The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 192: First Meeting [Three Updates]

Quirrell stood motionless. At the same time, there was no hair at all on the back of Quirrell's head, and a human-looking face was constantly struggling to come out.

"You should know that I am very weak now, and waking me up requires a certain price!"

Quirrell's voice also came out, "Master! Quirrell knows that Quirrell is your most loyal slave, and Quirrell is willing to sacrifice his life to serve you!"

As Quirrell finished speaking, a burst of black energy suddenly poured out from the face behind Quirrell's head. The black energy floated in front of Quirrell in a concentrated and undisturbed manner. Then, Zhang Chen couldn't see the stream of black energy. But he could feel the life energy being drawn out of Quirrell's body by the black energy.


As the black air inhaled this invisible life energy, the human face behind Quirrell's head let out a contented sigh.

Zhang Chen's consciousness clearly felt that Quilo's appearance had become older.

After the black energy absorbed some life energy, it returned to Human Face's mouth again, "Say! What are you doing to wake me up!"

"Master! A new annoying person has arrived in Hogwarts recently! This person is very strange. Quirrell has never seen him before. Originally, Quirrell was going to kill Harry Potter according to the master's instructions today, but in the end he was killed by this new person. The people who came are destroying it! Quirrell wants the master to evaporate from the earth!”

"Is this man a magician?"

"No, Master, he, he seems to be just a Muggle."

"Did you wake me up because of a Muggle?!" The face behind Quirrell's head raised his voice a little higher, with obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

Quirrell was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt on the ground instantly, "Master! He is not an ordinary Muggle! He is also the tutor of Hogwarts! He can make a shining sword!"

Quirrell's words aroused Voldemort's interest, "Oh? Tutor at Hogwarts? It is impossible for an ordinary Muggle to be a tutor at Hogwarts. He must have other abilities! I am suddenly interested in this person Now, it seems I have to go again if I have time.”

Zhang Chen didn't expect that Voldemort would be interested in him, but wasn't it just right? Thinking of this, Zhang Chen flew forward lightly.

"Oh? What a coincidence, I'm also very interested in you."



Quirrell and Voldemort were shocked when they heard Zhang Chen's voice.

Then the two of them discovered Zhang Chen walking in the air at the same time.

Zhang Chen looked at Quirrell and Voldemort with some interest, "Didn't you just say you were interested in me?"

Quirrell's face turned ugly when he saw Zhang Chen, "Master! It's him! He's the Muggle I was talking about!"

At this time, Voldemort simply wanted to kill Quirrell, a loser.

Is this a Muggle? ! Your muggles can fly! Even a wizard needs to borrow equipment to fly, such as a magic carpet or a broom, but Zhang Chen can obviously fly by himself!

But now was not the time to get angry with this loser. Voldemort looked at Zhang Chen seriously.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhang Chen landed lightly on the ground, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to talk to you."

Seeing Zhang Chen's relaxed posture, Qiluo immediately pointed at Zhang Chen and said, "How dare you talk to the master so rudely! Do you know who the master is!"

Zhang Chen was already a little annoyed when he heard Quirrell's words. At this time, an astonishing momentum surged through his body and he directly pushed Quirrell to the ground.

"No matter who your master is, do you have the right to speak here?" Zhang Chen lightly stretched out his finger, and a sword essence instantly surged out and inserted straight into the bones of Quirrell's right hand.

Quirrell wanted to scream, but the pressure on Zhang Chen was so strong that he couldn't even speak.

At this time Voldemort was a little angry, "No matter who you are, Quirrell is my servant! How dare you do this to him! I will suck you up!"

As he finished speaking, a burst of gray energy suddenly emerged from the face behind Quirrell. The gray energy formed a human-like shape and flew straight towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen watched in amusement as Voldemort rushed towards him. He only released a little momentum and was fully activated. At the same time, Zhang Chen made a sword finger with a sword glow on it, "Oh? Really? Judging from your appearance, it should be Some kind of special soul? I don’t know if it can catch my sword.”

Voldemort originally wanted to suppress Zhang Chen, and at least let Zhang Chen show some respect, but he didn't expect that Zhang Chen actually hid his strength. As the momentum around Zhang Chen increased again, Voldemort could no longer move forward, and The sudden appearance of the shining lightsaber in Zhang Chen's hand gave Voldemort a sense of danger.

Voldemort stopped in the air for an instant, and the gray energy formed a human face. When the human face saw the lightsaber in Zhang Chen's hand, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I can give you."

Voldemort also calmed down at this time.

You don't need to look at Zhang Chen to know that he is not a good person. People say that eyes are the windows to the soul. Voldemort is also an expert at playing with people's hearts, but he can't see through Zhang Chen at all.

Zhang Chen's eyes contained hope, kindness, evil, violence, darkness, but also light.

Even if he could tell from the aura on Zhang Chen's body, Voldemort could not tell what kind of person Zhang Chen was, because the aura on Zhang Chen's body not only had the majestic atmosphere of the righteous path, but also the aura of the demonic path of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The most crucial thing is that Voldemort is sure that Zhang Chen's strength may not be able to beat him even in his prime. Before finding this person's weakness, it is better to restrain himself a little.

Voldemort is also a flexible person. Thinking of this, he instantly gave up the plan to attack Zhang Chen, "What can you give me?"

"Give you what you want." Zhang Chen said here, looking at Voldemort with a playful smile.

Voldemort was stunned after hearing Zhang Chen's words, and then tentatively said, "Do you know what I want?"

Zhang Chen smiled disdainfully, "I will give you eternal life, do you want it!"

Voldemort was instantly furious after hearing Zhang Chen's words, and was about to speak when Zhang Chen spoke.

"How old do you think I am?"

Voldemort looked at Zhang Chen in confusion after hearing Zhang Chen's question.

Whether it is looking at the bones, the face or the breath, Zhang Chen's age will not exceed 25 years old, but now that Zhang Chen asked this question, there must be a reason.

Voldemort suddenly had an idea: Is he an old monster who has lived for nearly a hundred years? !

Then Voldemort answered cautiously, "Are you 80 years old now?"

Zhang Chen shook his head mysteriously, "No."

"What about 100 years old?"


Voldemort was a little afraid to guess, "Then how old are you?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I'm just 20 or 30 years old now, do you think I'm as old as you say?"

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Voldemort was instantly furious, and regardless of Zhang Chen's immobile aura, he shot a stream of gray air at Zhang Chen, "You dare to play tricks on me!"

Dear readers, this book will be on the shelves tomorrow! I hope you will support it!

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