The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 24 Give you a chance to pursue me

Lin Xue was embarrassed to say what she had said to Zhang Chen before.

A group of doctors were a little speechless.

This patient is like this, but you two are still sweet and sweet, where do you put us?

Just as a group of doctors were giving Zhang Chen a comprehensive examination, a person suddenly burst in from the door.

"I heard that Zhang Chen is having trouble?" Xu Da asked the doctor as soon as he entered the door.

The doctor nodded and pointed to Lin Xue, who was watching the doctors busy, "It was Miss Lin who discovered it."

Only then did Xu Da see Lin Xue.

"Sister Lin, how is Zhang Chen doing?"

Lin Xue told the doctors that it was nothing, but where did she put her face when she told Xu Da.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

Zhang Chen saw that so many people, including Xu Da, had come because of his sudden impulse. He was moved but also a little embarrassed, because the doctor was about to start manually checking Zhang Chen's body, and Zhang Chen couldn't pretend anymore. .


After coughing twice, Zhang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

With Zhang Chen's two coughs, the entire intensive care unit became quiet, and everyone turned to look at Zhang Chen who slowly sat up.

Seeing so many people looking at him, Zhang Chen touched his nose in embarrassment and said to Lin Xue, "Is what you said before that you will be my girlfriend as long as I wake up true?"

The Central Hospital all knew one thing. The strange critically ill patient who was sent here suddenly recovered.

In a ward, Zhang Chen smiled bitterly as he watched two doctors touching here and there on his body, "Boss, I'm really fine, so you don't have to work so much, okay?"

After the two doctors checked and found that nothing was wrong, they looked at each other, asked Zhang Chen to sign the examination report and left.

Soon, Xu Da rushed in from the door and punched Zhang Chen.

"You kid! It's finally okay!"

Zhang Chen glanced at Xu Da and said with a smile, "How did you know I'm here?"

Xu Da pretended to be a lifesaver, "You kid, you think you can come to the hospital by yourself? I spent a lot of effort to get you to the hospital from the useless Xanggu Mountain. Of course , and your beautiful landlady.”

Speaking of Lin Xue, Xu Da remembered what Zhang Chen said when he woke up.

"Hey, by the way, when you woke up, you said that Lin Xue would be your girlfriend as long as you woke up. Is it true?"

"I don't know. Maybe they are trying to trick me, or maybe it's true." Zhang Chen rolled his eyes.

While talking, Lin Xue walked into the ward.

Xu Da originally wanted to chat with Zhang Chen, but when he saw Lin Xue coming in, he quickly stood up, "Hey, Sister Lin is here, I won't be a light bulb, you two young couples have a good chat." As he said this, he said to Zhang Chen winked.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Chen laughed and cursed.

Lin Xue stood at the door a little embarrassed.

After Xu Da left, Lin Xue walked in.

"It seems that you are fine. I'll come to see you. Also, thank you for saving me." Lin Xue said unnaturally to Zhang Chen after coming in.

"You are my landlord. If something happens to you, where can I find such a cheap house?" Zhang Chen joked.

After hearing this, Lin Xue also relaxed some of her restraints, "You mean you jumped down to save me just because I was your landlord?"

Zhang Chen shook his head hurriedly after hearing this, "How can that be impossible!"

"What else?"

Zhang Chen wanted to say it's because you are beautiful, but seeing Lin Xue right in front of him, he couldn't say anything. He suddenly remembered what Lin Xue said in the intensive care unit before, and Zhang Chen quickly changed the subject.

"What else can there be? By the way, what you told me before that as long as I wake up you this true?"

Lin Xue's face turned red when she heard Zhang Chen talking about this.

"Um, you, don't misunderstand, I, I only said this to my dad to save you." Lin Xue quickly explained.

After hearing the explanation, Zhang Chen knew that he was being a little sentimental, but he still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After all, Lin Xue is extremely outstanding both in terms of her wealth and herself. If she can marry him, she will save more than ten years of struggle in her life.

"Oh, then I'm a little tired." Thinking of this, Zhang Chen suddenly lost interest in chatting with Lin Xue. He was just a pauper, with three generations of poor farmers in his family. Although he said that he didn't have to worry about food and clothing in his current life, he said It is impossible to be rich or wealthy.

Lin Xue also saw what Zhang Chen was worried about, nodded and prepared to leave the ward without saying anything.

After reaching the door, Lin Xue stopped and said, "Although you can't be my boyfriend now, I can give you a chance to chase me." After saying that, Lin Xue walked out directly.

As soon as Lin Xue left, Xu Da walked in from the other side.

"You kid can do it!"

Zhang Chen was still a little confused. He didn't understand what Lin Xue meant when he said he would give her a chance to chase her before she left.

"What's wrong with me?"

Xu Da pushed Zhang Chen, "Beautiful Lin has allowed you to pursue her. Do you think you two can't make it together because of the relationship you saved her?!"

Only then did Zhang Chen react.

"So she doesn't object to me becoming her boyfriend?"

Xu Da sighed, "You're an emotional idiot. Beauty Lin is obviously thin-skinned. As long as you pursue her for a while, it will be a matter of course for you two!"

Zhang Chen suddenly realized.

That’s it, it turns out that women’s minds are so complicated!

Xu Da saw that Zhang Chen couldn't react for a while, so he simply talked to Zhang Chen about business.

"Let's not talk about these, let's talk about business. Isn't there a painting hanging in your rental house? How about it, do you have time to go to Nanjing with me?"

Zhang Chen heard Xu Da say this and looked at Xu Da, "Why? Do you want to buy it?"

Xu Da nodded, "Yes, if this painting is real, I want to buy it. Our old man's lifelong wish is to see the real "Golden Pool Competition Picture"!"

"Then just take it away?"

Zhang Chen thought about it.

This painting was drawn by himself in the lottery, and it didn't take much effort, so he just gave it to Xu Da.

Before Xu Da spoke, an old voice suddenly came from the door.

"Young man, you are so courageous, no wonder Master Xu went home overnight to take out the family heirloom to use on you." As the voice came out, a hunchbacked old man walked in from the door.

The old man was wearing a black Tang suit. Although half of his hair was white, he was in good spirits and spoke with a strong tone.

Xu Da ran over immediately after seeing the old man, "Grandpa Li, didn't you go to Longhu Mountain for retreat? Why are you here?"

After hearing what Xu Da said, Old Li laughed, "What retreat? I just went to see the mountains and rivers. A few days ago, your father said he was worried about you and asked me to come and see you."

Xu Da quickly introduced Zhang Chen, "Zhang Chen, this is my grandfather's good friend, Grandpa Li Zhongguo. Don't look at Grandpa Li's old age. Grandpa Li is a master of national martial arts. A dozen ordinary people can't get close to him!" After that, Xu Da said to Li Zhongguo, "Grandpa Li, this is my brother Zhang Chen."

Zhang Chen also quickly stood up and greeted, "Hello, Old Li, my name is Zhang Chen."

Old Li looked at Zhang Chen's complexion and nodded with a smile, "Xiao Da, your Xu family's heirloom is different. The person who was originally seriously injured and dying can actually jump up and down overnight. It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"Old Li, what heirloom?" Zhang Chen was a little confused.

When Li Zhongguo heard that Zhang Chen didn't know yet, he looked at Xu Da and explained, "This kid has a family heirloom. You ran back to Nanjing to get it back after you were seriously injured."

Xu Da interrupted at this time, "Hey! How can it be so effective? It's just a broken talisman. I waited for a long time but didn't see any use."

Zhang Chen nodded, didn't say anything, but kept the matter in his heart.

The author is shamelessly asking for collection and recommendation again. This article is a bit slow in the early stage, but it will become more and more exciting later! In addition, everyone can guess where the next world is?

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