Voldemort and Umbridge will never know that because of their own selfish desires, they caused a major historical event that was later called "Wizard's Sin".

Because of this incident, people know that there are other ways to become stronger in this world besides wizards. As a result, countless wizards have a lot of inspiration and created countless new schools. The professions of the entire wizard world have become more refined, and the era of great development of wizards has come because of this incident!

But these are all later stories. Now Voldemort and Umbridge are still thinking about when Zhang Chen will be executed.

Ideals are always full, and reality is always skinny.

The plans of the two people can be said to be seamless.

Before Zhang Chen appeared, Voldemort concluded that Zhang Chen would definitely appear in Diagon Alley.

Because in Voldemort's understanding of Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen knew Diagon Alley as a place besides Hogwarts.

So when Voldemort found that Zhang Chen's position had changed through the connection between him and Zhang Chen, he immediately knew that Zhang Chen was coming out, and found Umbridge overnight to arrange the entire Diagon Alley.

At this time, Diagon Alley had been completely changed. Only the buildings covered by the magic light shield were still intact.

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows after seeing the light shield, "Oh? There is actually such a pure energy protective shield, which looks similar to the aura shield." At this point, Zhang Chen still shook his head, "But this is useless to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand instantly flew out of his hand and pierced straight into the magic light shield.

The Xuanyuan Sword seemed to have encountered no obstacles at all, and it directly pierced the light shield and inserted it diagonally into the ground.

The light shield pierced by the Xuanyuan Sword instantly shattered like a bubble with a pop.

The speed of the Xuanyuan Sword was very fast. A wizard in the light shield did not react and his left arm was directly scratched by the Xuanyuan Sword. He fell to the ground and looked at the Xuanyuan Sword with fear on his face.

Zhang Chen saw that the light shield had been broken, and his face turned cold, "It's time to end."

Half an hour later, Zhang Chen slowly walked out of Diagon Alley. There was still a trace of blood under Zhang Chen's feet.

This blood contained the blood of wizards and magical creatures, but not Zhang Chen's own.

Zhang Chen walked out slowly. Behind him, the entire Diagon Alley had become a ruin, with only some buildings remaining on the other side in the distance.

During the massacre just now, Zhang Chen had already asked where Voldemort and Umbridge were, so now all Zhang Chen had to do was to go straight to Huanglong.

Just when Zhang Chen thought of this, he suddenly found a faint magic fluctuation somewhere in the air, so he raised his head suddenly!

Before, because there were wizards all around, all kinds of magic were flying in the sky, and Zhang Chen could not detect this faint magic fluctuation, but now there was no one around, and this magic fluctuation instantly became the most conspicuous thing.

In the room, Voldemort and Umbridge were silent.

The picture on the mirror was full of smoke and dust before. When there was a picture again, everything was over, and only Zhang Chen was standing there.

Neither of them spoke. They knew that they would face Zhang Chen next.

At this time, Zhang Chen in the mirror suddenly looked up at the mirror.

Voldemort was shocked when he saw this and shouted, "Go! Zhang Chen found it!"

As soon as Voldemort finished speaking, a golden light appeared on the mirror and then the entire mirror shattered instantly.

Voldemort was prepared, so he was not hurt, but the fragments of the mirror scratched his skin and clothes a few times.

Umbridge was not so good. She was already old, and Zhang Chen's move was too fast, so Umbridge didn't react for a while and was hit by the shock wave of the broken mirror. She was instantly knocked against the wall.

"Wow!" Umbridge, who had just landed, spit out a mouthful of blood before she spoke. It was obvious that Umbridge was injured internally with just this simple blow.

Voldemort originally wanted to help Umbridge, but at this time, Voldemort and Zhang Chen's slight perception made Voldemort know that Zhang Chen was rushing here and would arrive in a while.

Voldemort couldn't care about Umbridge at this time, and immediately ran out.

Less than two minutes after Voldemort ran away, the roof of the whole room was instantly blown away by a sword.

Zhang Chen saw all the scenes inside at a glance. When Zhang Chen saw Umbridge struggling to get up, he said indifferently, "Where is Voldemort?"

Umbridge groaned and just stood there half-dead, ignoring Zhang Chen's questions. Zhang Chen frowned, waved his left hand lightly, and four sword energies flashed on Umbridge's limbs, and four blood flowers splashed out.

Umbridge groaned in pain.

Zhang Chen looked down at Umbridge, raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and pointed it at Umbridge, "I ask again, where is Voldemort?"

Umbridge gritted her teeth and raised her bloody hand, pointing in the direction where Voldemort left.

After sensing it, Zhang Chen flew directly in the direction where Voldemort ran away.

Umbridge breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Zhang Chen flying away. At this moment, a golden light flew from the sky and directly pierced Umbridge's chest.

Umbridge felt a sharp pain and then screamed.

It was not until this time that Zhang Chen's voice came from a distance.

"I'll spare your life, but I'll give you a little punishment. Use sword energy to eliminate your soul for a month, so that you can have a longer memory. As an old woman, you can just drink afternoon tea at home."

On the other side, Voldemort was running desperately. This time Voldemort had another trick to give Zhang Chen a big gift, so Voldemort just guided Zhang Chen all the way instead of using magic to escape directly.

All the way out of the house, Voldemort flew in the air and ran towards a dense forest.

This dense forest was a place that Voldemort had prepared long ago. Here was a gift he had specially prepared for Zhang Chen.

After arriving in the dense forest, Voldemort breathed a sigh of relief.

"finally reached."

Voldemort was just about to walk into the dense forest when he suddenly felt that the connection between him and Zhang Chen was further strengthened, and his face immediately darkened, "It came so fast!"

At the same time, Zhang Chen's consciousness had already sensed Voldemort's existence.

Zhang Chen said to Voldemort through his spiritual consciousness, "Have you ever thought about the consequences of betraying me?"

Voldemort looked ferocious, "Give me freedom, or give me death!"

Zhang Chen's expression changed instantly, "Since you want to die, let me let you feel it!"

After saying that, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand came out instantly!

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