The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 294 The End of the Story

In the temple, Emperor Jun led Zhang Chen to walk inside.

The temple does not look very big, but although it is small, it has all the internal organs.

There is no shortage of rooms that should be available.

The surrounding walls didn't look ordinary. There were various patterns on the walls. From time to time, Zhang Chen could feel spiritual energy flowing on the surrounding walls.

To be honest, Zhang Chen didn't want to go deep into such a dangerous place alone.

The origin of this Emperor Jun is unknown, and his purpose is not simple. Zhang Chen knows all this, but the current situation is that this Emperor Jun has the information Zhang Chen wants in his hands, especially what the world is like, and there are some details. What, these are what Zhang Chen wants to figure out now. Zhang Chen knows that if this emperor Jun is not satisfied, he will definitely not say it directly.

"This place looks nice. Is this place old?" Zhang Chen glanced at the surrounding walls with a hint of vigilance in his heart.

Although this place looks like an ordinary temple, Zhang Chen feels that the doorway here must be more than that simple.

Di Jun nodded after hearing Zhang Chen's words, "Well, I discovered this place by accident. Because it has everything here and it has been abandoned for many years, I stayed here."

As he spoke, Di Jun led Zhang Chen to a hall. This hall looked like a living room, but there was only one chair on the main seat, and there was a platform under the chair. Zhang Chen estimated that this platform should have been used to place statues. Dijun later placed a chair.

At this time, Di Jun waved his hand, and a pot of hot tea immediately appeared on the table, "Fellow Taoist Zhang Chen, please!"

Zhang Chen glanced at Di Jun and found that Di Jun was looking at him with a smile. A free and easy smile appeared on Zhang Chen's face, he picked up the cup and took a sip.

After drinking the tea, Zhang Chen immediately felt his mouth watering. At the same time, a strong spiritual energy slowly melted and spread all over Zhang Chen's body. Zhang Chen's eyes lit up, "Good tea!"

When Di Jun saw Zhang Chen drinking tea, his smile became even stronger, "Di Jun only has so much tea in his hands, and he is usually reluctant to drink it, but when he met fellow Taoist Zhang Chen, he had to bring out this tea!"

Zhang Chen saw that Di Jun didn't mention anything about this world at all, and immediately prepared to bring the topic to this.

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment, "Fellow Taoist Emperor Dijun, can you tell me in detail about the specific situation of this world you mentioned before?"

Di Jun originally thought this was just Zhang Chen's excuse.

After all, who of the people who came here didn’t know anything about this place where the gods fell? Even if you don’t understand, the elders in the sect or the force will tell you, but now it seems that Zhang Chen really doesn’t know anything about the Land of God’s Fall, and he can’t help but wonder, “When Zhang Chen, fellow Taoist, came in, the sect Didn’t the elders in the sect say that?”

Zhang Chen smiled awkwardly at the right time, "To be honest, I came in a hurry this time. I was pulled over just after leaving the customs, so I missed this link. Who knew that I would be separated from the others just after I came in, so I came here specifically to ask for advice when I met fellow Taoist Emperor Jun."

With that said, Zhang Chen took another sip of tea.

Di Jun glanced at Zhang Chen calmly, then smiled and said, "Okay, then I will give Zhang Chen a good talk about this place where the gods fell!"

Zhang Chen has been busy running around since he came to this world. The things he encountered are nothing but monsters. Now after Di Jun's explanation, he knows what this world is like.

It turns out that this place where the gods fell was actually an ordinary world. Later, a powerful person who was about to transcend the world accidentally entered here when he died. As a result, no one expected that the powerful person was resurrected.

And this time he truly transcended. As a result, when he transcended, he directly pulled this world to the center of the heavens, just to repay the kindness of this world's resurrection.

Later, because of this great power, when the immeasurable calamity comes in every era, all the great powers who cannot transcend will enter here, hoping to be resurrected by virtue of the uniqueness of this world.

But there are also some great powers that have completely fallen. When they fall, the whole world will be sad. But there are too many great powers in the whole world, and countless of them have fallen. Therefore, the clouds above the world begin to condense and not disperse, and slowly It became what it is now.

But it was precisely because of the fall of Might that the aura of the whole world became more and more intense. In the end, the Tomb Suppressing Beast appeared.

These spiritual creatures called tomb-suppressing beasts are actually monsters that each powerful person has remembered or encountered. The rich spiritual energy transformed the residual thoughts into spirits, and then the tomb-suppressing beasts appeared.

Later, because the world could not bear so many powerful beings, one hundred and eight levels of heaven and earth were divided.

"Ours here is the last and first level of heaven and earth. Because there are many people coming here, some powerful people built a city in the center of this last level of heaven and earth. As time goes by, that place has become the only one. Communication center." After Di Jun finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Chen with a smile.

Zhang Chen suddenly realized.

It turns out that those strange monsters from before were called tomb beasts! It turns out that this place where the gods fell actually has one hundred and eight levels of heaven and earth!

After hearing this, Zhang Chen clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Emperor Dijun, for clarifying my doubts. Do you know how to get to that city?"

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, Di Jun showed an evil smile, "Of course I know, I have a map here, but..."

Zhang Chen saw something was wrong with Di Jun's expression and immediately asked in confusion, "But what?"

"But you won't need it!" After Di Jun finished speaking, he gently waved his hand, and the surrounding walls instantly emitted a burst of light.

Zhang Chen instantly felt his body become inexplicably heavy.

"You! What did you do!" Zhang Chen glared at Di Jun.

Di Jun still had a smile on his face at this moment, but this smile looked extremely evil, "I didn't do anything, it was you who did something!"

Di Jun said this with a sick smile on his face, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "It's been nearly a thousand years. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have been able to hold on for another two hundred years. Hahaha, I didn't expect that God would help me, and I actually waited for you. You even drank the spiritual tea with the powder of the shrine statue. Now I am finally free. As long as the handover ceremony is completed, you will be trapped in this ghost place forever!"

After speaking, Di Jun stretched his hands to the top of his head, and a stone mirror that looked very simple appeared on Di Jun's head. After the stone mirror emerged, it slowly flew to the top of Zhang Chen's head who was unable to move.

Di Jun was overjoyed after seeing this scene, "Hahaha! Free! Finally free!"

Zhang Chen opened his eyes wide, "So! This is all your conspiracy! You lured me here just to escape from here, right!"

Di Jun nodded, "Yes, I didn't expect it to be so smooth. Who knew you would drink the spiritual tea without any vigilance! This is God's will. God's will made me meet a fool like you!"

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