Harry and his four companions had just experienced a great battle, and their spiritual energy and spirit had been consumed. They were all exhausted at this time. The four people just found a big tree that was thick enough less than 500 meters away from the entrance of the spider cave, and climbed up one after another.

After climbing the tree, the four people could no longer care about other things. Everyone was exhausted. Although they had not eaten for a day, everyone began to take the time to rest.

After the four people discussed, they decided that the four people would take turns to keep watch. The first one to keep watch was Jia Lei.

When Jia Lei packed up and prepared to meditate, he found that everyone else had already fallen asleep. He shook his head and said, "It seems that everyone is really exhausted today. They didn't even eat."

Today, for all the students in the Black Forest, it is destined to be an unforgettable day.

Not only Harry and his four companions, but also the remaining six teams encountered considerable troubles.

Speaking of troubles, we have to say how insidious Zhang Chen is.

In order to increase the difficulty of the trial without putting all the students in too much danger, Zhang Chen specially found some very disgusting but extremely difficult magical creatures with poor attack power, and specially created various traps.

The situation Harry and his four friends encountered was relatively good. Although it was more dangerous than other groups, it was not disgusting in general.

When Harry and his four friends fell into the spider hole, some teams encountered groups of slugs, and some teams were surrounded by countless slime aphids.

There were also teams attacked by countless frogs. Although they did not cause much damage, each one was very disgusting, enough to leave a shadow in the hearts of all students.

At this time, it was late at night and all the teams, except for the night watchers, fell into a deep sleep.

In Hagrid's hut, Hagrid, who had been drinking with Zhang Chen for an afternoon, was drunk and unconscious on the table. Only Zhang Chen stood at the window with a cup and looked in the direction of the Black Forest.

"You should all rest at this time, right? After all, you are tired all day." Zhang Chen took a sip of the wine in his hand and smiled, "But the fun things only start at night!"

In the dead of night, the dangerous animals lurking in the Black Forest during the day also began to move.

Jia Lei was meditating and suddenly felt a sense of being stared at. He immediately opened his eyes and looked around.

But the surroundings were quiet, as if there was no danger at all.

Jia Lei was worried and quietly woke up Harry who was sleeping soundly.

Although Harry was tired after a day, he slept lightly because he knew subconsciously that he was in a trial, so he woke up quickly, "What's wrong? Is there a situation?"

Jia Lei nodded and whispered, "I feel like I'm being watched by someone, or maybe not a person."

Harry's face became solemn after hearing Jia Lei's words.

The Black Forest is a forbidden area of ​​Hogwarts. Few students come in, but the legend about the Black Forest has been widely circulated.

There are werewolves and various evil magical creatures in the Black Forest. These magical creatures cannot go out to hurt people because of the contract they signed with wizards, but the Black Forest is their territory.

Jia Lei couldn't feel something was wrong for no reason. It was best to wake up Hermione and Ron at this time, and everyone would stay up until dawn together.

"Wake them up, no matter whether there is any danger or not, we should be more vigilant. If it doesn't work, we should rest a little longer tomorrow morning."

Jia Lei nodded, this is the only way now.

Hermione and Ron were awakened by Harry. Although they were still a little confused, they were not in school now, and they knew what to do.

The four of them discussed what to do next.

There were not many light sources in the Black Forest now, and there was thick fog in the middle of the night. The visibility was less than two meters and the humidity was very heavy.

There was no need to consider lighting a bonfire under the tree. There was no time to collect firewood now.

Jia Lei estimated the time, "It will be dawn in four hours. If it doesn't work, let's meditate together and set up simple warning magic around us."

Harry nodded, "This is a good idea. Not only can we rest, but we don't have to worry about not being able to react in case of emergencies."

The four of them had just finished discussing when Ron suddenly spoke, "Do you feel that the fog around you has increased?"

Ron's words attracted everyone's attention.

Harry nodded, "I feel it's getting thicker too."

Jia Lei observed the surroundings and nodded solemnly, "Compared to before I woke you up, the fog is almost twice as thick now."

Hermione also spoke at this time, "It is true that fog will appear in the Black Forest at night due to the temperature, but the fog will not change much in a short period of time, unless..."

Harry and Jia Lei looked at each other and said in unison, "Unless someone is playing tricks!"

The four people began to get nervous.

Harry and Ron began to take the time to rest. While the fog had not yet made them invisible, the two of them took the time to recover their spiritual energy next to Jia Lei and Hermione. Hermione cast the fog-repelling spell from time to time to keep things visible within a radius of five meters around her, and the spiritual energy in Jia Lei's body was always in a state of readiness.

Soon, the fog around them became thicker and thicker. Hermione continued to cast the fog-repelling spell, but the range became smaller and smaller, shrinking from a distance of five meters to three meters.

Hermione cast the Mist Repelling Spell again and panted slightly. "No, I can't hold on any longer. There is definitely something wrong with this mist. Even the Mist Repelling Spell can't get rid of it."

Just as Hermione finished speaking, the fog outside began to roll rapidly. Although it was silent, the fog began to surge like sea water.

Jia Lei stood up quickly at this time, and the wooden stick in his hand shot directly into the mist with a stream of spiritual energy.


A sharp scream sounded, and Harry and Ron opened their eyes instantly.

"what happened!"

"what's the situation!"

Hermione's face changed greatly after hearing this voice, "It's the Fog Demon! This is the Fog Demon! I've seen it in books. It's a creature that can only live in the fog. It poses no lethal threat to people, but it It will absorb a kind of energy from the human body. After being absorbed once, your whole body will be weak and your magic power will be gone for a week!”

"Then what should we do now? We are all very tired. If we are attacked by it, we will fail this trial!" Ron said anxiously.

At this moment, the surrounding fog began to surge, and for a moment, Harry and the four of them seemed to be in a sea of ​​clouds.

Jia Lei glanced around, with a solemn expression on his face, "If there was one Fog Demon that rolled just now, there should be at least ten Fog Demons in this situation around now."

Harry took a deep breath and took out the wooden stick that Jia Lei had thrown to him from behind, "Now we can only fight."

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