"As long as we have a clear division of labor, separate those who assist in fighting from those who directly fight, and then cooperate in a unified manner, we can draw with the opponent even if we cannot defeat them!"

Zhang Chen said swornly.

The snow-white spirit beast nodded after hearing this and said to Zhang Chen, "Then let's divide the work first, but I am only the spirit beast who fights directly, what about the other spirit beasts?"

Zhang Chen glanced at the group of spirit beasts of different sizes behind him, "Isn't there an auxiliary spirit beast that everyone agrees on?"

The snow-white spirit beast shook his head.

Zhang Chen couldn't figure it out. How could all the prestigious spirit beasts be fighting spirit beasts? There has been no fighting in Kunlun Mountain for thousands of years!

As if seeing Zhang Chen's doubts, the snow-white spirit beast explained to Zhang Chen.

It turns out that although there have been no wars in the Kunlun Mountains for thousands of years, their mission was to guard this place, so the leadership was determined from the beginning. As time went by, everyone gradually got used to it, and no spirit beast thought about it. Everyone thinks this is good.

After hearing this, Zhang Chen thought thoughtfully and said, "Well, I'm here. I'm here with you Quail Master. You should believe me, right? It just so happens that the only things I can be useful for right now are rescue and harassment."

The snow-white spirit beast nodded, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Zhang Chen nodded and took a look at the demons that were gradually approaching. "Now you lead all the spirit beasts that can directly fight to form a forward. I will go find the auxiliary spirit beasts and cover behind!"

Seeing the snow-white spirit beast nodding and starting to mobilize the spirit beasts, Zhang Chen got into the group of spirit beasts and began to search.

In a short time, Zhang Chen found no less than 30 teammates.

But what makes Zhang Chen strange is that most of them are monsters.

Glancing at the demons getting closer and closer in front of him, Zhang Chen said to the teammates behind him, "The battle is about to begin. I'll make a long story short. Your mission is very simple. When you see someone injured, use your magical powers to treat them." If there is someone who is too seriously injured and cannot be treated temporarily, you must immediately summon your surrounding companions to pull him out of the battlefield. It is best to pull him here. This is our current wounded treatment area! Remember, your mission is to save people! !”

After seeing that all the spirit beasts and monsters expressed their understanding, Zhang Chen took out the Immortal Talisman and the Phantom Step Talisman and gave one to each of the less than twenty logistics staff.

"This is to increase speed. If you encounter danger, stick to it and run! This is to increase resistance. If you can't run, stick to this and run again!"

This time Zhang Chen's life-saving talisman was reduced by one-third.

"It seems that the inventory is still a little low. I will save some every day after I go back."

Zhang Chen's calculated time was just right. With all the spirits in place, the war began again.

This time, the Kunlun spirit beasts looked completely different from the rabble before, and the demons were no longer as fierce as before without the cover of the black mist. The strength of both sides was finally brought to the same level under the ebb and flow of one another.

However, the good times did not last long. After a while, Zhang Chen became very busy in the rear.

Various spiritual beasts whose injuries could not be treated were brought to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen took out the Guiyuan Liquid and added 10 drops to the seriously injured ones to lighten the injuries. He also added 15 drops to the dying beasts to let the beasts hang on to their lives first, and then to the slightly injured ones. Enter the battlefield through the rescue of spirits, and the spirits that are good at treating serious injuries will focus on the life-threatening spiritual beasts.

Although Zhang Chen has been at the rear, he knows the battlefield well. The reason is very simple, because Zhang Chen released his own spiritual soldiers.

While using Guiyuan Liquid on a seriously injured spirit beast, he threw down three spiritual beans again, and in a burst of brilliance, they turned into three faceless spirit soldiers. Zhang Chen waved his hand, and the three spirit soldiers rushed in. In the battlefield.

Zhang Chen did not use sword control, because Zhang Chen really did not want to directly participate in such a large-scale battle. Not to mention other things, if Zhang Chen was attacked, he did not have the tenacious will of these spiritual beasts to be saved alive, and he was It is possible that there was an accidental injury.

Therefore, releasing spirit soldiers is the best and safest method.

As time went by, most of the Guiyuan Liquid in Zhang Chen's hand was gone, and there were only five spiritual beans left. The balance of victory began to tilt towards Kunlun because of Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen could now hear roars of surprise coming from the front line from time to time. This was the joy after a spiritual beast charged and broke through the demon battle formation.

Every spirit beast was excited because the battle was about to be won, but Zhang Chen did not pay attention. Instead, he treated the wounded while observing the battle situation in the sky.

The top priority now is not the ground battlefield, but the sky!

Zhang Chen sighed.

Many times, the victory of a battle depends on the high-end battlefield, especially for a person like Xing Tian who is known as the God of War. That is truly a thousand people killing ten thousand enemies!

In the sky, the battle began to become more and more intense.

Zhang Chen's eyesight was pretty good, but the aftermath of the battle between the three people had completely distorted the surrounding air. Zhang Chen couldn't see clearly what was going on. The only thing he could do now was to end the ground battle as soon as possible, and then wait for the quail. Come back with Jianwu.

Now fewer and fewer wounded people are being sent to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen also has the opportunity to observe the specific conditions on the battlefield.

After observing for a while, Zhang Chen discovered a strange phenomenon. The bodies of demons did not remain behind after death, but turned into a faint black mist that stayed in place. Even if a spiritual beast walked by, it would not condense. There is even some black mist that is directly attached to the ground, like a puddle of black water.

Zhang Chen was a little confused when he saw this. Before, he saw that the demons had no other differences except the black mysterious patterns on their bodies and their eyes, which were different from those of ordinary people. But now it seems that it is very likely that the overall structure of the demons is different from that of humans, so they will be atomized after death.

Time passed slowly, the ground battlefield had been completely won, all the demons were wiped out, and the losses of Kunlun were minimized because of Zhang Chen's existence.

Until no more wounded were sent, Zhang Chen looked at the less than 20 drops of Guiyuan Liquid in his hand and smiled bitterly.

"No wonder they say that war is an economic war. The Guiyuan Liquid that I have worked so hard to save for so long was used up because of this battle!"

At this moment, a huge roar sounded in the sky again, and the voices of Quail Bird and Jianwu also came down.

Cry! Roar!

Zhang Chen's face changed drastically after hearing these few sounds, because he could tell from the roar that Quail Bird and Jianwu were injured, and they might not even be slightly injured, because they were short of breath in the roar and had no strength to continue.

Sure enough, soon, a red stream of light and a yellow stream of light fell to the ground.

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