The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 33: Parting on bad terms

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Xu Zhen hurriedly shook his head and shouted hysterically, "No! No! Let me go!"

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Zhen, who was in an ugly state, and asked softly, "Don't you still want to talk to me? Let's have a good chat."

Although Zhang Chen's voice was very soft, every word was heard by Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen tightened his hand on the edge of the cabin and said in horror, "No, no, let me go! Please let me go! I am the grandson of Xu Zhongguo! You can't kill me!"

Zhang Chen shook his head at Xu Zhen's appearance, "It's really unfair for Mr. Xu. He actually gave birth to a grandson like you, and you still have the face to mention Mr. Xu."

Zhang Chen didn't want to talk nonsense. This time, the conspiracy against Zhang Chen was discovered by Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was angry, and since he was angry, he had to vent it immediately.

Zhang Chen glanced at the people arranged around him and smiled slightly, "Goodbye everyone!" After that, he jumped directly on Xu Zhen and was thrown out of the cabin with Xu Zhen by the wind pressure.

"Ahhhhh!" A scream came from Xu Zhen's mouth. Zhang Chen didn't know whether he was scared or hurt by his own step, but it didn't matter now.

From the moment he got on the plane, Zhang Chen had decided to teach the people behind the scenes a lesson. Now, he just wanted to teach them a lesson and tell them not to mess with me.

Zhang Chen adjusted his position in the air and was on the same level as Xu Zhen. When Xu Zhen found Zhang Chen, he thought of Zhang Chen as a life-saving straw and hurried to his side.

However, it was not easy to change direction in the sky like Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen didn't know how many times he had flown with a sword, and he was already familiar with it. Xu Zhen's actions were in vain.

Deliberately keeping a distance of one meter from Xu Zhen, Zhang Chen stood in the air, watching Xu Zhen spinning non-stop, and occasionally threw out a trace of crystal liquid, not knowing whether it was saliva or tears.

"Mr. Zhang, you must have a parachute, right? Please take me with you. I promise that they won't bother you when I go back!" Xu Zhen was still begging Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen saw that it was almost done. After approaching Xu Zhen, he said calmly, "Don't talk if you don't want to die."

Xu Zhen nodded hurriedly, but in a place where Zhang Chen didn't see, Xu Zhen's eyes showed a trace of resentment.

Wait until I get the parachute, and you will die!

In the sky, Xu Zhen mastered a little skill of changing direction and quietly came behind Zhang Chen.

Taking advantage of Zhang Chen's inattention, he grabbed Zhang Chen's clothes directly. After grabbing it, Xu Zhen was ecstatic.

"Haha! The parachute is mine... What! How could it be gone!" But when Xu Zhen touched Zhang Chen's back and found nothing but clothes, Xu Zhen was completely panicked.

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at Xu Zhen, "You're still stubborn. There's nothing to say now, right?"

Xu Zhen looked at Zhang Chen who was still calm, and went completely crazy, "Zhang Chen, you bastard! You want to drag me down with you when you die! I'm telling you! Don't think you'll be fine if you die! If my dad finds out, your family won't survive!"

After hearing about his family, Zhang Chen stared at Xu Zhen and said word by word, "Anyone who touches my family will die!"

Zhang Chen's eyes were cold, which made Xu Zhen a little flustered, but Xu Zhen thought about it and realized that he was going to die soon, so how could he lose his momentum before he died.

"Hehe, this is not up to you. A college student who doesn't know the world just because he has a little luck wants to climb up to Xu Da's relationship and get promoted just after his family has solved the problem of food and clothing. Dream on." Xu Zhen became more and more excited as he spoke. Now he was in control of the initiative. Anyway, they were all going to die, so he might as well speak out.

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "Call your dad while there's still some time."

Xu Zhen also remembered after being reminded by Zhang Chen, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The call was soon connected. Zhang Chen waited until the call was connected, and quickly snatched the phone. Then, in order to prevent Xu Zhen from snatching the phone back, Zhang Chen deliberately stayed away from Xu Zhen.

A steady voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello, Xiao Zhen, why are you calling me? Is the matter settled? Why is there so much noise over there?"

After hearing someone talking, Zhang Chen ignored Xu Zhen who was shouting on the side and said to the phone, "You are Xu Zhen's father, I am Zhang Chen."

After hearing Zhang Chen's voice, the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then smiled and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Zhang. I wonder where my son is."

Zhang Chen glanced at Xu Da who was dancing and trying to get close to him, and said to the phone, "Mr. Xu Zhen is very good. My son and I are playing in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, but it's hard to say whether my son is okay in a while."

The phone was silent again.

"What do you want?"

Zhang Chen saw that the other party had revealed his cards, so he said directly, "I will not offend others if they do not offend me, and I hate it most when people threaten me with my family."

"Okay, as long as you can guarantee the safety of my son, I will never touch you, Zhang Chen, and your family will not be in any trouble. But if my son is in trouble, then Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry."

Zhang Chen hung up the phone. Zhang Chen heard the threatening words on the phone, but Zhang Chen found that he really needed to protect his family, which was his weakness.

As time passed, Zhang Chen and Xu Zhen got closer and closer to the ground. Xu Zhen finally couldn't bear the pressure and fainted in the air.

After seeing Xu Zhen fainted, Zhang Chen flew with a sword and caught Xu Zhen directly, and quickly landed to a place where there was no one below.

After arriving on the ground, Zhang Chen glanced at the unconscious Xu Zhen, shook his head, turned around and flew away on his sword.

Zhang Chen actually had no intention of killing Xu Zhen at the beginning, he just wanted to teach him a lesson, but Zhang Chen did not expect that Xu Zhen, with such a poor mental quality, actually exposed some of their arrangements to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen took this opportunity to crack their back-up plan.

This place is not far from Nanjing. Zhang Chen called Xu Da with his mobile phone and told Xu Da about the things that had been set up before. Of course, Zhang Chen did not tell Xu Zhen about the high-altitude game he had with Xu Zhen in the end.

"You wait there, I know where it is, I'll be there in half an hour!" Xu Da told Zhang Chen after listening.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone and waited in the same place for less than half an hour. Several black commercial vehicles stopped in front of him, and Xu Da ran down from the middle car.

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" Xu Da said hurriedly after seeing Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled, "You don't even look at who I am. It's no big deal for me to compete with them."

Xu Da saw that Zhang Chen could still joke and seemed to be fine, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "It's good that you're fine. In this way, we will go back to Zhuhai tomorrow. It's a place they can't touch, so it's safe."

Zhang Chen nodded, followed Xu Da into the car, and drove towards Mr. Xu's residence. In the car, Zhang Chen turned his head to look at the place where Xu Zhen was unconscious. Xu Da saw Zhang Chen turned his head and asked, "What's wrong? Did you drop something?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "No, let's go."

Xu Da looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously, and couldn't figure out anything, so he continued to drive.

The author is here again! Things in the real world have basically come to an end. The next step is the next plane. Guess which world it is? Finally, international practice! Everyone's collection and recommendation votes are kept here by the author! [Manual funny]

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