The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 23 There will be blessings in the future

After obtaining the doctor's consent, Xu Da went directly to the intensive care unit.

Outside the intensive care unit, Wang Lao and his group had no good solution for Zhang Chen's condition. After discussing it on the spot, they decided to go back and study it first, so they left one after another. Only Lin Chengxu stayed in the hospital because he was worried about Lin Xue's health.

Xu Da saw that most of the people outside had left. He took out the wooden box from his arms and murmured to Zhang Chen, who was unconscious on the bed, "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm back late."

After that, Xu Da opened the wooden box and took out a piece of yellowed talisman paper.

Xu Da followed what his grandfather said before and pasted the talisman paper on Zhang Chen's forehead.

Then Xu Da waited expectantly for the talisman to take effect.

After waiting for nearly four hours, Xu Da finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn! This talisman can't be fake!" Xu Da cursed inwardly, then looked at Zhang Chen and stood up to go back to his father to have a good talk.

However, Xu Da, who had already run away, did not know that the talisman had begun to take effect.

The phoenix blood in Zhang Chen's body was completely stimulated by the talisman and was rapidly transforming and strengthening Zhang Chen's whole body.

However, after all, this blood is limited, so as Zhang Chen's body is strengthened again and again, the blood gradually becomes less and less, and finally after Zhang Chen's body is transformed, only the size of a fingernail remains, and it continues to stay in Zhang Chen's heart veins.

Originally, Zhang Chen's body was collapsing, and now it has been strengthened again and again by the phoenix blood to the point of being extremely willful. Although strength and speed are not yet reflected, if Zhang Chen uses the previous move of moving the nine heavens again, the harm to himself will not be as great as this time.

As Zhang Chen's body recovered, Zhang Chen's consciousness slowly awakened.

After opening his eyes, Zhang Chen looked around and found that this was a hospital. After he was safe, Zhang Chen was relieved.

[The system detects that the host's status has recovered and starts to settle the reward! ]

Zhang Chen did not expect that the system would be so considerate this time, and even waited for him to wake up before settling.

[Successfully complete all tasks and obtain Xuanyuan Sword, the artifact of heaven and earth. The host has two choices! ]

[Draw three primary rewards or merge them into one intermediate reward! ]

[Get the unsealed Xuanyuan Sword! ]

Zhang Chen thought about it carefully.

Zhang Chen already knew the primary rewards, which were some common items in the planes he had experienced before. The intermediate rewards were probably a level higher, but Xuanyuan Sword was a heaven and earth artifact! It was a good thing that was useful to the system. If Zhang Chen didn't take Xuanyuan Sword, it would be a bit too stupid!

"I choose Xuanyuan Sword!"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, an ordinary-looking brass long sword appeared in the backpack space in his mind.

[Respectfully inform the host that Xuanyuan Sword has twelve seals on it, and the host needs to enter twelve formal worlds to obtain twelve different kinds of luck to unlock it!]

Zhang Chen's first reaction after hearing this was: Damn! I was tricked by the system again!

However, Zhang Chen thought about it again. He had obtained the Xuanyuan Sword without knowing it. Even if it was sealed, it was still a divine weapon of heaven and earth. It was a sure win for Zhang Chen. Thinking of this, Zhang Chen felt relieved.

Now that he had returned safely, Zhang Chen immediately entered the state of cultivation.

But soon, Zhang Chen opened his eyes.

"What... is going on?"

Zhang Chen entered the state of introspection and found that the spiritual power in his body, which was originally in the form of gas, actually showed a faint red color.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Chen had no clue.

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that the faint red color was due to the blood essence of the quail phoenix.

Although most of the blood essence was used to repair the collapsed parts of Zhang Chen's body and the broken meridians, some of the blood essence was still integrated with Zhang Chen's aura, giving Zhang Chen's aura a trace of the unique characteristics of the phoenix. In addition to the aura, Zhang Chen's meridians were actually more resilient because of this injury.

Of course, Zhang Chen didn't know all this yet. He was still wondering about the reason for all this.

If you can't think of it, don't think about it. Anyway, it seems that this change should not be harmful to yourself.

The next day, Lin Xue, who had cried all night in the ward, came to Zhang Chen's intensive care unit with red eyes.

Because Zhang Chen's various signs were normal, various medical instruments did not detect that Zhang Chen had woken up.

Lin Xue sat down beside Zhang Chen's bed, looking at Zhang Chen who was no different from before, tears fell again, "Zhang Chen, wake up quickly, it's all because of me. If I didn't get angry at the beginning, we wouldn't have so many misunderstandings. If there weren't so many misunderstandings, we wouldn't be in Cangli Mountain, and you wouldn't jump off the cliff to save me... wake up quickly!"

Zhang Chen, who was practicing, actually felt it when Lin Xue just came, but because he didn't know who it was and Zhang Chen was also practicing, he didn't care, but he didn't expect it to be Lin Xue, and what he didn't expect was that Lin Xue felt so guilty about this matter.

"Zhang Chen, wake up soon. I asked my dad to invite the best doctors. You will be fine. However, my dad didn't agree at first. It was only after I begged him and told him that you are my boyfriend that he agreed." Lin Xue sobbed and told Zhang Chen the words she had used to convince Lin Chengxu.

Zhang Chen originally didn't want to pay attention to Lin Xue and was ready to continue practicing, but when he heard Lin Xue say that he was Lin Xue's boyfriend, Zhang Chen almost couldn't help jumping up.

Zhang Chen said from his heart that Lin Xue was indeed very beautiful. She had a natural beauty even without makeup, and her figure was even better. It was not without reason that Lin Xue was called one of the goddesses of Zhuhai University.

Look at Zhang Chen again. First, he had no money, and second, he was not a second-generation official. His family had no power. He was a complete poor loser, but Lin Xue actually told her father that Zhang Chen was her boyfriend.

Zhang Chen's heartbeat accelerated.

As Zhang Chen's heartbeat accelerated, the sound of the electrocardiogram next to him began to accelerate.

After hearing the change in the sound of the electrocardiogram, Lin Xue was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on her face. She turned around and ran out of the intensive care unit. Zhang Chen vaguely heard Lin Xue running outside and calling for a doctor.

After a while, Lin Xue came back with a group of doctors.

Lin Xue pointed at the electrocardiogram in surprise and said to the doctor beside her, "Doctor, I just said a few words to Zhang Chen, and then the heartbeat shown on the electrocardiogram suddenly accelerated!"

The doctors were also excited. Since this patient came to their hospital, they have been under tremendous pressure, but they can only do nothing about Zhang Chen.

Just kidding, all the instruments show normal, but the patient is in a state of serious injury, and it is the kind of injury that would kill anyone else. What should the doctors do with such a weird situation? They are also desperate!

Now Lin Xue found that the electrocardiogram showed an accelerated heartbeat, which is a breakthrough for them.

One of the doctors said to Lin Xue, "What did you say to him at that time?"

When Lin Xue saw the doctor asking her what she said, her face instantly turned red.

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