at the quail, with a question in his eyes.

Otherwise, let's retreat first.

The quail shook his head. It didn't see what Zhang Chen said, but the timidity in Zhang Chen's eyes was seen by the quail. At the same time, the quail also had some fear for Zhang Chen. After all, Zhang Chen's cultivation was still very low.

The quail looked at Xing Tian who came out again, "You... aren't you dead!"

Xing Tian's breasts condensed two scarlet eyes and looked at the quail, "How can I die if I am unwilling!"

After that, Xing Tian waved the axe in his hand, "You two come together!"

Jianwu and the quail looked at each other, nodded to each other, and rushed up together.

In the blink of an eye, the three figures were entangled together.

At the same time, shock waves were transmitted during the fight.

Zhang Chen was affected by one of the shock waves, and he felt as if there was a lot of anger in his heart that he wanted to vent, and at the same time, there was a ball of fire burning in his heart.

This feeling came and went quickly, and Zhang Chen quickly got out of this extremely uncomfortable state. After coming out, Zhang Chen shouted at the quail, "Lead him away from the battlefield! There is something wrong with the shock wave!"

After Zhang Chen shouted, he found that they were moving the battlefield. The three people fought more and more fiercely. Slowly, the battlefield had left the ground and flew high into the sky.

Zhang Chen looked up at the place where the three figures were fighting. From time to time, a shock wave broke out, or a burst of flames, various lights and shadows intertwined, and power was generated. He had a calculation in his heart, "When can I have such ability..."

When Zhang Chen came back to his senses, Zhang Chen found that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong. Looking around, Zhang Chen found the problem.

It turned out that the three people were fighting in the middle of the battlefield. Neither the demons nor the spirit beasts had any intention of disturbing the three people's melee, but now the three people went to fight in the air, and the demons and spirit beasts on the ground were confronting each other again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more solemn, and even the front paws of the spirit beasts began to tightly grasp the ground, preparing to sprint, Zhang Chen hurriedly stood up.

"Everyone! Everyone, listen to me! If we fight with the opponent like this, we will definitely lose!"

Zhang Chen's words diluted the fighting spirit of the spirit beasts.

"You are..."

"He seems to have come with Master Quail."

"Brought by Master Quail? Then he should be with us."

All the spirit beasts became active again at once.

Zhang Chen looked at the spirit beasts in front of him with a dark face. To be honest, although Zhang Chen stood on Kunlun's side, it must be said that this was just a mob.

Finally, a voice stopped all the spirit beasts.

"Everyone, be quiet."

When all the spirit beasts were quiet, a snow-white figure walked out from the middle.

"Mortal, how did you know?"

Zhang Chen looked at the snow-white spirit beast that looked like a horse and a wolf in front of him. According to common sense, the one who stood out at this time should be a person of superior status, and judging from the appearance of all the spirit beasts just now, they seemed to be convinced by it.

"The demons on the opposite side are well-equipped, and we have no weapons. Although we have natural sharp teeth and claws, natural magical powers, or profound magic power, we are just a group of scattered sand for the neat and uniform army on the opposite side. After all, their armor and weapons are not vegetarian, and you must have suffered more casualties than them before."

The snow-white spirit beast nodded while listening, agreeing with Zhang Chen's statement, "That's right, then what do you think is the solution?"

When Zhang Chen saw that his statement was recognized, he immediately began to talk freely.

"In fact, although we don't have the sophisticated equipment and good coordination over there, we still have a huge advantage, that is, cultivation, and various innate magical powers!"

Update! There are two more chapters in the afternoon and evening. Seeing that the author has worked so hard to give you his vacation, you have the nerve not to vote for it!

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