The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 15 The Raging Demonic Flame

The red streamer fell not far from Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen quickly flew over with his sword and directly caught the quail.

After seeing Quail's injury, Zhang Chen poured all the remaining Guiyuan Liquid into Quail's mouth with a solemn expression.

Now the quail has lost its previous dignity. There are three or four puncture wounds on the left wing. Dark red blood is stuck to the red feathers of the quail. Of course, it is not these wounds that make Zhang Chen anxious. On the quail's abdomen, a huge wound almost running through the entire body was clearly visible.

After seeing the almost fatal wound, Zhang Chen did not hesitate to feed all the remaining Guiyuan Liquid to the quail.

After landing on the ground, Zhang Chen quickly returned to the place where he had dealt with the injured spirit beasts. At this time, a group of spirit beasts spontaneously moved around Zhang Chen and Quail to protect Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen hugged the quail carefully while shouting at the spirits, "Hurry up and come! All the spirits who were seriously injured just now are here!"

After a group of spirits arrived, Zhang Chen put the quail upside down on the ground, looked at the surrounding groups of spirits using their own magical powers, and asked anxiously, "How is it? Can it be rescued?"

One of the spirits comforted Zhang Chen while treating him, "It's okay. Master Quail is very smart. Although he was seriously injured, Master Quail sealed the wound immediately and did not let the essence of his life be lost. In addition, you should have used the one just now." Thanks to the magical Guiyuan Liquid, Master Quai is actually not as weak as he looks now."

Zhang Chen let out a long sigh of relief when he heard this.

At this time, Zhang Chen also discovered that after he hugged the quail, the huge wound of the quail did not shed a drop of blood, except for a little blood on its wings.

Relieved, Zhang Chen turned his head and looked to the other side.

"How's it going with Jianwu?"

"Jianwu is fine. He just lost strength and was not injured."

The snow-white spirit beast walked out from the group of spirit beasts, and on its back was Jianwu.

"But now neither of them has the ability to continue fighting."

Zhang Chen glanced at Quail and then at Jian Wu, his eyes a little gloomy.

What he worried about most happened.

"No! Look at the sky!" Suddenly a spiritual beast shouted.

Zhang Chen immediately looked at the sky.

In the sky, Xing Tian, ​​who was originally wrapped in black air, showed his figure. At the same time, the fog on the ground after the death of the demon warrior that Zhang Chen was paying attention to began to fly towards Xing Tian in the sky like a hundred birds returning to their nests.

As for Xing Tian in the sky, every time he absorbed a burst of black energy, his figure grew taller again. In the end, Zhang Chen visually estimated that he had grown at least three times in size!

After all the black mist was absorbed, Xing Tian's eyes looked down at all the spiritual beasts on the ground.

"You are very good, especially you. If you can serve my demon clan, I will spare your death."

Just as Xing Tian finished saying this, Zhang Chen received a system prompt.

[The host has joined the Kunlun camp before. Will he join the demon camp now? (If you join, you will be attacked by the entire Kunlun camp)]

After Zhang Chen saw the system prompt, he was a little confused. Looking back at the system records, he discovered that when Zhang Chen and Quail joined the battlefield together, the system had already defaulted to Zhang Chen joining the Kunlun camp.

This time Zhang Chen wanted to scold his mother.

This system really wants to kill me!

If he didn't join the demon camp, Xing Tian would directly slaughter everyone. If he joined the demon camp, Zhang Chen would be torn apart by the group of spiritual beasts around him.

Zhang Chen held back his tears and pointed at Xing Tian forcefully, "You want me to work for you? Dream! Quail is my friend! Even if I die, I will not give in to you! I am willing to die with these lovely people!"

Zhang Chen's trembling voice moved all the spirit beasts. What a noble man he was. Not only did he help them to victory unconditionally, but he was now willing to fight with them against the invincible existence!

Only Zhang Chen's heart was bleeding.

This system is so deceptive!

Xing Tian was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this mortal who was smart enough to defeat his own army with this ragtag group of people would actually refuse his invitation.

"Okay, you are indeed the person that I, Xingtian, like, then, you can go and die now!"

After Xing Tian finished speaking, a burst of black flames suddenly appeared on the chopped neck.

The black flame moved closer to the middle, vaguely forming the shape of a head, and a hollow and ethereal voice came from Xing Tian's chest.

"I woke up from death, but I couldn't open my eyes again. I hate, I'm in pain, I'm confused!"

"In the darkness, I wanted to give up countless times, but a strong unwillingness filled my heart. I want to stand up! I want to see! I want to see my enemy!"

"I will destroy you! I will destroy this day. If Heaven wants to kill me, I will punish Heaven!"

Following Xing Tian's words, Zhang Chen sensitively discovered that black mist emerged around Xing Tian. In the end, Xing Tian's roar completely condensed the black mist.

Zhang Chen could no longer see the sun, because the black fog completely blocked the sunlight, leaving no trace of light. Zhang Chen's eyes were full of black fog, covering the sky and the ground, and the black fog was getting closer and closer.

How much hatred and unwillingness does it take for him to become like this?

Zhang Chen did not think about his own death at this time, but felt a trace of pity for Xing Tian.

The black mist rushed to the ground quickly, and all the spirit beasts closed their eyes as if resigned to their fate. The quail woke up, looked at Zhang Chen's back standing in front of it, and said weakly, "Boy, I haven't formally asked you yet. your name."

Zhang Chen turned his head to look at the quail after hearing what the quail said, and smiled slightly, "Zhang Chen."

The quail murmured Zhang Chen's name, as if to remember this name in the depths of its soul.

"Zhang Chen..."

Zhang Chen had also let it go, but at this last moment, he was not thinking of himself, but Xing Tian.

Because of the distortion of his own ideas, he actually produced such a terrible power. Sometimes, the most powerful weapon may not be other things, but his own heart.

"The Tao is always in my heart, and I walk alone in the world."

Just when everyone thought that everything was over, a white light came from behind and hit everyone in front of them, blocking the black fog.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes the moment he heard the voice.


All the spirit beasts turned their heads and looked behind them.

Not far away, a figure wearing a straw raincoat and holding a fishing rod appeared vaguely.

Every time it disappeared and reappeared, the figure was approaching rapidly. In just two or three moves, it came in front of Zhang Chen, staring at Xing Tian through the black fog.

"Xingtian, what a good name. I don't care if you want Xingtian, but you can't touch these people."

Through the black fog, two scarlet beams of light focused on this weak figure.

"Who are you?"

"I'm just an idler in the mountains."

"Then why do you care about my business?"

"Because among the people you want to kill is my apprentice."

Today's mission is completed! Since the author has spent his vacation writing, please give me your recommendation votes!

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