The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 179 Birthday [Second update]

At the Dursleys' home, Zhang Chen was sitting opposite the Dursleys.

"You two, I don't mean to offend you, but I must say that your attitude towards Harry is very problematic." Zhang Chen said to Petunia and Vernon with a serious face.

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Vernon said loudly with disdain, "Hey! Although we are grateful that you invited us to have barbecue, this is a private matter of our family."

Zhang Chen shook his head and said seriously, "I suspect that you are using cold violence or some kind of abuse against Harry. I must stop this situation. If you insist on not listening, then we can only meet in court."

Petunia frowned, "What does this have to do with you?"

"To be honest, the reason why I live here is because I do this job. I am responsible for managing child abuse incidents." Zhang Chen lied without blinking.

Anyway, Zhang Chen will not live here for long. He will go to Hogwarts with Harry and Hagrid soon. Even if the Dursleys have doubts later, it will take some time to find out that Zhang Chen is lying, but by then Zhang Chen will have run away.

Although Vernon didn't believe Zhang Chen's words, he obviously frightened Petunia.

Zhang Chen could see a trace of worry in Petunia's eyes.

When Zhang Chen finally came out of the Dursleys' house, Petunia promised Zhang Chen that such a thing would not happen again.

"You should know that their promises are unreliable." Zhang Chen was walking back when Hagrid's voice rang beside him.

Zhang Chen glanced around and found that there was no Hagrid, knowing that Hagrid must be wearing an invisibility cloak.

"I know, but Harry's birthday is coming soon. As long as I can make Harry feel better in these few days, it will be fine. By then, he will go to Hogwarts. Even if the Dursleys want to do anything to Harry, they can't do it, right?" Zhang Chen smiled.

Hagrid didn't say anything else, and Zhang Chen shrugged and returned to his residence.

In the next few days, Zhang Chen and Hagrid observed that Harry was indeed much more relaxed. Although the Dursleys obviously disliked Harry, they didn't dare to use Harry openly.

Harry's birthday soon arrived. Hagrid dressed up on this day, combed his sloppy beard, and combed his messy hair.

Zhang Chen sat on the sofa and looked at Hagrid, "Do you need my company?"

Hagrid combed his hair and rejected Zhang Chen's kindness, "I'll go. Don't forget how you fooled the Dursleys."

"Okay, if you have anything, remember to call me, I will be there as soon as possible."

Hagrid nodded, looked at his dress with satisfaction, and went out with his invisibility cloak.

At the Dursleys' home, Harry was doing housework.

Today is his birthday. Although he knows that no one will celebrate this birthday for him, and even the Dursleys may not remember his birthday, he remembers that Harry spent every birthday in missing his father and mother before, and this year's birthday will be no exception.

Just as Harry was thinking, the doorbell sounded suddenly.

"I'm here." Harry responded, wiped the water stains on his hands and opened the door.

After opening the door, Harry found that the person who came to the house was actually a very tall adult!

"Excuse me, are you Harry?" Hagrid tried to soften his expression.

Harry nodded, looking at Hagrid in front of him with some fear, "First, sir, who are you?"

Oh my God! This person is so scary. Not only does he not look like a human, but his expression is so hideous, and his face is full of fat. What does he want to do?

Although Hagrid doesn't know much magic, he can see that Harry is a little afraid of him, and he squeezes out a smile on his face, "Harry, I am sent by Hogwarts to inform you, congratulations on being selected into Hogwarts."

Harry originally thought that Hagrid was scary enough, but he didn't expect that when Hagrid smiled, all the fat on his face piled up together, which seemed even scarier to Harry.

Just then, Petunia heard the noise and came out.

"Who are you?" Petunia came out and saw Hagrid's dress, and actually guessed something.

Hagrid took off his fur hat, "Mrs. Dursley, I am the messenger of Hogwarts Academy. Because Harry is 11 years old today, I am going to take Harry to Hogwarts now."

"Oh, come in and tell me." Petunia was not in a good mood. After all, this was something she had known for a long time.

As Hagrid entered the Dursley's house, Zhang Chen also saw this scene with interest at home with his spiritual sense.

"There shouldn't be anything interesting to see later. Let's practice and wait for Hagrid's news." Zhang Chen almost knew most of the things that happened later.

It was basically that Hagrid and Harry talked about some basic common sense about magic and Muggles. In the end, Harry also knew that he was not a monster, but a wizard with blood, so he readily agreed to go with Hagrid.

Since Zhang Chen already knew it, there was no need to watch what happened later. While Hagrid hadn't come back yet, Zhang Chen went to order a birthday cake and then practiced with peace of mind.

Sure enough, two hours later, Hagrid helped Harry carry a suitcase out.

As soon as he came out, Hagrid took Harry to Zhang Chen's residence.

Harry watched Hagrid walk straight to Zhang Chen's residence and couldn't help but remind him.

"Someone already lives here."

Hagrid glanced at Harry and smiled slightly, "Of course I know that the guy living here is an incredible guy."

As Hagrid was talking, Zhang Chen opened the door, looked at Harry and smiled, "Welcome to visit, Harry!"

Harry looked at Hagrid and Zhang Chen and had some enlightenment, "Have you known each other for a long time? Is Mr. Chen also a magician?"

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly, "I'm not, but I also have some special powers."

Harry was a little confused, "Special powers?"

"Well... yes, some very scary powers." Zhang Chen thought about it, and directly stepped aside and smiled at Harry, "Let's not talk so much, I prepared a birthday cake for you, if there is no birthday cake, it is not a complete birthday."

At the dining table, Harry was eating birthday cake voraciously, Hagrid and Zhang Chen also took a piece each and ate slowly.

Zhang Chen didn't feel much about this kind of birthday cake, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do. The UK pays more attention to etiquette, so Zhang Chen took it as an experience of the life of the locals.

"Hagrid, when are we leaving?" Zhang Chen took a bite of the cake, but this bite only ate a mouthful of cream.

Hagrid stuffed his mouth with cake, "Hmm! It's no use today, we can't make it in time, let's go tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon."

"Well, to be honest, I'm a little looking forward to it." Zhang Chen took another bite of cake and smiled.

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