The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 36 Captain of the New Soldiers

Zhang Chen came out of the tavern with a gloomy expression.

Originally, Zhang Chen just thought that the world was a little dangerous for him because military rank was mentioned in the mission. When would anyone care about military rank? The answer must be during war.

But what Zhang Chen didn't expect was that this world was not only dangerous, but also a huge meat grinder. If Zhang Chen was not careful, he could grind Zhang Chen to pieces without leaving any bones.

Zhang Chen learned from the tavern owner that since the natural disaster occurred three years ago, all human beings have been faced with a huge choice: whether to abandon the earth and go to the vast universe to find a new home, or to fight to the death against the sudden appearance of the Zerg!

That's right, it's the Zerg! Three years ago, an asteroid passed over the earth. When the asteroid rubbed against the atmosphere, it dropped an insect egg. After receiving the air, the insect egg multiplied rapidly in the high altitude, so the insect plague came.

Almost overnight, the entire earth fell into a quagmire of war. All kinds of bugs performed their duties, started to clean up humans, and began to take root on the earth.

Some cities were reduced to ruins overnight. Although some cities successfully withstood the Zerg attack, they were already devastated. After three years of fighting against the Zerg and studying the Zerg, now is the time for humans to fight back. Therefore, in major cities, Recruitment is open to all youth in the surviving cities.

Zhang Chen already wants to scold his mother!

Damn the system, it works like this every time! This time it was like trying to kill me!

Zhang Chen depressedly kicked the trash can on the roadside, denting the surface of the trash can.

I don’t know which great man once said that fate is like rape. If you can’t resist, you have to learn to enjoy it. Now Zhang Chen can't resist the system, so he can only "enjoy" the tasks assigned to Zhang Chen by the system!

"One day I will let the system taste how it feels to be cheated by others!" Zhang Chen thought angrily, found a deserted place, and flew directly towards Thor City farther south with his sword.

The flow of people in Thor City today has been overwhelming. The originally deserted streets are now filled with all kinds of young people, all crowded towards the square in the center of the city.

In the center of Tor Square, several huge military tents are stationed here. Dozens of soldiers in military uniforms are busy registering recruit information. Every ten minutes, a group of young people follow a soldier in a slow pace. Walk behind Thor City.

Zhang Chen finally managed to get to the recruitment office.

"Fill out this form, and then go to the back and line up!" The soldier sitting behind the table said to Zhang Chen impatiently, and then ignored Zhang Chen no more.

Zhang Chen glanced at the form in his hand, which simply wrote his name, gender, age, and expertise.

After Zhang Chen finished writing the basic information, he looked at the specialty column, thought for a while, and wrote down the four characters "Chinese martial arts".

After handing the watch to the previous soldier, Zhang Chen was led to the back of the military tent.

There were already four people waiting there before Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen was the fifth.

"You, get in line behind them." The soldier leading the way said a word and turned back.

Zhang Chen didn't care and stood directly behind the fourth person.

The fourth person saw a newcomer coming, turned to look at Zhang Chen, and stretched out his hand, "Hi, brother, hello, my name is Monte! Are you an Oriental? Your hair is so beautiful."

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and shook it, looked at the blond and blue-eyed young man in front of him, smiled and nodded, "Hello, my name is Zhang Chen, Chinese."

Monte looked at Zhang Chen differently after hearing about China, "China! That is a magical place, do you know kung fu?" Monte pretended to do a few poses as he spoke.

Zhang Chen's mouth twitched and he laughed.

Through the conversation, Zhang Chen discovered that this Monte was a talker, and he had the kind of familiar personality. He could chat happily no matter who he was. Moreover, Zhang Chen also learned a secret that was not a secret, that is, although Monte Looks like an adult, but is only 17 years old.

"You shouldn't be here. You're not an adult yet, and you still have a greater role." Zhang Chen dissuaded Monte after learning that he was only 17 years old.

Monte said exaggeratedly to Zhang Chen, "It's not that exaggerated! I want to be a hero! I want to prove to my own father that even if I don't rely on him, I, Monte, can still live well."

Zhang Chen found that his efforts were really in vain. This Monte was obviously a rebellious boy, and he was also a chuunibyou. It is estimated that all he could think about now was becoming a hero, but he had never thought about how serious the war was. cruel.

Soon, Zhang Chen's team reached 20 people. A soldier led Zhang Chen and the others outside Tor City. Zhang Chen observed carefully on the way. Many of the people coming behind him were walking in quickly. middle-aged man.

The man behind Zhang Chen saw Zhang Chen turn his head and smiled kindly at Zhang Chen. Then he looked at the officer in front of him and whispered to Zhang Chen, "Hello, my name is Si Ge."

Zhang Chen also nodded politely, "Hello, my name is Zhang Chen." Then Zhang Chen's attention focused on Si Ge's full beard.

Seeing Zhang Chen staring at his beard, Sige seemed a little embarrassed, "I, my beard is a bit too ugly."

Zhang Chen shook his head, "No, he's very personal."

Si Ge didn't speak after hearing this, but Zhang Chen found that Si Ge's face was a little red.

What a shy person.

Zhang Chen sighed in his heart.

After a while, Zhang Chen followed the team out of Tor City. In the distance, there were gunshots from time to time.

Zhang Chen also keenly heard the shouts of many people. It seemed that the place for training new recruits was not far ahead.

Sure enough, soon Zhang Chen's team was taken to a large military camp by soldiers.

The leading soldier said something to another soldier who seemed to have a higher rank, and then left directly.

"Listen carefully, recruits! From now on, you are a member of the TR Infantry Division's recruit camp!" The soldier who seemed to have a high rank said to Zhang Chen's team after the leading soldier left.

"I am your instructor for the next month! My code name is Grizzly! You can call me instructor! But I still like to be called Grizzly!" Grizzly shouted at Zhang Chen's team.

"I don't care what your identity was before. From the moment you step into the military camp, you are my new recruits! Do you understand!" Grizzly said in a standard military posture.

"Understood..." A sparse and dragging voice came from Zhang Chen's team.

"Didn't you eat? You are all just a bunch of women! Do you understand?" Grizz frowned and cursed.

"Understood!" This time it obviously worked, and everyone shouted out.

Grizz nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the team, saw Zhang Chen with a calm expression, pointed at Zhang Chen and said, "From today on, you are the captain of your team of recruits!"

"Me?!" Zhang Chen was a little surprised.

The author is back! It's a bit late today, sorry, the author will also tell you about the future in advance! Don't keep your collections and recommendation tickets! The new plane has begun, and the protagonist's journey of sharp change has also begun. What are you still hesitating about? !

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