The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 27 Establishing a Relationship

It was getting late, and Zhuhai City was brightly lit at night. Zhang Chen and Lin Xue were walking on the street, each with their own thoughts.

Passing by the overpass, Lin Xue suddenly said to Zhang Chen, "Let's go up there and take a look."

Zhang Chen nodded.

The overpass is not as lively as during the day, and there are no artists who usually perform here. The overpass at night has a different kind of quiet beauty than usual.

Lin Xue and Zhang Chen were walking on the overpass, with colorful neon lights on both sides, and the streets with cars coming and going below. It seemed as if Zhang Chen was the only two people in the whole world.

"Why did you save me without hesitation that day? This time you can't treat me like you did in the hospital!" Lin Xue put her hands behind her back and turned her head with a dissatisfied pout.

Zhang Chen was stumped by this question.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Chen shook his head.

"I have no idea."

Lin Xue stared at Zhang Chen after hearing this.

Zhang Chen saw Lin Xue staring at him without speaking, and suddenly felt that Lin Xue was cute like this. He walked to the overpass, leaned on the railing, and looked at the street below, "I really don't know, everything happened so fast at that time." "When I found out that you fell, I was completely stunned. I didn't think much and just jumped down. At that time, I just wanted to make sure you were fine."

Lin Xue's face turned red upon hearing this.

There were many people pursuing Lin Xue in the past, using all kinds of sweet words and all kinds of strange tricks to attract girls. Lin Xue can be said to have experienced many battles, but now that she is still single, she knows that Lin Xue has not been fooled even once. It is strange and obvious. Chen didn't say anything, but Lin Xue could feel that he was very important to her.

"Then, if it happens again, and you know you will be seriously injured or even die, will you still save me?"


Zhang Chen did not hesitate.

Lin Xue suddenly lowered his head and stopped talking.

Zhang Chen looked at Lin Xue, thinking that he might never have such a good opportunity in the future, and took a deep breath, "I know, maybe I don't have anything now, but I will work hard to make you happy every day, if, if Can you give me a chance, I..."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Lin Xue hugged Zhang Chen.

"Actually, I recognized you from the moment you woke up, and I will depend on you for the rest of my life!"

As Lin Xue finished speaking, the lights on the two nearby buildings suddenly turned on, flashing bursts of beautiful colors.

Lin Xue looked at the lights on the tall building and laughed in Zhang Chen's arms.

"This must be Xu Da's idea too, right?"

Zhang Chen hugged Lin Xue tightly, "There is no one else but him."

At this moment, under the building, Xu Da was sitting on a BMW and looking at Zhang Chen and Lin Xue on the overpass. He raised his cell phone as if he were playing tricks, "Humph, in the end, I, the lover, have to take action."

The next day, Zhang Chen woke up from his sleep.

Thinking about the scene last night, Zhang Chen felt like he was in a dream.

This is simply a real-life diaosi counterattack drama.

Now that Lin Xue's matter has been resolved, the next thing that needs to be resolved is Nanjing.

Zhang Chen glanced at the painting hanging on the wall.

The system really changed Zhang Chen's life.

As soon as he got up, Zhang Chen called Lin Xue.

The call was quickly connected.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just wanted to call you. I always feel like I had a dream yesterday, in which you became my girlfriend."

A chuckle came from the other end of the phone, "Fool."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen held the phone and laughed silly.

After taking a look at the time, Zhang Chen quickly got into work mode.

Now that there is no need to go to class, Zhang Chen has returned to his previous state of practicing every day. However, the difference from before is that Zhang Chen now has one more task, which is to call Lin Xue every day.

Zhang Chen has time every day, but Lin Xue does not. Lin Xue is a teacher at Zhuhai University, so she has a lot of work to do every day. In addition, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue can be regarded as teacher-student love, so in school Whenever possible, try to avoid some troubles.

Xu Da didn't know what he was busy with during this time, and he never saw anyone. Zhang Chen was also very happy and free. The top priority now is to prepare for the next world. Before, it was just the first official world and it was so dangerous. Zhang Chen could Imagine that the world will become more and more dangerous in the future.

And there's another important thing. Zhang Chen doesn't want to expose his specialness in the real world.

The talismans were okay, but Yu Jian and Zhang Chen definitely didn't want to be exposed in front of everyone's eyes. It was too dangerous.

Just like this, a few days passed normally. The reserves of Guiyuan Liquid and Spiritual Energy Beans in Zhang Chen's hands were very rich. Even the talisman Zhang Chen didn't let go. The power of the talisman was now 30% greater than before.

Zhang Chen was fully prepared during this period and began to look forward to the arrival of the next world. However, the next world did not arrive, and the news of Xu Da came.

Everything has been arranged and the air tickets to Nanjing are ready. In addition, there is news from Xu Da that Mr. Xu wants to meet Zhang Chen in person.

"Bring everything you need to bring, and be careful when you go there."

Zhang Chen nodded as he listened to Lin Xue's words on the phone, "I understand."

Xu Da, who was driving beside him, watched the two of them talking on the phone sweetly, and said into the phone, "Oh, you haven't even gotten through yet, and you care about him so much? Zhang Chen, the days ahead are going to be smooth!"

Zhang Chen laughed and cursed when he heard Xu Da's words, "You are the only one who has many things to do!"

Lin Xue on the other end of the phone also began to tease Xu Da, "What's wrong? Young Master Xu is jealous? No, Young Master Xu calls himself a love saint, how can he be jealous?"

"Come on, come on, you two are now on the same front, I am alone and can't beat you two, you two, just talk, I will be my driver!"

Xu Da saw that the two of them were of the same mind, and he quickly gave in when he saw that the situation was not good.

Zhang Chen smiled and chatted with Lin Xue for a while before hanging up the phone.

At the airport, Zhang Chen followed Xu Da in with his suitcase.

After boarding the plane, Zhang Chen sat in his seat, holding the seat belt tightly with both hands.

Xu Da was a little surprised to see Zhang Chen's nervous look.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Chen shook his head hurriedly, "Nothing... I'm just a little nervous because it's my first time on a plane. By the way, Dazi, you said the plane won't fall, right?"

Xu Da couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhang Chen like this, "Do you think this thing is made of paper? Don't worry, I've been on it for so many years, and I haven't encountered the situation you said once."

Zhang Chen was relieved when he heard it, and soon asked Xu Da again, "Then someone won't hijack the plane?"

Xu Da finally couldn't help it, "Have you watched too many movies? This is a domestic flight, and such a situation won't happen for several years!" Seeing that Zhang Chen was still very nervous, Xu Da comforted him, "It's just a plane, it's okay, don't worry, you're just too nervous because you're taking a plane for the first time, sleep for a while, and I'll call you when you get there."

Zhang Chen nodded nervously.

The plane took off directly and flew to Nanjing.

High energy ahead! The author is here! I wanted to transition directly and quickly in these few chapters, but the plane at the end was a bit too exciting. The author hasn't figured out how to write it yet, so I have to arrange the real world first. In addition! Please collect and recommend! If you like it, you can recommend it to your friends!

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