The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 231 A difficult night

Fortunately, the trunk of the tree chosen by Harry and his four companions was very thick. Although it was still very narrow for fighting, it at least allowed Harry and his four companions to stand back to back and have space for defense.

The surrounding fog rolled for a while, and a claw formed by fog suddenly emerged from the thick fog and grabbed Hermione.

Jia Lei reacted quickly and quickly used a wooden stick wrapped in spiritual energy to disperse the claw.

"Everyone be careful! They are going to attack!"

As soon as Jia Lei finished speaking, all kinds of things formed by fog stretched out from all directions.

There were tentacles, fists, claws, heads, and all kinds of things.

In this case, Hermione had to use spiritual energy to resist.

Every time Harry and his four companions were accidentally hit by the fog, they would feel more tired.

Jia Lei was hit by the fog again by mistake, and felt a burst of fatigue in his body. "This is not a solution. We must find a good solution quickly, otherwise this trial will end today!" Harry looked at the fog around him and turned to Hermione and shouted, "Hermione, think about whether there is any way to solve these things!" Hermione was about to cry. Although she read books frequently, they were just reading materials for her. She treated them as stories during her rest time. Now she could not think of a solution at once. "I, I don't know! The book only says that this kind of fog demon appears at night and disappears during the day, but it is not daytime yet!" Hermione's voice was filled with tears. Hermione passed all the exams this time. If Zhang Chen, her favorite class, failed in the end, Hermione might not be interested in studying in the future. After listening to Hermione's words, Harry suddenly thought of a way, "Hermione! Try the magic of sunlight! It's the one you used when we were dealing with the devil vines under the trapdoor!"

Hermione didn't have any good ideas at this time, so she could only listen to Harry's words and cast the magic of sunlight again.

A ray of light spread from the big tree. With the sunlight shining, all the fog around seemed to be weakened by a layer, but no screams came out.

Various attacks composed of fog continued to rush towards the four people.

Jia Lei dispersed the oncoming fog and shouted behind him, "It doesn't have much effect. They should not be afraid of the sun, they just don't like it!"

The only useful magic is now useless. Harry and the other four feel that they can't survive this night.

Ron was even more dazed.

You know, since he told his family that he has been taking Zhang Chen's class, he has been scolded less at home, and even received praise from his mother. If his family knew that he failed this exam when he returned home, Ron could already imagine his miserable life during this holiday.

Ron was thinking about the holiday, and was hit by three mists without paying attention. Most of his strength was instantly drained away, and he collapsed on the tree trunk.

As if seeing Ron's defense line being lost, more mist rushed towards Ron. Ron looked at the fog in front of him, and his heart was determined. The aura instantly covered his whole body, and then he used up his last bit of strength to shout behind him, "Be careful!"

Hermione, Harry, and Jia Lei turned their heads immediately after hearing Ron's voice behind them, just in time to see Ron being swallowed by a large amount of fog.

"Ron!" Hermione rushed over without thinking much, but was quickly stopped by Harry and Jia Lei.

"Don't go! He will be fine. Now we can only complete this trial with his efforts!"

Harry retreated while holding Hermione.

Just when the three people were sad, Ron's surprised voice suddenly came from the place where Ron was swallowed by the thick fog.

"Guys! Use your aura! Aura can prevent them from stealing our strength!"

Harry and Jia Lei looked at each other, and instantly raised an aura shield around them. The aura shield grew from small to large and directly included all four people.

Sure enough, as the aura shield expanded, all the thick fog was blocked outside, and Ron appeared in front of them again.

Ron's aura surged, and it was obvious that Ron was ready to fight to the death at the last moment, but he discovered this secret in the end.

Hermione, who was feeling sad, immediately looked at Ron in surprise after hearing Ron's voice, "You're okay!" Then Hermione ran over and hugged Ron.

Ron coughed awkwardly twice, "Of course I'm fine, but can you let go first?"

Hermione also realized that she had lost her composure at this time and stood up immediately.

Harry walked to Ron and pulled him up, "Ron, we should be able to survive tonight because of you."

Jia Lei was not very proficient in using the aura shield, so he could only stand there, but he still praised Ron, "Well done!"

Then they knew that aura was very useful for fog demons, so the four of them took a temporary break.

The consumption of the aura shield was actually a bit high for four people who had just practiced for a year, so the four of them divided into two groups and took turns to rest. Finally, the sky outside began to brighten up.

As the sky got brighter, the fog around the four people began to slowly decrease, and finally it was almost gone.

"Ah! It feels so good to be able to see things!" Ron stretched his body as he looked into the distance.

The other three actually felt the same way. Harry also looked into the distance and suddenly found a shiny object flashing through the forest not far away.

Harry, who suspected that he was dazzled, looked carefully and finally saw that the shiny object was actually a very round bead.

Harry immediately shouted at the four people, "Get up! I saw the spirit bead!"

After being reminded by Harry, the four people looked in the direction Harry saw and saw that there was indeed a spirit bead slowly moving away from them.

Jia Lei suddenly shouted as he looked at the spirit bead that followed the white mist.

"They followed the fog demon. It is very likely that this is what the instructor arranged for us!"

"What should we do then?" Ron asked after looking at everyone.

Several people smiled at each other, "Need I say this? Hurry up and find it!"

The moment they saw the spirit bead, the four seemed to see the motivation to move forward.

The four people dragged their tired feet down from the big tree and rushed after the spirit bead all the way. Because the movement was too loud, they startled the birds living in the black forest.

Outside Hagrid's hut, Zhang Chen was doing stretching exercises while watching three or four birds being startled in the sky above the Black Forest. A smile appeared on his face, "It looks like they are all working hard!"

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