The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 295 Dagger Encounter

Zhang Chen looked at the gradually approaching stone mirror, and then looked at the somewhat nervous Di Jun in front of him, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Do you know why I drink this tea?"

Di Jun looked at Zhang Chen, who was about to be suppressed here for him, with a calm face and even a little mood to laugh out loud, and couldn't help but be stunned. A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Di Jun's heart.


Zhang Chen glanced around, "If I am not mistaken, the runes around here should be the formation used for suppression, right? The entire shrine should be a formation cage, and this stone mirror should be the eye of the formation or the center of the entire shrine. I should be right, but you are too naive. Do you really think I dare to come with you without any confidence?"

At this time, Di Jun's face was a little ugly. Zhang Chen glanced and continued, "From the first time I saw the surrounding walls, I felt a little familiar, until I saw the platform you were standing on, I remembered that this should be a formation, and the tea you gave me, the reason why I drank it with peace of mind was just to listen to you say more information, who knew you were so anxious If you can't bear it, you have to do it. "

Just as Zhang Chen was talking, the stone mirror was about to reach Zhang Chen's head. Di Jun sneered, "Even if you can see it, what? Imprisoned by the formations around you, your body can't move at all, let alone resist!"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "In fact, if you tell me everything I want, I will also consider telling you a secret of this world, but it seems unnecessary now."

What Zhang Chen wanted to talk about was naturally the matter of the mark. Zhang Chen was also struggling before. This Di Jun seemed to have ill intentions, but Zhang Chen was not a person who took advantage of others. If Di Jun really told Zhang Chen all the information he wanted, Zhang Chen would also tell Di Jun about the mark. Now it seems that there is no need.

While talking, the stone mirror had already reached Zhang Chen's head, and a layer of light curtain slowly fell from the stone mirror, and the light curtain gradually enveloped Zhang Chen's whole body.

Di Jun's eyes were filled with desire, but Zhang Chen raised his head at this time, "This conversation was very pleasant. I hope you have found a new replacement when we meet next time."

As he said this, Zhang Chen immediately contacted the mark in his body, infused the sword essence into it, and Zhang Chen's body disappeared in an instant.

Di Jun watched Zhang Chen disappear on the spot. After the stone mirror in the air could not find Zhang Chen as a target, it turned around and instantly turned into a stream of light and entered Di Jun's body again.

Di Jun also fell to the ground because of this impact, but he didn't care about it at all.

"Why? Why can he disappear under the suppression of the formation here? Why..."

Di Jun muttered to himself and fell into the shrine.

This may be Di Jun's last chance. When the God's Land is opened again, he may have turned into a handful of yellow soil.

In the shrine, an atmosphere of silence and despair permeated.

On the other side, a hundred miles away, Zhang Chen instantly appeared on the ground.

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at the shrine behind him, which had turned into a small black dot. A trace of pity suddenly appeared on his face.

"Being imprisoned here is not the most terrible thing. The terrible thing is that I am really sitting in a well and looking at the sky."

Although it looks dangerous this time, it is actually all in Zhang Chen's plan. Zhang Chen was ready to use the power of the mark to leave before coming. The only thing that Zhang Chen didn't expect was that Di Jun actually wanted him to escape from this shrine.

Putting Di Jun's affairs behind, Zhang Chen now has a new goal.

Zhang Chen is going to find the only city in the world.

Before that, all Zhang Chen needs to do is to arrange everything.

After half a day of teleportation, Zhang Chen finally found the entrance to the underground shelter.

During the time when Zhang Chen was away, Voldemort had been practicing hard. Because of the special situation here, Voldemort's progress was very fast. In the past few days, Voldemort's cultivation has soared all the way to the peak of Qi training, which is much faster than Zhang Chen's practice at that time.

Not only Voldemort's cultivation, but also the mark in Voldemort's body, Voldemort is trying to be familiar with it.

However, Voldemort never feels safe. After all, this mark is not his own. Voldemort is already familiar with his own power and does not want his power to be taken away by others. This is why he has been practicing harder during this period.

The brain worm has also made a breakthrough in the study of spiritual energy during this period, because one of the worms has a trace of its own spiritual intelligence after eating a large amount of spiritual stones, and even its body has begun to become different. The brain worm feels that this is an opportunity, so it is doing experiments during this period.

This is the scene Zhang Chen saw after returning to the underground shelter.

Dozens of worms are trying hard to carry spiritual stones to a few of them. These worms do nothing but eat. Zhang Chen did not see Voldemort's figure, but Zhang Chen could feel Voldemort's breath in the direction of the quiet room.

Zhang Chen nodded.

All the creatures in the entire shelter are working hard to improve their strength. This is what Zhang Chen hopes to see. Now the gap between them and Zhang Chen is too big. Even with Zhang Chen's help, they can only barely survive.

This is not what Zhang Chen wants to see, especially now that Zhang Chen has gained the ability to teleport and his mobility has expanded infinitely, while the people in the shelter have not yet fully grown up. As long as the entire shelter remains in this state , Zhang Chen would help them reserve enough resources before leaving, so that Zhang Chen could go looking for the legendary city with peace of mind.

Zhang Chen did not disturb Voldemort's training, but directly told the brain worm his plan, asking the brain worm to work hard to improve his strength during this period, especially the use of spiritual energy, and he must use it as soon as possible.

This world is a world of spiritual energy. Coupled with the unique environment here, this may be the best time for brainworms to study spiritual energy. If you miss this world, you still don’t know if the next world full of spiritual energy will be as unique as it is now. Thick conditions.

Zhang Chen paused after giving instructions to the brainworm, "During this period, I helped the shelter store a large amount of spirit stones and monster corpses."

The brainworm may have seen something, and his eyes twitched slightly, "Master, are you leaving?"

Zhang Chen nodded, "I found reliable information. There is a city nearby. It is very possible to find out what this trial is there. This is a rare opportunity. I have to go and take a look. During my absence, your The task is to practice, research, and then wait for me to come back.”

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