The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 25 The author ate the name again!

Zhang Chen was discharged from the hospital, or rather, he fled in a hurry.

Because people from the entire hospital came to visit him from time to time, asking him about his condition, asking him this, asking him that, it was not important, what was important was that Zhang Chen didn't know any of them!

But Lin Xue and Xu Da said that these were all kinds of experts and professors, and they didn't know where they heard about such a magical patient as Zhang Chen, so they all wanted to study him. Zhang Chen didn't want to be sliced, so he was discharged decisively.

Before being discharged, the doctors in the hospital didn't want Zhang Chen to leave, and were going to find some minor problems for Zhang Chen to keep this patient. Who knew that after a series of examinations, there was not even a trace of problems! There was no way, so they could only let this magical patient go.

As soon as Zhang Chen was discharged from the hospital, Xu Da also left. According to him, he wanted to talk to his family about Zhang Chen's affairs and arrange things to go to Nanjing.

But Zhang Chen had a feeling that this guy didn't want to be a light bulb!

Xu Da left, so he could only let Lin Xue send Zhang Chen back.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Chen looked at Lin Xue who started the car, and thought of what happened in the rental house before, and couldn't help saying, "Sister Lin, thank you so much for what happened before."

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Lin Xue's hand that was shifting the gear suddenly paused, "What did you call me just now?"

Zhang Chen said as a matter of course, "Sister Lin! What's wrong? No problem, didn't I call you that before?"

Lin Xue's face fell instantly, and she put her hands on the steering wheel.

"Get out of the car!"

Zhang Chen was dumbfounded!

What's going on? !

It was quite harmonious just now, why did you suddenly turn against each other?

Zhang Chen, who was kicked out of the car, looked at Lin Xue's red car with some emotion.

How can this woman's face change so quickly? She said before that she would give me a chance to pursue her, but now she just kicked me out of the car.

Zhang Chen could only take a taxi back honestly.

Back to his own little nest, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's still comfortable at home."

I haven't been home for several days, and there is a lot of dust in the house. After cleaning it up, Zhang Chen sat on the sofa and stared at the painting hanging on the wall.

To be honest, Zhang Chen was struggling.

Zhang Chen estimated that this painting should be real. If it is sold, the price must be high. In this way, my parents at home will not have to suffer. After all, although the family has enough money to live, they don't have to think about other things besides life. Even if they get sick, they can't afford it because the hospital charges too much money. If this painting is exchanged for money, Zhang Chen won't have to worry about his parents.

After experiencing two planes, Zhang Chen also began to change a little. The young man who used to be a little inferior and shy has a sense of being indifferent to fame and fortune after seeing the world, and he has also considered things.

"No! Xu Da saved me with his heirloom. If I sell this painting, I'm not only selling this painting, but also my character and my friendship with Xu Da! These things can't be exchanged for money, and as for money... With so many planes, I don't believe that I won't be able to draw something valuable later!"

After sorting out these things, Zhang Chen thought it through.

Money can be earned later, but friendship, once missed, is a lifelong thing.

After resolving the matter of Xu Da, Zhang Chen shook his own hand, "It seems that I need to check my attributes again. I feel that something is wrong with my body... but I can't tell."

Name: Zhang Chen (a common name, but it has some reputation in some places!)

Identity: Shushan disciple, Jiang Ziya's disciple (this extra has some background)

Cultivation: Peak of Qi training (a little stronger than an ant)

Items: Talisman pen, Xuanyuan sword (sealed)

Reward: None

Skills: Talisman (advanced), Sword control (advanced), Sword flying (why don't you ride the wind), Sowing beans into soldiers (ancient magic), Accumulating sand into towers (this is a classic), Returning to the origin (a must-have for home and travel), Emotion moving the nine heavens (a strong attack that draws the power of the world)

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly when he saw that there were only two lonely items left in his item column.

The rest were consumed in the last battle, and Xuanyuan sword was just obtained.

However, seeing that his cultivation reached the peak of Qi training, Zhang Chen still smiled.

"Not bad, I have finally reached this point in my cultivation!"

But Zhang Chen will face a difficult problem next, that is, how to go on the road ahead!

Before in the Shushan plane, Zhang Chen only learned the Qi training period. Now he has reached the peak. What should he do next?

Zhang Chen touched his chin, "It seems that I have to pay attention to the problem of the cultivation method in the next world."

Thinking carefully, Zhang Chen found that he had more things to do. First, Lin Xue, then he went to Nanjing with Xu Da, and there were also problems about the cultivation method.

"Ah! It's a headache. I don't want to think about it for now. I will take a rest for a few days and put other things aside. I will go to Nanjing with Xu Da first."

After thinking about everything, Zhang Chen began his life of eating and waiting for death.

Because of Lin Xue, Zhang Chen had taken a leave from school for a period of time. Zhang Chen didn't have to go to class. In addition, his cultivation reached the peak of Qi training, so Zhang Chen spent a lot of time on Guiyuan Liquid and Lingli Beans every day.

During the Kunlun battle, Zhang Chen discovered that these two things were extremely useful. However, because Zhang Chen was not on the front line, he had never used the "Gathering Sands into a Tower" technique. In the final battle against the black fog, Zhang Chen had no idea of ​​defending himself at all. So until the very end, Zhang Chen did not know the practical combat capability of this technique.

"Well... In addition to the Guiyuan Liquid and the Spiritual Power Beans, you also need to prepare a lot of talismans. It would be best to prepare at least one set for Lin Xue and Da Zi."

After setting the goal, Zhang Chen began to practice.

But it was obvious that God didn't want Zhang Chen, who only knew how to practice every day, to be idle.

When Zhang Chen was getting into the groove, a knock on the door interrupted him.

"Chen Zi! Open the door!"

Zhang Chen heard the familiar voice, sighed a little helplessly, and got up to open the door.

"How did you provoke the beautiful Lin again? Yesterday I asked her about your situation, and she actually said that you, a bastard idiot, should just die!"

As soon as he opened the door, Xu Da scolded him.

Zhang Chen was confused, "I didn't provoke her... I haven't seen her since the day I was discharged from the hospital!"

Xu Da sat down on the sofa, took out a cup of water and poured himself a glass of water. After taking a sip, he glanced at Zhang Chen, "What did you say to her when you were discharged from the hospital?"

"Nothing... By the way, everything was fine, and then I said thank you to her, and then she turned hostile and chased me out of the car."

Zhang Chen thought about it and told Xu Da what happened in the car.

After listening, Xu Da looked at Zhang Chen like an idiot and gave him a thumbs up, "Brother, you are my brother, what the beautiful Lin said is really right, you might as well die, how can you call her Sister Lin? You are her pursuer now!"

Zhang Chen also came to his senses a little, but he couldn't see Lin Xue for a few days, and she didn't answer even if he called her.

"What should I do? Even if I want to apologize, I can't contact her at all!"

Xu Da stopped Zhang Chen from talking and stood up quickly.

"Okay, don't say anything. This matter has to be handled by this handsome guy. Look, this handsome guy will take care of it for you! I promise to let you have a romantic date!"

Zhang Chen didn't understand the situation at the side, "Then what do I need to do?"

Xu Da resisted the urge to strangle Zhang Chen and showed a fake smile, "Wear your best clothes, buy a bouquet of flowers, and have a date with the beautiful Lin."

The author is here again, and I want to tell everyone that readers who read in the bookstore, the update status on the bookstore is sometimes delayed. For example, after my daily update yesterday at noon, I found that it was not displayed in the bookstore until 8 o'clock, so please don't worry, this book will not be discontinued. If there is something that needs to be discontinued or updated less, the author will publish a single chapter description in advance!

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