The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 19 Divine Sword—Love Moves the Sky!

Zhang Chen lives in modern society and has been used to seeing all kinds of people since elementary school. There are those from wealthy families who are confident in school, and there are those from poor families who are wary of everyone. However, after Zhang Chen has lived for more than 20 years, he has never I have never seen someone like Mr. Jiang who unconditionally trusts a stranger who has only been with him for more than a month.

The quail flew out with Zhang Chen. Suddenly, he whispered, "Boy, are you leaving?"

Zhang Chen glanced at the quail.

To be honest, although the quail has many problems, Zhang Chen has always regarded it as his brother. This feeling is very strange. In Kunlun, a place where Zhang Chen is unfamiliar with, the quail has replaced the quail in Zhang Chen's heart. Because of the position of his best friend Xu Da, Zhang Chen would follow Quail to directly confront Xing Tian.

Now that he is leaving, Zhang Chen is really reluctant to let go of this quail.


Quail was silent for a while after hearing Zhang Chen's promise. After a long time, he said, "When I first met you, I thought you were a fool. You were so bold that you ran to the Kunlun Mountains alone. Then again When I met you, you underwent earth-shaking changes. At that time, I felt the smell of dust in you. Until the moment you rushed into the battlefield with me without hesitation in Kunlun Mountain, I I truly regard you as a brother.”

Quail didn't act weird this time, nor was he frivolous in his usual speech. His tone was solemn and sincere. After speaking, Quail took the three feathers on his chest and handed them to Zhang Chen, "Have a good way. "

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and tightly held the feathers that the quail had pulled off, and nodded vigorously.

"Take care of yourself."

After flying for a while, a huge explosion came from behind.

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked back. The black mist in the sky had condensed into a shape that resembled a human face. It was constantly chasing Mr. Jiang in front of him. The previous people wearing flowing armor had disappeared without a trace. Mr. Jiang was carrying a wooden box behind him.

The black mist was very fast. Mr. Jiang was almost swallowed by the black mist several times, but he escaped by a hair's breadth every time, which made Zhang Chen's heart agitate.

Zhang Chen hurriedly patted Quail's body and said anxiously, "My master is in danger, go and save him!"

"No! My mission is to ensure your safety while you are gone!" Quail said firmly.

"Go quickly! My master is more important! I'm leaving soon! Quail! Quail!" Zhang Chen shouted at Quail.

The quail continued to fly forward as if it had not heard it.

Just when Zhang Chen and Quail were arguing, Mr. Jiang was finally caught up in the black mist and disappeared into the black mist.

The big face transformed into black mist showed an evil smile, and then turned into a ball again, wrapping up Mr. Jiang.

Zhang Chen went completely crazy after seeing this scene. He jumped directly from the quail and rushed towards the black mist with his sword.

"Zhang Chen! Come back! Do you want Mr. Jiang's sacrifice to go to waste!"

Quail felt a light touch on his back and knew that Zhang Chen was no longer there. He turned around and saw that Zhang Chen was rushing towards the black mist.

Zhang Chen in Yujian didn't think so much. He only thought about one thing, he couldn't let his master die!

Originally, Zhang Chen only shuttled between planes, but after experiencing these two shuttles, Zhang Chen found that he had completely fallen into it. Whether it was Li Yiru in Shushan, or Quail and Jiang Lao in this world, he had Don't want anything to happen to them.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Chen rushed out without hesitation.

Zhang Chen's eyes were now bloodshot, and the spiritual power in his body was running at high speed due to Zhang Chen's involuntary full force. The spiritual power of the surrounding world poured into Zhang Chen's body like a swallow returning to its nest.

[An abnormal state of the host has been detected, and the remaining time has been shortened to 10 minutes! 】

Although the system prompted Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen didn't realize it at all. He only had one thought in his mind now, to save people!

I want to save Master! He can't die!

The black mist seemed to notice something and suddenly revealed Mr. Jiang inside.

Mr. Jiang no longer has the leisurely and leisurely mood he had before. His body is dripping with blood, and his neat bun is spread out. Like a madman, only his back, which was originally slightly hunched, is now straight.


Zhang Chen saw his master being tortured like this, roared angrily, and instantly accelerated towards the black mist.

Mr. Jiang was shocked when he saw Zhang Chen rushing over.

"Idiot! Let's go!"

Zhang Chen was already close to the black mist at this time.

At this moment, a burst of rich laughter suddenly came from the black fog.

"Hahaha! Emperor of Heaven, you can't believe it. I can't defeat you, but I can destroy your foundation! As long as I get the Xuanyuan Sword and kill this son of fate who suddenly appeared, who else in this world can stop me? ! Good luck to you if you run away! Otherwise, I’ll get rid of you too this time!”

Just after he finished speaking, the black mist suddenly split into half and merged into one line, shooting towards Zhang Chen like a sharp arrow.

Zhang Chen was so happy for a moment that he unleashed a burst of sword techniques with his hands uncontrollably.

Then the spiritual energy originally attracted by Zhang Chen poured into the flying sword at Zhang Chen's feet like a tide.

Zhang Chen felt that the whole world was quiet at this moment. He slowly closed his eyes and felt the flow of spiritual energy between heaven and earth and the screams between heaven and earth. At that moment, Zhang Chen seemed to hear the world's pleading for him.

defeat him!

Zhang Chen opened his eyes instantly and looked at the black fog getting closer and closer. Zhang Chen slowly spit out four words.

"Emotion moves the sky..."

Instantly, time seemed to slow down. Zhang Chen found that everything around him slowly stopped moving, even the black fog stopped moving forward.

There was only one thing in the world that was still moving, and that was the sword under Zhang Chen's feet.

This steel sword was just an ordinary sword, so it could not withstand the impact of the terrifying force just now. It had been annihilated and disintegrated bit by bit, but at the original place, the energy filled in it did not disintegrate, but condensed more tightly, from a three-foot green blade to a pure energy sword less than two feet long.

Time stopped for a moment, and the next moment, Zhang Chen felt that time was restored again, and the small sword under his feet seemed to cross the distance of time and space, and instantly hit the black fog.

The next moment, the energy sword defeated the sharp arrows condensed by the black fog like a rotten wood, and rushed towards the remaining black fog.

"This is!"

A terrified cry suddenly came from the black fog, and then the black fog withdrew completely in an instant.

However, the energy sword still chased after it, and Zhang Chen vaguely heard a shrill scream.

Seeing that the black fog was finally repelled, Zhang Chen smiled at Jiang Lao and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Jiang Lao had not yet come out of the shock just now. He did not expect that Zhang Chen's move just now would actually drive the power of the entire world, but Jiang Lao quickly reacted and hurriedly caught Zhang Chen.

"Master... Father..."

Zhang Chen said weakly to Jiang Lao after being caught by Jiang Lao.

At the same time, blood began to slowly seep out of Zhang Chen's body.

Jiang Lao was heartbroken when he saw Zhang Chen slowly covered in blood.

"Fool! Foolish! Why bother! The power of the world is not something you can bear!"

The quail flew from a distance. The scene just now shocked the quail, but now seeing Zhang Chen's miserable appearance, the only thing left in his heart was worry.

"Old man, how is he?"

"The meridians in his body are broken, his body is collapsing, and he has no vitality... He... He did it for us..."

"How long will he have?"

Old Jiang held Zhang Chen and shook his head in pain, "Less than a quarter of an hour!"

Zhang Chen saw that Old Jiang felt bad for him and wanted to raise his hand. He tried several times but failed. He could only smile weakly, "Master... I hope you are all right..."

After that, Zhang Chen fell into darkness.

The quail looked at Zhang Chen, whose body was slowly oozing blood, and said firmly, "He won't die!"

After that, the quail instantly pierced its wings, and the red blood flowed into the air.

Old Jiang looked up and looked at the quail, "Are you going to waste your essence? Have you thought about it?"

The quail shook his head.

"For him, I am willing."

After that, the blood condensed into a red round bead in the air.

The quail glanced at the unconscious Zhang Chen.

In this life, I recognize you as my brother!

Return in the next chapter! Guess what Zhang Chen brought back? Don’t keep the recommendation votes in your hands, give them all to the author!

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