Diagon Alley.

Zhang Chen dodged a spell with a flash.

"Aren't these people afraid of death?" Zhang Chen felt a little annoyed.

This group of wizards was just like a death squad, rushing towards Zhang Chen one after another.

Zhang Chen roughly counted, just a few moments ago, more than a hundred wizards had bid farewell to this world forever, but now Zhang Chen glanced around and found that the number of people around him had not changed much.

It was obvious that someone else had joined the battle.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to use the sword energy in his body now, because there were thousands of people present, and Zhang Chen didn't know how many enemies were in the dark, so in order to fight for a long time, Zhang Chen's sword energy could be saved.

In the short time that Zhang Chen stopped, countless magics rushed towards him.

Zhang Chen's face sank, and his hands were full of sword energy, sweeping directly towards a group of wizards, "Looking for death!"

After the sword energy was swept out, Zhang Chen rushed into the crowd behind the sword energy.

Since you want to fight, then fight!

Zhang Chen flipped his hand, and Xuanyuan Sword instantly appeared in Zhang Chen's hand.

Holding Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen could feel the sword body trembling slightly.

"Old buddy, have you been holding back for too long? Now we are going to fight side by side again!" Zhang Chen said to Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuanyuan Sword seemed to be responding to Zhang Chen, a sword light shot up into the sky, and then fell down instantly, leaving only a deep gully where the sword light passed.

But soon, another wizard came up and blocked the gap that Zhang Chen had just made.

For a while, Zhang Chen was caught in a round-robin battle.

The battle here in Diagon Alley has already started, but in Knockdown Alley next to Diagon Alley, it was quiet.

Hundreds of wizards in Ministry of Magic uniforms were standing here neatly, waiting for instructions.

They all saw Zhang Chen's sword light, but no one acted rashly.

The leading wizard was a middle-aged man, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes when the sword light shot up into the sky.

Shortly after the sword fell, the man seemed to receive some instructions, raised his hand and waved forward, and the wizards behind him walked slowly towards Diagon Alley like an army.

As they walked, all the wizards began to chant spells, and soon all kinds of magical creatures came from all directions. The magical creatures walked in front of all the wizards and headed towards Zhang Chen.

"Do you think he can stop this battle?" Umbridge looked at Zhang Chen who was killing people in the mirror and turned his head to ask.

Voldemort played with the wand in his hand, with a relaxed look on his face, "Who knows?"

Voldemort's tone was relaxed, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, but Voldemort's fingers were white when he played with the wand, which showed that Voldemort's heart was not calm.

He never thought that Zhang Chen would be so strong.

Voldemort felt that he had made a mistake, a huge mistake.

He seriously underestimated Zhang Chen's strength, especially Voldemort and Zhang Chen had known each other for so long, and he didn't even know that Zhang Chen also had a weapon!

Just the sword in Zhang Chen's hand, Voldemort could feel a sharp aura coming at him through the mirror.

In fact, Umbridge also regretted it at this time. She regretted that she had troubled Zhang Chen, but it was too late to regret it now. The situation was pressing. If Zhang Chen didn't die, she would die.

Both of them controlled their emotions very well, because they were not only playing games with Zhang Chen, but also with each other. Both of them actually had their own ulterior motives.

Although both of them were planning to attack Zhang Chen, as long as one of them had a weakness that was caught by the other party, they didn't mind solving one more person.

In Diagon Alley.

Zhang Chen found them when this group of wizards who were completely different from before just entered the scene.

The uniform pace and the various magical creatures in groups in front attracted Zhang Chen's attention.

"It's really annoying. Do you really think I can't do anything?" Zhang Chen was already impatient. He came out for other things this time. If he really wasted his time on them, Zhang Chen felt it was not worth it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen directly sent out a sword beam to clear the nearby obstacles, and then directly released the sword move.

A pressure suddenly rose around Zhang Chen, and a faint white light emanated from the Xuanyuan Sword.

Zhang Chen directly flashed into the air, and then countless white sword shadows began to appear from the Xuanyuan Sword.

Soon, Zhang Chen was surrounded by dense white sword shadows.

After Umbridge saw Zhang Chen's actions in the mirror, she suddenly felt a little nervous.

She immediately shouted at the crystal ball beside her, "Stop him quickly!"

However, just as Umbridge's voice fell, Zhang Chen was ready.

"Ten Thousand Swords!"

Along with Zhang Chen's voice, countless white sword shadows fell one after another, and each sword shadow carried a thunderous force. The wizards who were touched were either dead or injured. In an instant, the entire Diagon Alley was destroyed by the Ten Thousand Swords.

Countless smoke and dust rose into the sky because of the collapse of the building, directly blocking all realizations.

However, Zhang Chen was not careless at all, because his consciousness could see the scene below clearly.

When the effect of the Ten Thousand Swords Art disappeared, the entire Diagon Alley was completely unrecognizable.

However, after the smoke dissipated, a semicircular light shield slowly appeared, and more than half of the wizards were still alive in the light shield.

Zhang Chen could see the slightly frightened eyes of the wizards inside through the light shield.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and said, "It turns out that you also know about fear. I thought you were all people who don't know about fear."

For Zhang Chen, knowing fear is good. Knowing fear, Zhang Chen can follow the clues to find the traces of Umbridge and Voldemort behind them.

For Zhang Chen, these are just trash. As long as he kills Umbridge and captures Voldemort, this action against him will be self-defeating.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen looked at the wizards in the light mask below with the expressions of surviving a disaster on their faces, and murmured, "Come on, the fun has just begun."

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that Umbridge and Voldemort were preparing for this battle, and it was posted to the magic newspaper in real time, updated every ten minutes.

At this time, everyone in Hogwarts was sitting in the great hall. Standing on the stage was Hagrid, who was reading the magic bullet in his hand loudly.

"Now half of the entire Diagon Alley has been destroyed. Zhang Chen, the wanted Muggle, has shown power far beyond that of wizards. Half of the nearly 3,000 wizards present in the crusade have been destroyed, and the remaining half can only Survive in the defensive shield!"

As Hagrid's words fell, there was a burst of cheers throughout Hogwarts.

"Oh yeah! I knew it! Instructor Zhang Chen will win!"

"Well done! Tutor, we support you!"

ps: There is another chapter that will be updated later tonight!

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