Xu Da waited anxiously outside the study door. Soon, the door opened and Xu Yongqiang walked out.

Xu Da quickly ran forward after seeing it, "Dad, how is it? Does grandpa agree?"

Xu Yongqiang glanced at Xu Da, raised the wooden box in his hand, "Look what this is."

Xu Da took the wooden box with a look of surprise on his face.

"Dad, I really belong to you!" After saying this, Xu Da rushed downstairs.

Xu Yongqiang saw Xu Da running downstairs in a hurry and asked quickly, "Why are you going?"

Xu Da replied as he went downstairs, "Go back to Xinshi!"

Xu Yongqiang sighed deeply.

This Xu Da has grown up in some aspects, but still needs exercise. Thinking of this, Xu Yongqiang took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, is this the youngest Li? I'm Xu Yongqiang. I'm going to trouble you again this time. Please come out and go to the new city with Xu Da. Really? Thank you very much, hey! That's settled then. "

After Xu Yongqiang hung up the phone, he looked at Xu Da running out and began to become curious about Zhang Chen.

What kind of person could make his son change so much in just one year?

New City on the other side.

In the Central Hospital, Lin Xue was lying on the bed, still in a coma. However, if you look carefully, you can see that Lin Xue's beautiful eyelashes are trembling violently. It is obvious that even in a coma, her heart is still fluctuating. big.

Suddenly, Lin Xue suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Zhang Chen!"

When she saw the hospital wards around her, Lin Xue took a breath and patted her plump chest.

"It turned out to be a dream..."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xue seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly ran out of the ward. On the way, she was stopped by a passing nurse.

The nurse was a little surprised when she saw Lin Xue, "Hey, you're awake. Why are you out? Go back quickly."

Lin Xue did not answer the nurse's words, but asked anxiously, "Hello, I would like to ask if there is another man who was sent in with me? Where is he?"

The nurse looked at Lin Xue and suddenly realized when she saw Lin Xue's anxious look, "Oh, you are his girlfriend, right? He is in the intensive care unit now. He seems to be seriously injured, but our director said that his life is not in danger for the time being. …”

Lin Xue didn't pay attention to what the nurse said. When she heard that Zhang Chen was in the intensive care unit, she hurriedly ran out.

Seeing Lin Xue running away in a hurry, the little nurse sighed and shook her head, "Hey, what a beautiful beauty. It's so pitiful that this kind of thing happened to her. It seems that it's better for me to be like this. At least I won't worry about it in the future. What accident happened!" At the end of the sentence, the little nurse touched her face with some freckles and became narcissistic.

Lin Xue asked many doctors and nurses on the way, and finally arrived at the intensive care unit. Through the glass, Lin Xue saw that Zhang Chen's body was covered with various tubes, and there was an oxygen mask on his mouth. His eyes slowly famous.

"You idiot! Why did you jump down with me then! I've obviously had a bad temper with you before!" Lin Xue said with red eyes as she stroked the glass with her hand as if touching Zhang Chen.

After watching Zhang Chen at the door for a while, Lin Xue took out the phone from her body as if she had made up her mind.

"Hey, Dad, don't you have a dedicated medical team?"

Lin Xue's father, Lin Chengxu, was reading documents in the office. He was a little surprised after receiving Lin Xue's call, "Yes, what's wrong? I asked you to check it before, but you refused to do it. Why are you asking about it now?"

"I want to use them now. A friend of mine is injured, but I don't trust the medical level of the central hospital."

After hearing Lin Xue's words, Lin Chengxu stopped reviewing the documents, stood up, and said resolutely, "No! This team is a medical research team vigorously cultivated by the country. It was a bit inappropriate for personal use originally, but now you still want to use it This kind of thing is absolutely not okay with unrelated friends!”

Lin Xue became a little anxious when she heard Lin Chengxu's resolute words. Looking at Zhang Chen in the room, Lin Xue gritted her teeth and said, "I have to save him. I went to Xanthium Mountain a few days ago and accidentally fell off the cliff. It was him. saved me."

Lin Chengxu became anxious when he heard something happened to Lin Xue, "Xiaoxue, did you fall off the cliff? Where are you? I'll go there now!"

Lin Xue shook his head, "I'm in the Central Hospital. I'm fine. I'm just anemic because I've been hungry for a few days, but something's wrong with him! Dad! He's in the intensive care unit now! He's still a young and healthy young man! But because of the rescue, I became what I am now.”

Lin Chengxu was relieved when he heard that Lin Xue was fine. He was a little shaken when he heard Lin Xue's words later, "But... there is no name. If I treat you, it can be said to be a physical examination for the leaders' families. If I treat others, it will be Makes people gossip."

When Lin Xue heard her father's tone, she was a little shaken, and then thought about what Zhang Chen did to save herself, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Dad, he is my boyfriend!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xue sat outside the door of the intensive care unit, praying secretly in her heart.

Zhang Chen, you must hold on.

In fact, Lin Xue couldn't explain how she felt about Zhang Chen.

When the two first met, Zhang Chen was just a freshman. At that time, Zhang Chen seemed to be a shy and sunny boy. Later, by chance, Zhang Chen became Lin Xue's tenant. , Lin Xue really understood Zhang Chen at this time.

She can cook for herself, and occasionally work part-time to support herself. She is loyal and I heard that because Xu Da had been hospitalized, she treats people very peacefully and never defaults on rent.

Until Zhang Chen did not come to her class some time ago, Lin Xue found Zhang Chen by some strange means, and then when they were in Cangli Mountain, Zhang Chen jumped down without hesitation to save her. To be honest, Lin Xue's heart is very complicated now.

"Zhang Chen... If you can survive, I will give you a chance..." Lin Xue thought of just telling her father that Zhang Chen was her boyfriend, and her face turned red. To be honest, since Lin Xue met Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen has always been very good. Except for the lack of a stable source of income, he is a good choice.

"Lin Xue, Lin Xue, what are you thinking! How can you think of such a shameful thing! You gave him a chance just because he saved your life, and you want to repay him, yes, that's it!" Lin Xue hypnotized herself to herself.

Time passed by minute by minute. Lin Xueyuan was already weak, and after lying in bed for a few days, he was a little tired. He fell asleep on the seat at the door without realizing it.

The author is here again! Shamelessly asking for recommendations and collections! (Covering face)

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