The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 191 Disruption [Second update]

On the field, the Quidditch game was still in full swing. Both sides were getting into the game at this time, and the people from the Slytherin branch also started their own counterattack.

Slytherins began to form groups of two, on the one hand, squeezing the flying space of the Gryffindor players, and on the other hand, they began to perform some marginal actions that were not considered illegal.

For example, squeezing the space so that the Gryffindor players had no extra space to fly, and finally crashed directly into the audience, or directly aimed at the Gryffindor players and attacked them directly with the bludger.

As the Slytherin players began to exert their strength, Gryffindor's originally far-leading score began to be slowly tied.

As the situation on the field reversed, every time a Gryffindor player encountered an unexpected situation, there would be a burst of exclamations from the audience.

Zhang Chen's consciousness had locked onto Snape and Quirrell at this time. Since the two had not made any special moves, Zhang Chen also had time to observe the situation on the field.

However, Zhang Chen was different from other spectators. Zhang Chen watched the game more deeply than them.

"The people in Slytherin are smarter than those in Gryffindor, and they have better cooperation in some aspects, but it's a pity that they didn't use this intelligence in the right way..." Zhang Chen shook his head slightly while looking at it.

At this moment, a golden light flashed in front of Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen saw it clearly in an instant. It was the golden snitch that disappeared at the beginning.

Zhang Chen looked at the golden snitch flying to the center of the stadium, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The show is about to begin!"

Gryffindor's defeat was irreversible at this time. After all, nearly half of the players were injured and left the field. No matter how powerful the remaining people were, they could not win in the end.

Just when Harry was anxious, he suddenly saw the golden snitch hovering from time to time. Harry's eyes lit up instantly and flew directly towards the golden snitch.

Zhang Chen also began to focus on Harry at this time. According to the plot, Quirrell began to target Harry at this time.

Since the Golden Snitch was very fast, Harry also began to speed up slowly. It must be said that sometimes Zhang Chen really envied Harry. Yes, envy. Harry's life experience gave him the corresponding status, and he was also talented. He also had some of Voldemort's abilities. He was courageous and dared to fight. He could be said to be a typical protagonist template.

And what about Zhang Chen? Looking back, although he got a great help from the system, whether it was his own cultivation or the previous dangerous battles, he had killed them step by step, sword by sword, and corpse by corpse.

Zhang Chen just thought of this, and suddenly felt Quirrell's movement in his consciousness.

Zhang Chen felt that Quirrell was very strange. Even if he believed in Voldemort, would he let you sacrifice your life? What is the purpose of pleasing someone without even giving up his dignity?

Because the lower half of Quirrell's face was blocked by Snape, other people could not see Quirrell's movements, but Zhang Chen's consciousness could see it clearly. Quirrell was muttering something in his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on Harry, obviously casting a spell.

As Quirrell chanted the spell, Zhang Chen saw Snape frowning and looking directly at Harry and muttering something.

Harry became the object of the two people's competition. As one of them cast a spell and the other removed it, Harry's broom began to stop in the air and kept rising and falling, as if a wild horse wanted to throw off the person riding on its back.

Harry didn't care about chasing the Golden Snitch at this time. He held the broom tightly and tried not to be thrown off.

You know, this is more than ten meters high. If he was thrown off at this time, then Harry would not have to compete, and Gryffindor would have no chance of winning this game.

The audience in the audience noticed Harry's special situation.

Malfoy, who had always been at odds with Harry in school, also noticed Harry's situation and mocked Harry wantonly in the audience.

Ron and Hermione also became worried.

"What's wrong with Harry?"

Zhang Chen waved at the two people, signaling them to stay calm, "Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

At this time, the duel between Quirrell and Snape had already reached a stalemate. Zhang Chen found that neither of them could do anything to the other. Zhang Chen had decided to take action. If he didn't take action, Harry might be thrown off the broom at any time.

A trace of sword energy condensed between Zhang Chen's body. As Zhang Chen's mind moved, a trace of light flashed on the sword energy. Zhang Chen pointed at Quirrell, "Go."

This trace of sword energy instantly shot towards Quirrell. Because of Zhang Chen's spiritual guidance, the sword energy avoided many people who had nothing to do with the matter along the way and stabbed straight at Quirrell's forehead.

However, Zhang Chen didn't want to kill him for the time being. After all, Voldemort was behind him. Zhang Chen was still very interested in this Voldemort, so the sword energy came in front of Quirrell and gently lifted it up. The cloth wrapped around Quirrell's head was instantly cut by the sword energy.

Quirrel found something wrong and immediately covered the cloth on his head with his hands and left in a hurry.

Harry finally recovered without Quirrell's spell. After resting in the air for a while, Harry continued to fly towards the Golden Snitch.

Zhang Chen did not watch the rest of the game. He said hello to Ron and Hermione, and then left the stadium directly.

After leaving the stadium, Zhang Chen felt the direction of Quirrell and began to walk towards the Black Forest.

It was already noon at this time. The sun was clearly abundant, but the entire Black Forest looked a little dim. Maybe this is why it is called the Black Forest.

Zhang Chen's consciousness locked onto Qi Luo firmly, and he quickly approached Qi Luo. After walking for nearly half an hour, Qi Luo finally stopped in front of him.

After Qi Luo stopped, he immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed continuously, and muttered something in his mouth. Because the muttering was too soft, Zhang Chen's consciousness could not hear it clearly.

Zhang Chen jumped directly and stepped lightly on a small branch, looking at Qi Luo in the open space not far ahead.

"Please start your performance, I hope you can give me some surprises." Zhang Chen murmured.

At this time, in the open space in the distance, Qi Luo stood up after a while of muttering, and finally tore off the cloth wrapped around his head completely.

Qi Luo's entire head was exposed to the air. Almost at the moment when Qi Luo took off the cloth, Zhang Chen could clearly feel that the atmosphere around him had changed.

Originally, the atmosphere of the Black Forest was a bit weird, but now there was a sense of darkness and blood in the weirdness.

As the atmosphere changed, a voice came into Zhang Chen's ears with emotion, "Qiluo, why did you wake me up!"

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