What Zhang Chen hates the most is betrayal. In Zhang Chen's opinion, a person can resist, but since he has surrendered to the enemy, there are only two choices. One is to commit suicide, the other is to endure the humiliation and finally defeat him in an upright manner!

For example, Zhang Chen's favorite Guan Yu, although he served as a general under Cao Cao for a period of time, Guan Yu has always emphasized that he will leave as long as his eldest brother is found, so Guan Yu is aboveboard from beginning to end, even if he is captured. , Guan Yu did not deceive Cao Cao.

But Voldemort was different. Voldemort's series of actions were carried out without telling Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen couldn't kill him yet. Otherwise, Zhang Chen would not be able to find a person darker than Voldemort in this world.

That's right, what Zhang Chen needs now is not a positive figure like Harry, but a poisonous snake hidden in the darkness, who can give the enemy a fatal blow at the critical moment. At the same time, some cruel things need to be left to Voldemort. , things like conspiracy sometimes require talent.

So Zhang Chen decided to give Voldemort an unforgettable punishment, so that Voldemort would always remember that Zhang Chen would not allow betrayal.

One day later, Zhang Chen finally arrived near Hogwarts. Zhang Chen did not enter Hogwarts, but went directly to Hagrid's cabin.

Now Hagrid's hut is built under the whomping willow. Because it is protected by the whomping willow, Hagrid's hut is very safe at night. In addition, the whomping willow now has dense leaves and is no longer It used to be bare, so it has become a scenery of Hogwarts. Hagrid has always been proud that his hut has become a scenery of Hogwarts.

Before Zhang Chen landed on the ground, the Whomping Willow on the ground had already felt Zhang Chen's presence and began to swing its branches.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw the Whomping Willow in the sky, and slowly landed in front of the Whomping Willow, "Zhang Shu, long time no see, the aura is shining brighter now. It seems that he has been practicing diligently during this period." ah!"

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, all the branches and leaves of the Whomping Willow began to tremble slowly.

Hagrid in the hut felt something was wrong with the Whomping Willow, so he immediately came out to check and saw Zhang Chen in the sky at a glance, "Zhang Chen! You're back!"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Well, I have some things to deal with, so I'm back."

Hagrid pulled Zhang Chen into his hut, "How are you? Are you ready to leave this time?"

Zhang Chen nodded, "I have something to do when I come back this time, and it's quite urgent, so I won't be able to stay long this time before I continue to leave."

Hagrid shook his head regretfully, "That's such a pity!" After saying this, Hagrid suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Chen, "You said the urgent matter won't be about Voldemort, right?"

Zhang Chen glanced at Hagrid, took out two wine glasses, and poured some spirit wine, "Voldemort's matter is only part of it. Okay, let's not talk about these things now. Let's drink! Let's have a taste of our hometown. Specialties, guaranteed to satisfy you.”

With that said, Zhang Chen handed the wine glass to Hagrid.

Hagrid wanted to say something else, but was suddenly stopped by the strong aroma of wine in the wine glass. Hagrid sniffed his nose and asked, "What kind of wine is this?" It tastes so good.

Zhang Chen made a gesture of invitation, "You'll know if you try it."

An hour later, Zhang Chen walked out of Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid fell asleep on the bed in the hut holding a jar of wine given to him by Zhang Chen.

After walking out of Hagrid's hut, Zhang Chen came directly to Diagon Alley through the chimney of Hagrid's hut.

As soon as he appeared, Zhang Chen felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere nearby.

Because the entire Diagon Alley was originally prosperous, but now it is a bit desolate.

Zhang Chen frowned and looked around.

Not only are there not many people shopping in the entire Diagon Alley, but the surrounding shops have also been closed.

Zhang Chen looked around while walking towards the Ministry of Magic.

Because the Ministry of Magic is near Diagon Alley, and Zhang Chen didn't know the specific location, Zhang Chen went directly to Diagon Alley.

"What's going on?" Zhang Chen unfolded his consciousness and found that all the surrounding shops were covered with defensive magic, and Zhang Chen could vaguely feel an unusual atmosphere.

Suddenly, a white light shot into the sky not far away. As the white light rose, a large green flame suddenly appeared around him. Zhang Chen looked at the green flames around him and suddenly felt familiar. Isn't this just using Floo powder? The flame that was produced when!

As the flames rose, large groups of wizards in black robes surrounded Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked around at the people around him, "Are you from the Ministry of Magic or sent by Voldemort?"

Without saying a word, the people around him took out their wands and pointed them at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen sighed.

"Why don't you have a long memory?"

An ambush is really of no use to Zhang Chen. The gap between the two sides is too big. Even if they have an overwhelming numerical advantage, it is useless, because the strength gap between Zhang Chen and them can no longer be measured in terms of quantity.

Just when Zhang Chen was thinking about it, all the colorful lights around him shot in front of Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn't panic at all when he saw this situation.

A few months ago, after Zhang Chen activated the sword energy body protection, these magics could not cause any harm to him. Now, Zhang Chen's strength has improved a step further, and he has even touched the threshold of the next realm. Although the number this time is large, it really makes no difference to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen unfolded the sword energy body protection, and then condensed two sword energies with his hands, and rushed towards the wizard in the nearest direction.

For a moment, Zhang Chen was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and the wizards around him who encountered Zhang Chen were either dead or injured.

At this time, in a room, the picture of Zhang Chen's battle was transmitted to the room through a mirror.

"These people are finished." A cold and ethereal voice sounded.

"He, his strength has become stronger again, right?" Another voice said.

Voldemort glanced at Umbridge, who was still in fear, and a hint of playfulness appeared in his eyes, "What? Is the Minister of Magic afraid?"

Umbridge was shocked when he heard Voldemort's words.

You have to know that she is now cooperating with Voldemort. If Voldemort really finds any weakness of her, she might be completely devoured by him. After all, she is courting death.

"Do you think I'm afraid? Even if he is powerful, he is still a human being. Can he still attack us through the mirror?" Umbridge calmed down and said lightly.

Voldemort looked at Umbridge deeply, "Of course not."

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