The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 26 If you don't understand something when dating, just smile

Xu Da was very efficient and had already settled Lin Xue's affairs that afternoon.

Zhang Chen found a suit that he had bought when he attended a school party from his closet, and was dragged by Xu Da to the barber shop to get a haircut. When he stood in front of the mirror, Xu Da was amazed.

"You have really changed from a loser to a tall, rich and handsome man, especially with this hairstyle, which goes well with this suit!"

Zhang Chen looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't believe it.

Is this really me?

Zhang Chen never takes care of his hair, and his clothes are usually casual, so he looks like an ordinary person with a sunny look, but now he looks completely different in this suit.

In addition, after practicing, Zhang Chen followed Master Jiang to learn about nature for a period of time, and the whole feeling he gave people was a kind of extraordinary temperament. With this outfit, he was so handsome.

Sitting in Xu Da's royal blue BMW, Zhang Chen still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he had never dressed so formally before, so he unbuttoned his shirt uncomfortably.

When Xu Da was driving, he saw Zhang Chen's movements from the corner of his eye and hurriedly stopped him, "Hey! Don't move! Just hold it like this! Otherwise, the carefully prepared dress will be in vain!"

Zhang Chen wanted to say something but was blocked by Xu Da's words.

"Remember it when you get there, it's a French restaurant, so you have to be reserved. If you don't understand something, just smile. Also, you must remember the name! You can't call her Sister Lin or Teacher Lin!"

Zhang Chen's mind was in a mess, "What is the name?"


Zhang Chen got goose bumps when he heard Xu Da say it.

After Xu Da's persistent nagging, they finally arrived at the location, and Zhang Chen hurriedly fled.

Xu Da was about to get off the car window and shouted at Zhang Chen, "Don't forget! The name!"

Zhang Chen waved and walked in without even turning his head.

Standing at the door, Zhang Chen looked at the beautifully decorated store and felt a little nervous.

To be honest, this is the first time for Zhang Chen to date. He also had a girl he liked in high school, but unfortunately, he never had the chance to say "I like you" to that girl until the end of the college entrance examination, so Zhang Chen's first love ended.

Adjusting his collar, Zhang Chen took a deep breath and walked into the restaurant.

There were not many people in the restaurant and it was not as noisy as usual in the restaurant. The tables where people were eating were whispering in pairs. Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue at a seat near the window, so he walked straight over.

"Sorry, I'm a little late and kept you waiting." Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue looking out the window, so he said to Lin Xue.

Lin Xue was originally looking at the scenery outside the window. After hearing the voice, she looked up and was instantly attracted by Zhang Chen's dress.

Originally, Lin Xue just thought Zhang Chen was pretty good, and if she was to give a score, she could get 60 points, but today Zhang Chen's dress Lin Xue could give 90 points, especially Zhang Chen's extraordinary temperament, which attracted Lin Xue even more.

After Zhang Chen sat down, he saw that Lin Xue didn't say anything, but stared at him blankly, and coughed a few times a little embarrassedly.

Lin Xue was awakened by the cough, and found that she was a little bit crazy before, and her face turned red.

Zhang Chen was also a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say at this time, but fortunately, Zhang Chen always remembered what Xu Da said before, if you don't understand or don't know what to say, just smile.

So Zhang Chen could only smile when Lin Xue blushed.

The atmosphere at the scene became more awkward.

Fortunately, the waiter came to the rescue soon.

"Madam and sir, what do you two want to eat?" The waiter said while giving Zhang Chen and Lin Xue the menu.

Lin Xue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the waiter coming. To be honest, she felt really embarrassed now, and at the same time she complained in her heart that Zhang Chen was really a blockhead, laughing in such an awkward atmosphere!

"I want Boston lobster and a bottle of red wine." Lin Xue smiled at the waiter after looking at the menu for a while.

Zhang Chen glanced at the menu in front of him. It was all in French. Zhang Chen didn't recognize any of it. There wasn't even a picture, which made Zhang Chen a little embarrassed.

"Well... ahem, I'll do the same as her." Zhang Chen pretended to be serious with the menu and said to the waiter with a smile.

Zhang Chen never forgot Xu Da's words. In his opinion, Xu Da was his brother and a veteran in the love field. He would not cheat him.

After the waiter left, Lin Xue burst out laughing.

Zhang Chen looked at Lin Xue who was laughing so glamorously and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Xue glanced at Zhang Chen and suppressed her smile, "Do you know that you just took the menu upside down?"

Zhang Chen realized it. No wonder the waiter looked at him so strangely when he walked over.

Soon the dishes ordered by Lin Xue and Zhang Chen arrived.

The waiter dutifully poured the red wine and left.

Zhang Chen looked at the big goblet and poured a mouthful of red wine. He drank it all and smacked his lips, "Why is it like this here? So little wine is poured?"

Lin Xue took a sip of red wine elegantly and watched Zhang Chen drink it in one gulp before shaking her head, "Zhang Chen, have you never been to a place like this before?"

Zhang Chen nodded a little embarrassedly when he saw Lin Xue say this, "Never been here before, this is the first time."

"Then why did you ask me to have dinner here?" Lin Xue suddenly became curious.

Zhang Chen looked at the busy streets outside the window, "This is the place Xu Da chose for me, and even this outfit was made by him."

Lin Xue suddenly realized, "I said, only a rich second-generation like Xu Da would be familiar with this kind of place."

Zhang Chen didn't know how to answer, so he could only smile at Lin Xue.

Lin Xue was a little unhappy when she saw Zhang Chen showing this strange smile again.

"Why do you always show such a fake smile? It makes people feel uncomfortable."

Zhang Chen touched his face, "Really? Xu Da told me to smile when I don't know how to answer or don't understand, so..."

Lin Xue was eating a bite of lobster meat, and after hearing what Zhang Chen said, she laughed out loud.

Quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, Lin Xue looked at Zhang Chen with a smile, "Why didn't I feel it before, you are so cute?"

Zhang Chen didn't know how to answer, so he could only blush and lower his head to eat the lobster that looked like he couldn't eat enough.

Lin Xue smiled slightly when she saw Zhang Chen blushing while eating, and also ate slowly.

Soon, Lin Xue and Zhang Chen finished eating silently. This may be the fastest in French restaurants. Usually, people will eat for more than two hours because French food is formal and slow.

Lin Xue wiped the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly when she saw Zhang Chen looking out the window after finishing eating, "After eating, how about going out for a walk together?"

Zhang Chen nodded and called the waiter to pay the bill.

The waiter came over and told Zhang Chen that the meal had been paid. Zhang Chen knew that it was paid by Xu Da, so he went out with Lin Xue at ease.

After leaving the restaurant, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he didn't have to continue to suffer.

Lin Xue behind him saw Zhang Chen's relieved look and couldn't help but smile.

This big boy is really interesting... Maybe he is really suitable...

The author appears again! Every time a chapter is written, the author will appear! Continue to ask for recommendation votes and everyone's collection! I would also like to say sorry to everyone. Because I am not like those prolific authors who can update three to five times a day, but I will work hard to become one of them. Old readers who have been reading from the beginning should know that I only updated once a day at the beginning, and now I have a stable update of two times a day. Next, I will move towards three updates a day!

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