The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 32 The conspiracy emerges

Mr. Xu was stunned when he heard the free gift.

Zhang Chen continued, "Mr. Xu, Xu Da and I are close brothers. Even if Da Zi doesn't save me, I will give this painting away."

Mr. Xu glanced at Zhang Chen thoughtfully.

Zhang Chen also looked at Mr. Xu with a smile.

After a while, Mr. Xu nodded, "Okay, since little brother Zhang Chen has this intention, no matter what the purpose is, I, the Xu family, owe you a favor this time."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I don't want this favor, I just need Mr. Xu's promise."

Xu Zhongguo smiled slightly.

Haha, little fox, show your fox tail!

"Okay, little brother, please tell me!"

"I only hope that you can allow Xu Da to become the helmsman of the Xu family!"

"This is inevitable, but this is a matter for our Xu family, little brother Zhang Chen..." Xu Zhongguo said doubtfully.

"As of now, I won't hide it from you anymore. Mr. Xu should be able to see what's special about me. I also know that I can't hide it for long, so I can only rely on Da Zi to help me cover it up in the future."

Only then did Mr. Xu come back to his senses and burst out laughing, "Little brother, it's true that you have something special, but my Xu family has such a big fortune, how can you use it as you please? This painting is not enough!"

Zhang Chen smiled mysteriously and said energetically, "With Xu Da in the Xu family, I can ensure that the Xu family will be prosperous for a hundred years!"

No one knew about the conversation between Zhang Chen and Mr. Xu until Mr. Xu died. However, since this conversation, Zhang Chen has become a special figure in the Xu family.

After Zhang Chen had a conversation with Mr. Xu, he finally walked out of the study.

The moment he stepped out of the study room, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be said that this visit to the Xu family has gained a lot. First of all, even if he shows his specialness in the future, he will have the support of the Xu family as a protective umbrella. However, Zhang Chen must protect the peace of the Xu family when the Xu family is in danger. This matter Things are still a bit difficult for Zhang Chen now, but Zhang Chen has a hunch that his strength will change rapidly in the next world.

Zhang Chen thought of this and took out a golden bank card.

Of course, the most important thing is this, a bank card with unlimited overdraft!

This was given to Zhang Chen by Mr. Xu when he was leaving. Someone may have said that the difference between Mr. Xu before and after was so big!

In fact, it's not big at all. Ever since Zhang Chen showed Mr. Xu how to scatter beans and fly with a sword, Mr. Xu's attitude changed.

After leaving the study, Zhang Chen didn't see Xu Da. After asking the servant, he found out that Xu Da was called over by his father because he had something to do.

"The young master said that he has already booked a flight and asked you to wait for him on the plane first." The servant said respectfully.

Zhang Chen nodded, thanked him, and went back to the house to pack his luggage.

The servant waited until Zhang Chen came downstairs, then hurried to the door of a room on the second floor, knocked on the door, and whispered, "Butler, I have told him."

"Very good, good work. This month's salary will be doubled. Come on down." Butler Xu's voice came from the door.

After the servant left, Butler Xu opened the door with a gloomy look.

"Zhang Chen... I didn't expect you to be defensive and didn't put the "Golden Pond Competition Picture" in the suitcase. That's okay, but what if I don't teach you a lesson?"

Zhang Chen was unaware of everything that happened here. After packing his things, Zhang Chen asked the driver at the door to take him to the airport.

Zhang Chen recalled that within three days of his arrival in Nanjing, everything had been resolved very quickly.

"It's just...what on earth is Da Zi doing? He's in such a hurry to go back and wants me to wait for him on the plane."

As soon as we entered the airport, several flight attendants came forward.

"Is this Mr. Zhang Chen?"

Zhang Chen nodded, "I am."

"You booked our special class cabin. We were asked to pick you up. Please come with us." The flight attendant said to Zhang Chen politely.

Zhang Chen had never been on an airplane before. The previous time he came, he was in the ordinary class like Xu Da. He thought all special class cabins had this kind of treatment, so he nodded and followed the flight attendant.

Zhang Chen, who was led all the way by the flight attendant, looked around the airport. Soon, Zhang Chen discovered that something was wrong.

Zhang Chen walked for so long and didn't see anyone in the airport who was treated the same as himself. He didn't believe that no one chose to travel to the special class cabin. If that was the case...

Zhang Chen looked at the two flight attendants in front of him. They looked calm on the surface, but he was keeping an eye on them in his heart.

Walking all the way to an aisle marked "Special Class Only", Zhang Chen used his peripheral vision to see the two flight attendants in front of him winking.

It seems like it should be waiting for me here.

Zhang Chen continued to follow the two flight attendants calmly, but Zhang Chen also started to become wary.

If Zhang Chen was tricked here, he would be laughed out of his mouth.

This passage is very long, and few people seem to come in. At least until now, Zhang Chen has not noticed the fourth person besides himself and the two flight attendants in front.

About halfway through, Zhang Chen noticed that the pace of the two flight attendants in front suddenly slowed down.

Zhang Chen knew that he had to take a preemptive strike at this time. Zhang Chen quickly mobilized the spiritual energy in his body and directly enveloped the two flight attendants in front of him.

The two flight attendants in front paused, and then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, but Zhang Chen knew in his heart that the two people could no longer hurt him.

The two flight attendants in front were also bitter at this time. They were ready to fight, but they did not expect a huge pressure to suddenly emerge. If they had not been professionally trained, they might have fallen to the ground the moment the pressure appeared. Even now, they could only walk with difficulty, not to mention fighting, and even running was impossible.

The two flight attendants looked at each other, and both of them were horrified.

Who is the target this time!

Zhang Chen followed the two flight attendants leisurely, and slowly reached the exit. Zhang Chen took a few quick steps to the back of the two flight attendants and said softly, "Thank you for leading the way for me. Let me walk by myself now." After that, Zhang Chen bypassed the two flight attendants and walked out of the passage without looking back.

After Zhang Chen left, the pressure on the two flight attendants disappeared instantly, and they all collapsed on the ground, their faces covered with sweat. It was obvious that they had consumed most of their physical strength when walking just now.

"Mission failed, the target has entered the plane! Be careful, the target may have special places, treat it with caution!"

One of the flight attendants said something to the headset, and then lay down completely on the ground.

The author continues to ask for collections. Don't keep the recommendations in your hands, just keep them here with the author!

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