The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 34 Advance System Notification

After returning to Mr. Xu's villa, Xu Da was called to the study by Mr. Xu.

Zhang Chen had nothing to do and went to the natural lake behind the villa.

Zhang Chen once again made a fishing rod out of branches. While fishing, Zhang Chen thought about his family's problems.

What Xu Zhen said is not completely unreasonable.

Zhang Chen is indeed not afraid of anyone's threats now, but Zhang Chen's family is not. Even if Xu Da sends people to protect Zhang Chen, he still has no confidence in his heart. Moreover, he has not been home for a long time. Taking advantage of the half-month holiday, Zhang Chen , Zhang Chen wanted to go home and have a look.

Mr. Xu also gave Zhang Chen a bank card with unlimited overdraft. Zhang Chen is different now. Now that he has the ability, Zhang Chen doesn't want his parents to suffer.

After thinking about this, Zhang Chen felt relieved.

"Hey, things always come one after another..."

"It turns out that the little fairy has a lot of trivial matters!"

Zhang Chen turned around and saw that Mr. Xu was here.

"Old man, please don't call me little fairy. If you don't mind, how about calling me Xiaochen and how about I call you Mr. Xu?"

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Mr. Xu laughed loudly, "Okay, I won't let go of this opportunity to build a relationship!" After saying that, Mr. Xu came to Zhang Chen's side and said, "Xiao Chen, don't dislike me. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you, old man?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "It's nothing, I just miss home. It's been three years since I started studying, and I haven't been back home once."

"Then why don't you go home and see?"

Zhang Chen stared at the lake, "The roads in our place are not good. It takes a day by train, and then we have to hike up the mountain. My family won't let me go back, and they want me to find a way out in this city."

Mr. Xu nodded after hearing this, "How pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are."

Zhang Chen smiled and glanced at Mr. Xu who was empty-handed. He knew that Mr. Xu was not here to fish. "Mr. Xu, don't talk about me for now. You are here specifically to see me, right?"

Mr. Xu nodded, "Yes, this old man like me came here specifically to find you."

Zhang Chen nodded and waited for Mr. Xu to finish.

"Our Xu family has gone through so many ups and downs before we can reach our current size. I don't want the family to break up as soon as I die. I know that people in the family have started to form gangs, but I am old and I just want to spend my old age peacefully." , they young ones also know it, so I am happy to be free, but this time, I am here to apologize to you for my unscrupulous descendants. "

Zhang Chen continued fishing, "Where can I apologize?"

Mr. Xu shook his head, "I'm old, but I'm not stupid!" After saying that, he looked at Zhang Chen, "They have done what they did today. Naturally, I will not sit idly by and do nothing. And in my heart, you are better than them." All are important.”

Zhang Chen was a little surprised now, "Why do you think I'm more important than them?"

Mr. Xu sighed, "Back then, I got three spiritual talismans from an old Taoist priest. Later, one of them saved my life, and the other was used in the Xu family's critical moment. It can be said that my Xu family has these three spiritual talismans." "

Zhang Chen heard that there were only two, and there was one that Mr. Xu didn't mention. But when he thought about the family heirloom that Xu Da had brought out before, it seemed that it should be this talisman.

"The last one was given to me, right?"

Mr. Xu nodded, "Yes, I didn't agree with it at first, but when I saw you, I knew that this talisman is worth using."


Mr. Xu looked at Zhang Chen closely, "Because you are definitely not an ordinary person." Mr. Xu stood up and pointed at himself, "I am old, but my vision is still there. I know you are a really capable person. , so here I am, an old man, wanting to ask you something.”

Zhang Chen also quickly stood up and said, "That's what you say, there's nothing you can't ask for."

Mr. Xu was resolute, "I feel that my end is coming. When I go, I hope you can help Xu Da secure his position as the head of the Xu family."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Old man, didn't I say before, I will guarantee your Xu family peace for a hundred years."

Mr. Xu had a deeper meaning, "I'm talking about helping Xu Da secure his position as the head of the family."

Zhang Chen knew there was a story in it as soon as he heard it, but since he was helping Xu Da, Zhang Chen agreed. After all, this was his brother, and he was still willing to use the family heirloom to save his brother.

When Mr. Xu saw Zhang Chen's agreement, he chatted with Zhang Chen about home affairs and then left.

Zhang Chen had no intention of fishing anymore, so he simply got up and prepared to go back.

Just when I got up, the long-lost system appeared again.

[Transmission will start in 24 hours, host please be prepared! 】

[Special reminder, this transmission will take a long time, please transmit it in a safe place. 】

Zhang Chen listened to the sound of the system and wondered if it was Zhang Chen's illusion. Zhang Chen felt as if he heard a hint of emotion.

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed dumbly.

"I've been through too many things these past few days, and I'm very suspicious."

But this time the notice was too strange. It came 24 hours in advance, and it even reminded me that he would stay in that plane for a longer time. You know, Zhang Chen had stayed in the Kunlun plane for at least three months. There is no such reminder. It seems that it will take at least more than a year this time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen couldn't sit still. He called Xu Da and told him that he was going back to Zhuhai today, and then asked the driver to take him to the airport.

Although flying with a sword is much faster, Zhang Chen doesn't want everyone to know about it, so he tries to avoid this happening during the day.

Zhang Chen booked the fastest flight and rushed back to Zhuhai City at 10 pm.

Seeing that it was still early, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. After hailing a taxi, he rushed to his home.

It was already 11 pm when Zhang Chen returned to the rental house.

After opening the door, Zhang Chen did not turn on the light and went directly to his room.

Seeing that there were still more than ten hours left, Zhang Chen fell asleep.

To be honest, Zhang Chen was not sleepy, but according to his understanding of the system, as long as there was a teleport, there would definitely be no good. The first teleportation made Zhang Chen fall, the second time made Zhang Chen fall into a pit, and the third time was still unknown.

Now there is less than a day, and Zhang Chen can better face various emergencies after resting enough.

To be honest, up to now, Zhang Chen did not know how useful the system was. In addition to a storage space and the ability to check its own attributes, there was only a lottery system. Zhang Chen actually had expectations for this lottery system. Zhang Chen still remembered that the system had been upgraded once before.

Thinking of his future life, Zhang Chen slowly fell asleep.

After waking up, Zhang Chen found several more text messages on his phone, some from Xu Da and some from Lin Xue.

Zhang Chen sent a few text messages to Xu Da to let him know he was safe, and then he called Lin Xue directly.

"Hello, wife, what are you doing?"

"Who is your wife? We are just boyfriend and girlfriend now!"

Zhang Chen smiled, "Isn't that almost enough!"

Lin Xue had just finished class, and rolled her eyes after hearing Zhang Chen's narcissistic words, "Look how proud you are, the future depends on your performance."

Zhang Chen patted his chest on the phone, "Don't worry, I'm definitely a good man! By the way, let's talk business, I have to go out for a while."

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Didn't you just come back from Nanjing with Xu Da?" Lin Xue was a little worried when she heard that Zhang Chen was going out again.

Zhang Chen smiled, "It's okay, don't worry, it's just a few days, I'll treat you to a big meal when I come back."

After chatting with Lin Xue for a while, Zhang Chen hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen has dealt with all the things that need to be dealt with. Next, he is ready to travel through time. As time approaches, Zhang Chen is looking forward to it more and more.

[1 minute later, the travel begins. Please be prepared! ]

As the countdown ends, a white light flashes, and Zhang Chen's figure in the rental house disappears without a trace.

The author appears again! Next is a new world! In this world, Zhang Chen will have a huge change. Don't keep your collections and recommendation tickets, give them to the author!

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