The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 20 A miserable return

Old Jiang took the ball in the air, and after seeing the quail nod, he gently put the ball into Zhang Chen's mouth.

As soon as the ball entered Zhang Chen's mouth, it instantly melted and entered Zhang Chen's body. It didn't take long for Zhang Chen's bleeding to ease.

Old Jiang used his spiritual power to check Zhang Chen's body and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The vitality is locked in the body, there is no danger of life, but the meridians are broken, and I'm afraid that the cultivation will not be preserved."

The quail was listless and muttered.

"It's good that it's okay, it's good that it's okay..."

[Host, please prepare for return! ]

[Host status abnormality detected, start protection mode! ]

At the same time, Zhang Chen's body began to emit a faint white light.

"He's leaving." Old Jiang looked at the white light on Zhang Chen and said in a deep voice.

The quail sighed, "In this case, whether he can survive depends on himself."

Old Jiang nodded slightly and said nothing.

The light became more and more intense, and in the end, Zhang Chen's whole body was wrapped in white light and slowly floated up.

As Zhang Chen slowly floated, Jiang Lao stood up and took the quaint wooden box from his back.

Quail looked at Jiang Lao's movements and frowned, "You want to give this to him?"

Jiang Lao stroked the lines on the wooden box and sighed reluctantly, "There is no way. Now the Emperor of Heaven is wandering in the sky, and the Emperor of Flame was just injured by the power of the world. If the Emperor of Heaven has not come back, the Emperor of Flame will come back again and get the Xuanyuan Sword, then this world will be over."

"You always plan everything. Since you have decided, I will listen to you."

Jiang Lao shook his head and put the wooden box in Zhang Chen's arms, "It's not that I plan everything, this is the natural choice of heaven."

As Jiang Lao finished speaking, Zhang Chen disappeared instantly.

Jiang Lao and Quail looked at the place where Zhang Chen disappeared for a long time without speaking.

Real world.

Zhang Chen suddenly appeared in the woods where he disappeared before. Unlike before, Zhang Chen was now covered in blood and lying on the ground, his life or death unknown.

It was just dawn now, and it was obvious that a night had passed.

Lin Xue in the tree hole slowly opened her eyes.

"Where is this..." Lin Xue sat up, covering her head.

Looking at the several yellow papers on her body and the environment in the tree hole, Lin Xue reacted all of a sudden.

"It seems that I fell down the mountain before, and then... Oh, right! Zhang Chen followed me down! Where is Zhang Chen? Zhang Chen!" Lin Xue saw the extinguished fire on the ground and rushed out of the tree hole and shouted.

There was silence in the woods. After Lin Xue shouted for a long time without any sound, she began to walk into the surrounding woods.

"Zhang Chen! Zhang Chen! Where are you?!"

Lin Xue was very anxious now. Since she was fine now and still in the tree hole, it meant that Zhang Chen must have come down with her. She was fine except for a bump on her head, but Zhang Chen disappeared, which meant that something was very likely to happen.

Lin Xue looked for Zhang Chen everywhere in the woods, and finally saw Zhang Chen where Zhang Chen crossed.

"Zhang Chen!" Lin Xue walked in and found that Zhang Chen was covered in blood and looked seriously injured.

"How are you? Zhang Chen! Hang on!" After calling out a few times, Lin Xue found that Zhang Chen was completely unconscious. She quickly reached out and touched Zhang Chen's pulse. She found that his pulse was still beating, and Lin Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Zhang Chen on the ground, Lin Xue wanted to carry him back to the tree hole, but found that she had no way to start.

Zhang Chen was covered in blood, and it was impossible to see where the wound was. Lin Xue was from a military family and knew some first aid knowledge. If Zhang Chen was moved at will at this time, if the wound caused bleeding again, Zhang Chen might really die.

Lin Xue looked at the empty environment around him, gritted his teeth, turned around and ran out. After a while, Lin Xue returned to Zhang Chen with a pile of dry wood.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Lin Xue reached out and took out a pocket watch from his arms.

"Mom, have you seen this man? He saved my life. I can't just leave him alone, so... I'm sorry, mom."

After Lin Xue finished speaking, she gently took off the oval glass on the pocket watch, then put the pocket watch in her arms and lay down in front of the firewood with the glass facing the sun in the sky.

Zhang Chen had a very long dream. In the dream, Zhang Chen turned into a little phoenix and lived carefree in the phoenix forest with his tribe, until one day, the demons came and burned all the phoenix wood. A war started, and countless tribesmen died on the battlefield. In the end, the little phoenix could only find a new home with the remaining tribesmen.

This search lasted nearly a hundred years.

Gradually, everyone couldn't hold on. There was no more phoenix wood along the way. His tribesmen died exhausted one after another. Only the little phoenix was still flying, still flying.

Finally, one day, the little phoenix met a man who was holding a burnt phoenix wood. The little phoenix recognized the wood as his former home. From that day on, the little phoenix followed this man.

Gradually, the little phoenix became sensible. It knew that this man was Huangdi and that it was the demons who destroyed its home. The little phoenix swore that it must survive to avenge its people, so it followed Huangdi to fight for a full thirty years.

Everything in his mind flashed by like a horse-drawn show. Suddenly, Zhang Chen felt a warmth, followed by a heart-wrenching pain.

"You woke up! How are you? Do you want some water?"

Zhang Chen opened his eyes with some difficulty. He saw Lin Xue's concerned eyes and the fire beside him. Zhang Chen smiled slightly, but his injury was affected. After a burst of severe pain, Zhang Chen fell into a coma again.

Lin Xue frowned as she looked at Zhang Chen who was in a coma again.

Zhang Chen had been in a coma for more than a day. He had not eaten or drunk water during this period. If this continued, he would starve to death without his injury recurring.

Lin Xue looked at the stream water she collected from the nearby stream, wondering whether she should feed him or not.

Suddenly, Zhang Chen groaned in pain in his coma. Lin Xue looked at Zhang Chen's frown, sighed, drank the collected stream water in one gulp, and then slowly approached Zhang Chen...

The next night, Zhang Chen still did not wake up, but Lin Xue keenly heard the roar of a propeller.

Lin Xue quickly stood up and shouted.

"Here! We are here!"

Lin Xue shouted for a long time, but the helicopter slowly flew away.

On the third day, at the same time, the roar of the helicopter came again. Lin Xue learned her lesson this time. She spread some wet branches and leaves on the fire, and thick smoke slowly rose from the fire.

Lin Xue listened to the increasingly loud roar and laughed happily. Then, Lin Xue, who had not eaten for three days, also fainted on the ground. Finally, Lin Xue vaguely saw the green military uniform and a noisy voice.

"Zhang Chen... We are saved..."

The protagonist is finally back. Are you relieved? The author strongly asks for collection and recommendation tickets from readers!

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