The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 29 A small talk by the lake [Please collect! ]

Beside the natural lake behind the Xu family villa, Zhang Chen and the old man were fishing and chatting.

"Grandpa, are you also from the Xu family?"

The old man in Tang suit nodded calmly, "Yes, this is the Xu family's place. If I were not a member of the Xu family, how could I come in? But, little brother, you look a little unfamiliar."

Zhang Chen smiled when he heard the old man asking him, "Hi, I was pulled here by my brother Xu Da to meet his grandfather. I just came here yesterday."

The old man in Tang suit hurriedly said, "Oh, it turns out that you are the young master's friend."

Zhang Chen suddenly became curious when he saw the old man in Tang suit saying that Xu Da was the young master.

"Grandpa, how long have you been here?"

The old man raised his hand and pulled up the fishing rod, while sorting the bait, he said, "It has been decades, it can be said that I have been here for half my life."

When Zhang Chen heard that the old man had lived here for so long, he should be someone who knew, and hurriedly asked about what he was concerned about.

"Then, old man, what kind of person is Xu Da's grandfather? I think Xu Da is quite afraid of his grandfather. He put me here and ran away directly."

The old man in Tang suit threw out the fishing rod again and laughed dumbly, "This young master was taught a lot by his grandfather when he was a child, so he is naturally afraid."

The old man laughed and told Zhang Chen a few things about Xu Da's childhood.

The more Zhang Chen listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Why did the words of this old man feel like what he had experienced? The status of this old man in the Xu family must be not low. Anyway, Zhang Chen felt that it must be much higher than that of the Xu housekeeper yesterday.

Zhang Chen, who was cautious, did not expose it and continued to talk with the old man.

After the old man finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and looked at Zhang Chen's fishing rod and said curiously, "Young man, you have been here for so long, why haven't I seen you put the bait again?"

Zhang Chen smiled and picked up his fishing rod and showed his fishhook to the old man.

The old man was amazed, "Young man, are you imitating Jiang Taigong? Haha, but Jiang Taigong didn't fish, he was fishing for King Wu of Zhou!"

After hearing what the old man said, Zhang Chen put down the fishing rod and shook his head, "Old man, I dare not say anything else, but you are wrong about this."

The old man in Tang suit was dissatisfied, "This story of Jiang Taigong willing to take the bait has been circulating for so long, can it have other meanings?"

"Yes, the story of Jiang Taigong has been circulating for so long, everyone thinks that Jiang Taigong's willing to take the bait refers to King Wu of Zhou." Zhang Chen smiled mysteriously, "But what if Jiang Taigong really thought that the willing took the bait and King Wu of Zhou just happened to see it?"

The old man in Tang suit thought about it carefully, this possibility is not impossible, "It seems that there is such a possibility, but... isn't it too coincidental? Jiang Taigong just mentioned the willing to take the bait that day and King Wu of Zhou came?"

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, holding the fishing rod, and slightly closed his eyes.

"It's not coincidental what Jiang Taigong said. It's coincidental that King Wu of Zhou met Jiang Taigong..."

Zhang Chen still remembers that when he first met Jiang Lao, although Jiang Lao was wearing a straw raincoat and was right in front of him, Zhang Chen could not feel Jiang Lao's presence. There was nothing around him except nature. Master, are you okay...

As Zhang Chen recalled and missed Jiang Lao, he couldn't help but enter a state of understanding nature.

The wind blew and passed by Zhang Chen, but it seemed as if there was no Zhang Chen. It rushed directly into the distance. The surrounding nature rose and fell with Zhang Chen's breathing, and the whole world seemed to come alive.

The fish in the lake gathered around Zhang Chen, and even the fishing rod moved because of the fish swimming back and forth. The birds in the woods flew to Zhang Chen's side, without calling, but just standing there obediently, as if Zhang Chen was the center of nature at this moment.

The old man in Tang suit was stunned to see this magical scene. He had lived here for most of his life, and he never knew there were so many birds here, nor did he know there were so many fish in the lake. He had never seen such a magical scene in his life. This feeling was very strange. Although Zhang Chen could see it, the old man would not be able to find a person here if he closed his eyes.

Gradually, Zhang Chen came out of that state, and all the animals that were attracted by Zhang Chen before also dispersed. Everything that had just happened around him seemed like a dream.

The old man in Tang suit saw Zhang Chen open his eyes, stood up quickly, and was about to bow down, "Living God!"

Zhang Chen was quick-witted and quickly supported the old man, "No, no, don't bother me, I just know a little about the way of nature, get up quickly, get up quickly!"

"Well, little god, there is a pavilion in front, let's have a good chat there!" This time, the old man in Tang suit didn't dare to neglect Zhang Chen. The previous magical scene had completely convinced the old man, and because of some things in his youth, the old man believed in such magical things.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to refuse the gift from the elder, so he could only take the fishing rod he made temporarily and follow the old man to the pavilion.

"Little god, what did you just do?" As soon as he sat down in the pavilion, the old man in Tang suit asked curiously.

Zhang Chen felt uncomfortable when he heard the word "little immortal". Although he could be called an immortal according to ordinary people's terms, he still felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to be sliced ​​and studied. "You'd better not call me a little immortal. These are just some natural ways. Even you can understand them if you have the understanding."

Upon hearing this, the old man in Tang suit knew that it was not easy to talk about this kind of thing outside. After all, we are in an era of technological development, and this kind of talk about immortals and Buddhas is all feudal superstition. "Okay, then I will just call you... Hey! Look at me. My brain, after chatting for so long, I still don’t know your name.”

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled, "Don't say that. My name is Zhang Chen and I am just an ordinary person. Please don't be polite to me."

The old man in Tang suit had no choice but to listen to Zhang Chen's words when he saw Zhang Chen's persistence.

"Okay, then listen to the little god, no, listen to little brother Zhang Chen!"

Zhang Chen was relieved.

To be honest, Zhang Chen was really not used to an old man treating him with such respect.

"By the way, old man, since you live here, don't you have to be busy at this time?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, "Ah, yes! I'm not very busy at this time. I only serve the old master and am in charge of the study, so I usually just clean up and don't have much else to do. In fact, no one wants me to do it. , but I just can’t take any time off.”

"This job is good. Not only is it relaxing, but it is also suitable for you. However, Mr. Xu seems to be a pretty nice person. So why is Xu Da so afraid of Mr. Xu? I can't figure it out."

The old man smiled and said, "How can outsiders know what these two men are doing? It's getting late, and I have to clean up the study. Do you want to go back together, little brother?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "This place is quite nice, I haven't finished shopping yet."

"Okay, little brother, just wander around. If someone asks you, just say that I, Xu Zhongguo, agreed. Although I don't mean much here, I still have the final say on this matter."

After seeing Zhang Chen nod, the old man in Tang suit picked up his fishing gear and walked to the villa.

On the way, the old man made a phone call.

"Hey, call Xiaoda back and tell him I want to see him."

After hanging up the phone, the old man in Tang suit thought about Zhang Chen he had just met.

"What a strange man. Sure enough, all the masters are among the people!"

The author's fungus appears again! Some readers said before that the update is a bit slow. In fact, the author is also considering it. The main reason is that he doesn’t have much time to code. The author is still a newbie, so his hand speed can’t keep up. However, the author’s meeting will start next week or the week after. Try to update three times a day, I hope everyone can continue to support! Finally, international practice! Everyone, give your recommendation votes and collections to the author!

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