The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 180 Diagon Alley [3rd update]

The next morning, Zhang Chen slept in for a rare time.

The most important thing is that Harry slept in his room. Zhang Chen didn't want to interrupt Harry's sweet dream at this time. In the movie plot, Harry never had the opportunity to sleep in. After going to Hogwarts, he probably had no time, so this might be the only chance.

At noon, Zhang Chen made authentic Chinese dishes for Harry and Hagrid, and the two almost ate their tongues.

Hagrid also began to relax a little bit of his vigilance against Zhang Chen.

The main reason was that Zhang Chen gave him a terrifying feeling at that time, so he had to be on guard.

However, as he got to know Hagrid, he found that Zhang Chen was easy-going. Although he sometimes did some unexpected things, he was still a good guy overall.

After lunch, a few people packed up, and Hagrid took Harry and Zhang Chen to set off together.

Hagrid took Harry and Zhang Chen to wander around the city for a while. Some places even felt familiar to Zhang Chen. If it weren't for Zhang Chen knowing that he didn't take the same route, Zhang Chen would have suspected that Hagrid was a liar.

Finally, Hagrid stopped at the door of a bar.

"We have arrived at our first destination. Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron!"

Hagrid pushed open the shabby door of the bar and walked in.

Zhang Chen looked up and looked around. This was obviously the old town, and it looked like it had a history of hundreds of years.

After entering the bar, Hagrid's figure attracted the attention of everyone around him, but Zhang Chen's extraordinary hearing could hear the conversation of these people clearly.

"Look, it's that child! Their child!"

"Oh my God, guess who I saw?! Hope!"

"I didn't expect him to come!"

Until the end, Hagrid came to the bar, where a pale man in black sat.

"Look who this is! Hagrid, why are you here?!" The man had obviously seen Hagrid a long time ago and took the initiative to greet Hagrid.

Hagrid smiled slightly, "Rocky, it's really wonderful to meet you here."

Rocky looked behind Hagrid and saw Harry at a glance. After seeing Harry, Rocky's face was solemn, "This is..."

Hagrid nodded, and Rocky's face suddenly became serious. He walked in front of Harry and stretched out his hand, "Hello, my name is Rocky."

Harry stepped forward and shook it, "My name is Harry! Harry Potter!"

Rocky nodded, "Of course, I know your name is Harry Potter. In fact, everyone here knows you."

Harry couldn't help but look aside after hearing what Rocky said.

Whether it was the people drinking or chatting on the side, they all looked at Harry at this time. When they found that Harry was looking at them, they all lowered their heads slightly to show respect.

Harry was a little at a loss when he saw this situation, "They, what's wrong? I don't know them."

At this time, Zhang Chen smiled, "They are expressing their respect for you."

At this time, Rocky also looked at Zhang Chen, but after observing for a while, he frowned and said, "Muggle?" Then he looked at Hagrid with a puzzled look.

Hagrid laughed, "Chen! See, I told you that you are not suitable for magic."

Zhang Chen shrugged innocently, "I don't want to either." Then he turned his head to look at Rocky and released a trace of consciousness, "Hello, my name is Zhang Chen, and I can be considered an... Eastern magician."

Rocky felt the strange but amazing aura on Zhang Chen and nodded, "Hello, my name is Rocky."

Hagrid chatted with Rocky for a while, and then took Zhang Chen and Harry to the back. At the back of the bar, there was a wall that looked a bit old.

"Hagrid, there is no way here!" Harry reminded Hagrid at this time.

All the way, Harry had been asking Hagrid about some things about the magic world, but Hagrid only explained it in general. When he heard Harry's words, Hagrid turned his head and laughed.

"Harry, you have to remember that for a magician, there is no road that cannot be walked."

As he said, Hagrid used the umbrella in his hand to point a total of five times at the groove in the center of the ancient brick wall opposite.

As soon as Hagrid finished, the bricks around him began to shrink slowly, and more and more bricks began to move. Gradually, the bricks separated to both sides, revealing the road inside.

Hagrid proudly said to Harry and Zhang Chen, "Welcome to Diagon Alley."

Zhang Chen saw all of Hagrid's actions just now. No, not only his eyes, but also Zhang Chen's consciousness was always watching Hagrid's every move.

As Hagrid moved, Zhang Chen could feel that the surrounding space had a slight distortion, and was guided by the obscure power that Zhang Chen had observed before, connecting the two spaces with a principle that Zhang Chen did not know yet.

In Zhang Chen's opinion, this is similar to the teleportation array of the seeker of the Tao, but the teleportation array is more complicated than this.

I don't know which great man said that the simpler everything is, the easier it is for people to accept it. Zhang Chen thinks that it may be that magic, a magical thing that is compatible with everything and easy to operate, will become popular in this world.

As Harry walked in here, there was a gleam of curiosity in his eyes. Looking at all kinds of wizards with hats and without hats coming and going around him, Harry felt particularly novel.

Zhang Chen looked behind him. The door behind him had slowly disappeared. After Zhang Chen and his companions took a few steps, the door had completely disappeared. Soon, Zhang Chen felt a fluctuation in space again. It was obvious that someone was coming again.

"Harry, look, this is Diagon Alley, our paradise. There are all kinds of mysterious items here, and all kinds of things you need before entering Hogwarts." Hagrid led the way and explained to Harry.

Harry looked at the pet shop and the tailor shop passing by. In the end, Harry's eyes stopped on the Aurora 2000 displayed in front of the broom shop.

Zhang Chen also set his eyes on the broom. Zhang Chen could clearly feel that it had the power of wind and a special magic.

To be honest, if Zhang Chen had not had no money, Zhang Chen really wanted to buy a broom to try. According to the description in Harry Potter, the speed of the broom is lightning fast.

"I don't know how it compares to my body..." Zhang Chen touched his chin and thought.

Soon Zhang Chen and his group arrived at the intersection of Diagon Alley, in front of a white building.

Hagrid exclaimed, "Do you see this white building? This is Gringotts Bank, known as the safest bank in the wizarding world."

Zhang Chen looked up at Gringotts Bank. After expanding his spiritual sense, he found that the entire bank was filled with the magical aura he had discovered before. The aura was independent but connected, and it seemed extremely grand.

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