The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 35 New changes in the system

With a flash of white light, a figure suddenly appeared on a dilapidated street.

[Transmission completed, real-time translation system has been turned on, and tasks are now being issued! ]

[Ordinary task: Survive for one year]

[Advanced task: Obtain the rank of brigadier general]

[Optional task: Destroy a nest]

[Task rewards will be settled in the return space! ]

Seeing the tasks issued by the system, Zhang Chen was a little confused. This time, there were three types of tasks: ordinary, advanced, and optional. Moreover, the system seemed to be more standardized than before. What made Zhang Chen even more confused was that a return space appeared!

"System, what's the matter with this task and return space?"

[Reminder to the host, after absorbing the luck of the heaven and earth artifact, the system upgraded again autonomously. Since the host was in an abnormal state at the time, the system's prompt was not received by the host! The return space is a small space newly opened after the system update, which is specially used to settle rewards! ]

After listening to it, Zhang Chen suddenly realized that the system had been upgraded. Speaking of which, Zhang Chen had not paid attention to the system for a long time. Zhang Chen hurriedly opened the system and searched carefully.

Sure enough, the system has really been upgraded. The original lottery system has now disappeared without a trace, and the backpack system is gone. There is only an item system and a personal attribute.

"System, why is the lottery system gone?"

Zhang Chen was a little flustered when he saw that the lottery system was gone. After all, Zhang Chen now only relies on this lottery system. Like in the last world, the probability of getting the heaven and earth artifact is too low! And other items can't be brought out. It can be said that all Zhang Chen's income is on the lottery system.

[The lottery system has been updated and has been transferred to the return space! ]

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

After reading all the changes in this update, Zhang Chen finally put his mind at ease.

Looking around, Zhang Chen felt like a slum here, dirty and messy, garbage piled up on the side, and all kinds of debris on both sides of the street.

Finding that there was no danger nearby, Zhang Chen did not fly the sword, but directly carried the Xuanyuan Sword on his back.

Zhang Chen had studied Xuanyuan Sword before. He found that although it was sealed, it was extremely sharp. To some extent, although this sword did not have the power to shake the world, it was still a magic weapon.

The wooden box that stored Xuanyuan Sword was also unusual. After injecting spiritual power into it, as long as the mind moved, Xuanyuan Sword could fly out of the wooden box, which was extremely convenient.

Carrying the sword box, Zhang Chen walked on the street with some caution.

"There is no breath of other living creatures nearby. This place looks abandoned for a long time. It seems that I need to search around. It would be best if I could find someone to understand the specific situation here."

After Zhang Chen made a plan, he began to observe around.

Now in a new world, Zhang Chen did not dare to fly directly on the sword. If he encountered danger in the air, Zhang Chen would be a living target! If he was seen by a powerful person, maybe this would be Zhang Chen's burial place!

But soon Zhang Chen found that his worries were unnecessary, because there were no living creatures here, let alone people. Zhang Chen did not even see any larger green plants along the way!

After confirming the situation here, Zhang Chen released the Xuanyuan Sword and flew high into the sky.

As he flew higher and higher, Zhang Chen saw more and more things, and his face gradually became uglier and uglier.

The scenery under his feet was an abandoned city. Not only that, but Zhang Chen also found that there was not a trace of green around.

The surroundings seemed to be the desert of Chibi. Except for the city, there was only yellow. This made Zhang Chen think of the scene in front of him when he first went to Kunlun Domain. It was somewhat similar to here.

"It seems that we need to go to a farther place."

Zhang Chen found the direction and flew to the south.

Because no matter where you are, there is always a place where people may be in the south.

Zhang Chen flew for a long time, and finally there was no endless yellow in front of him, but sparse vegetation.

After seeing the vegetation, Zhang Chen sped up and continued to fly forward. Finally, his hard work paid off. Zhang Chen saw people next to a forest.

In a place where there was no one, Zhang Chen got off the flying sword and walked towards the place where he had seen people before.

This is a small town. Although it is a small town, it seems that life here is pretty good. Although the houses are all made of wood, Zhang Chen can see high-tech everywhere.

But what makes Zhang Chen strange is that there are no young people in the town except middle-aged people and children.

Zhang Chen walked into a store marked as a tavern in the town.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" The tavern owner asked enthusiastically as soon as Zhang Chen entered.

The owner of the tavern is a middle-aged man, and there is no customer in the huge tavern. Zhang Chen doesn't know whether it is because the business here is not good or because it is not time for customers to come yet.

Zhang Chen glanced at the beer behind the counter.

"Just a glass of beer."

The tavern owner quickly brought a glass of beer, looked at Zhang Chen and smiled, "Sir, are you coming to our town from outside?"

Zhang Chen had already thought of an excuse, raised his glass and drank a sip of beer, "Well, I am a wanderer, just came here from an abandoned city in the north."

The tavern owner looked at Zhang Chen's outfit and shook his head and smiled, "Sir, you don't look like a wanderer, but I know that city in the north. It was also the first place to be attacked after the war started."

Zhang Chen also knew that his clothes were relatively clean and he didn't look dusty. He smiled at the tavern owner, "I am indeed different from other wanderers. I should be considered a tourist! By the way, can you tell me about the specific situation there?"

The tavern owner wiped the wine glass and recalled, "I was also a member of that city back then. The war was fought without any warning. I was playing games at home. Suddenly, it was dark outside. I went out and saw countless black spots falling on the ground like dumplings..." When he said this, the tavern owner's eyes were full of fear.

Zhang Chen saw this situation and went over to pat the tavern owner on the shoulder. At the same time, he also sent a trace of spiritual energy into his body to help him calm down.

"Sorry, I'm still a little scared until now." The tavern owner suddenly woke up and smiled at Zhang Chen embarrassedly.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I should say sorry for reminding you of unpleasant things." Zhang Chen took a sip of beer, "By the way, boss, why don't I see a young man in this town?"

When the tavern owner heard Zhang Chen say this, he didn't know whether it was because Zhang Chen had just comforted himself or because he liked Zhang Chen, he patiently explained, "Do you know what our town is called? Our town is called Hero Town! The ancestors of our town are heroes of mankind, and the young people in the town are also descendants of heroes, so, they all went to participate in the conscription!" The tavern owner said this with a proud face, "All 128 young people in the town, none of them retreated at the last minute, all went to the southern city of Tor to join the army!"

The author is here again. Because I have something to do in the afternoon, the update in the afternoon will be later, maybe 7 or 8 o'clock. I will also remind you of the chapter later. Please give your collection and recommendation votes to the author!

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