The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 28 The Xu Family’s Undercurrent

Nothing happened along the way. The plane crash and hijacking that Zhang Chen had originally thought of did not happen. The plane flew safely to Nanjing, but Zhang Chen was relieved after getting off the plane.

"Finally here!"

Xu Da glanced at Zhang Chen and did not blame him. To be honest, there will be all kinds of worries when taking a plane for the first time, but as long as you get used to it, you will find that it is actually just a means of transportation.

"Chenzi, let's talk about business. Did you bring the painting?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Aren't we here just for this painting? Even if I don't come, this painting must come."

Xu Da said to Zhang Chen while leading Zhang Chen out of the airport.

"That's good, Chenzi, you have to be careful when you go to my grandfather's place. Our family... is not a monolithic one."

Then Xu Da and Zhang Chen talked about their family affairs.

Only then did Zhang Chen know how powerful Xu Da's family was.

Grandpa Xu is a retired cadre in Nanjing. He has a great influence in the military region. Many current generals and commanders call Grandpa Xu "old chief" when they see him.

The Xu family also branched out from the generation of Grandpa Xu, with a total of five children. Among them, Xu Da's father is the eldest, so he is also the current patriarch. Xu Da is the only one, so Xu Da is also the junior patriarch.

But Xu Da's other two uncles were dissatisfied. Xu Da's father was in the army, and his two uncles were in the officialdom and the business world. Because the officials and businessmen were close, Xu Da's family was divided into two factions. On the one hand, there was Xu Da's father alone, and on the other hand, the two uncles united. Both sides were dissatisfied. If it weren't for Grandpa Xu still suppressing them, the Xu family might have split.

"The specific situation is like this, and now the Xu family basically knows that this painting is with you. You must hide it well and can't let my uncles find it. You must follow me closely during this period." Xu Da finally instructed.

Zhang Chen nodded and said as a matter of course, "Don't worry, as long as they don't come here to do something sneaky, I won't do anything to them."

Xu Da heard Zhang Chen's words and thought that Zhang Chen was bragging, so he shook his head, "Anyway, it's good that you have a plan in your mind."

Zhang Chen nodded. According to Xu Da's words, if they really came here to do something sneaky, Zhang Chen decided to teach them a lesson. Anyway, they didn't get along with Xu Da. If they really pushed Zhang Chen to a corner, the worst that could happen was that Zhang Chen's secret would be exposed, but Xu Da's two uncles were so lucky.

If it were before, Zhang Chen might really have swallowed his anger and passed it, but after going through two planes, Zhang Chen had been trained to have his own diamonds in both cultivation and character. With strength, he had confidence, so Zhang Chen could say what he said before as a matter of course.

After leaving the airport, someone soon came to Xu Da and took Zhang Chen and Xu Da to the car.

After speeding all the way, they soon arrived at Mr. Xu's residence.

After getting off the car, Zhang Chen looked at the ancient and quaint villa in front of him and sighed.

"Oh my god, how much does this cost!"

Xu Da glanced at Zhang Chen, "This can't be bought with money. This is for my grandfather's retirement by the military district. Did you see those security guards when you entered the door before? They are all retired special forces soldiers, all elites who have seen blood and fought on the battlefield!"

After listening to this, Zhang Chen nodded secretly. No wonder he felt an uncomfortable breath from them. It turned out that they were special forces soldiers who had killed people.

Walking into the villa, the decoration inside was all ancient style, but it also integrated some modern high-tech, which made Zhang Chen feel refreshed.

Soon, Zhang Chen was led to a room by Xu Da.

"Chenzi, you will stay here for the time being. I have to go back and inform my dad. I will introduce you to my grandfather in two days. Don't worry, this is my grandfather's territory. My two uncles dare not come here to make trouble."

Zhang Chen nodded, "If you have something to do, go and do it first. There are so many people here. I'm fine."

After Xu Da arranged for Zhang Chen, he left in a hurry.

As soon as Zhang Chen closed the door, there was a knock on the door.

After Zhang Chen opened the door, he found a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

The middle-aged man bowed to Zhang Chen first, "Mr. Zhang, I am the housekeeper here, you can call me Butler Xu, if you need anything, please tell me, I will arrange it for you."

"Oh, no, no, Butler Xu, you don't have to worry about me, I will ask if there is anything."

Zhang Chen was a little flattered. He had never been served like this since he was a child, and there was a housekeeper! Xu Da's life was really too luxurious.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, please call me if you need anything."

Butler Xu said very professionally and then left.

Zhang Chen returned to the room again and lay on the bed. To be honest, he was a little tired. He had been running all day. It would be a lie to say that he was not tired. Although Zhang Chen had cultivation, to be honest, Zhang Chen was too nervous on the plane. In other words, he was tired.

After taking a hot bath, Zhang Chen rested early.

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that on the other side of the villa, Butler Xu, who had just come to see him, was on the phone.

"Yes, he's here. Okay, I'll try my best. He's not wary of me. Okay, goodbye." Butler Xu hung up the phone and looked around to see that there was no one around. He went to do other things as if nothing had happened.

The next day, Zhang Chen woke up very early.

Because he was worried that there were ears in the wall, Zhang Chen didn't practice as usual for the sake of caution.

Zhang Chen, who had nothing to do in the morning, could only go out of the villa and walk around.

After a while, Zhang Chen went to the back of the villa.

The whole villa was built on the mountain, surrounded by green mountains and green waters. There was a large lake behind the villa. Zhang Chen looked and saw no traces of artificial excavation. It should be a natural lake.

Standing by the lake, Zhang Chen felt the breath of nature and couldn't help but think of Jiang Lao.

Zhang Chen found some branches around and made a fishing rod by himself. He fished by the lake like he did on Kunlun Mountain.

Slowly, Zhang Chen felt that he had entered the familiar perception again, but this time it was different from all the previous perceptions.

Just when Zhang Chen was about to feel the difference carefully, he was interrupted by a voice.

"Little brother, your fishing rod is quite unique!"

Zhang Chen heard someone talking, and after opening his eyes, he found an elderly man in a Tang suit standing behind Zhang Chen with a brand new fishing tackle.

"Hey, I just did this for fun. Seeing how beautiful this lake is, it would be a waste if I don't feel it. Old man, you also come to fish. This equipment is quite complete." Zhang Chen said, raising the fishing rod in his hand.

The old man in Tang suit laughed after hearing Zhang Chen's words, "Hahaha, this is the first time I heard people say that fishing is for feeling the beauty. You are right, young man!"

Zhang Chen smiled faintly, "Fishing is called fishing, but in fact, it is not the fish that is caught, but the interest in your heart."

The old man was a little surprised when he heard this, "Young man, this doesn't sound like something you are saying at your age!"

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