The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 37 New Soldiers Training

"Recruit! Do you have a question?" Instructor Grizzly stared at Zhang Chen closely.

Zhang Chen was a little impatient when he saw the grizzly bear. In order not to cause trouble, he immediately raised his head and chest out, "No!"

The Grizzly Bear nodded with satisfaction, "Very good! Does anyone else have any questions? If there is no problem, just follow me! You, go to the front of the line! Everyone! Turn right! Let's walk together!" The Grizzly Bear pointed at Zhang Chen and asked Zhang Chen stood on the far right.

After saying that, the grizzly bear turned around and walked back. Zhang Chen followed the order and took the remaining 19 people to follow the grizzly bear's pace and walked deeper into the military camp.

When he reached a military tent, the grizzly bear stopped.

"This is where you will live for the next month! Now you have 20 minutes to rest. In 20 minutes! You will know what hell is!" After finishing speaking, Grizzly looked at Zhang Chen and the 20 people, "Disband !”

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief after the Grizzly Bear left. To be honest, the management here is not as strict as in the previous military training, so Zhang Chen had a hunch that the people coming out here are just cannon fodder, and there will probably be selections later. It requires the efforts of the entire team, otherwise, they will only become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Walking into the military tent and looking at his teammates who had found their beds and were lying on them, Zhang Chen felt that his future was really too gloomy.

Zhang Chen sighed, clapped his hands, and focused everyone's attention on himself, "Everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Chen. I am now the captain appointed by the Grizzlies. As expected, from now on our group will We are going to train together, so let’s introduce ourselves to each other.”

Hearing Zhang Chen's words, Monte was the first to speak, "My name is Monte, and I am a man destined to become a hero!"

Monte's words caused everyone to burst into laughter, even Zhang Chen shook his head.

This one is ripe and has the potential to be a living treasure.

"My name is Sig."

"And me, my name is..."

Finally everyone had finished their introductions. Zhang Chen looked at the time and saw there were still 7 minutes left. "It's almost time. We should go gather outside."

Zhang Chen was the appointed captain, so no one had any objections. After everyone left, there was still five minutes to gather, but the grizzly bear had already walked over from a distance.

The approaching Grizzly Bear took a look at the already lined up team, and looked at Zhang Chen with a thoughtful look, "Yes, since we have finished resting, let's set off!"

After saying that, Grizzly stopped a car and used a loudspeaker to shout to Zhang Chen's team behind him, "What are soldiers! Soldiers are warriors! They are strong! They are fighters whose duty is to obey orders! But you are still all No! You are just rookies! What you have to do now is to run together! Run the whole distance with me!

Then, the grizzly bear signaled to the driver, started the car, and moved forward at a speed that was just right for him to run.

Zhang Chen shook his head helplessly, "Everyone is here, run and walk!"

Outside Thor City is a small primitive forest, because it is behind the human defense line and has not been affected by the Zerg.

The grizzly bear led Zhang Chen and his team to run along the outer circle of the virgin forest.

Zhang Chen estimated that this circle was twenty kilometers long.

As they ran farther and farther, the physical energy of Zhang Chen's team was also exhausted, and the sky slowly turned dark. However, the grizzly bear must have anticipated this situation, and had already prepared lights, which were very bright in the dark night.

"A bunch of trash! Hurry up! Hurry up! You still want to be a soldier with results like this? You will be cannon fodder even on the battlefield!" After the Grizzly Bear roared a few words with the loudspeaker, he turned off the loudspeaker and faced the soldiers driving. He said, "Maybe we can gain something from this team."

The soldier driving the car glanced at the crooked team in the rearview mirror and curled his lips disdainfully, "Are you sure? We don't want trash like this group of people."

Grizzly rolled his eyes at the soldier driving the car, "Didn't you come here like this back then? I remember you were worse than them!"

The soldier who drove the car shrugged, smiled and said nothing.

The Grizzly Bear continued to look at the team behind him, "Look at the captain I appointed, that Easterner. I feel like he will give us a big surprise."

"I think you are anxious. Easterners' physical strength is always a weakness. Look at him, he is almost at the limit now. It is not certain whether he can finish the whole race!"

After hearing this, the grizzly bear did not refute, but looked at the stars in the sky and sighed, "Yes, it may really be my imagination, but we don't have much time left!"

Zhang Chen ran behind the team panting. To be honest, Zhang Chen didn't expect that his physical fitness was the worst among this group of people, but it was strange. Although Zhang Chen almost couldn't hold on every time, His feet felt as heavy as lead, but Zhang Chen gritted his teeth and persisted. After all, the training of this new soldier determined whether he could complete his mission.

Zhang Chen also had a guess in his mind. The mission issued by the system is to survive for one year, so the training time for new recruits will not be too long, because after one year, the war is likely to have started or become intense, so the training of new recruits will not be more than three days. months!

Zhang Chen thought of this, gritted his teeth, and continued to follow the team.

The Grizzly Bear sitting on the car glanced at Zhang Chen and shouted, "Hurry up! You guys are useless! The other teams have already completed this training, and you are already lagging behind at the starting point. Do you want to be stepped on by other teams all the time?" Underfoot!"

Hearing this, all the team members gritted their teeth and sped up a little.

In the second half of the night, Zhang Chen finally saw the camp again, but now Zhang Chen could not hear any sound or see anything. The result of completely squeezing out his physical strength was that his body was overdrawn to the limit.

"Hurry up! We're almost there!" Grizzly used a loudspeaker to encourage the recruits who were like zombies behind him.

To be honest, even Grizzly had never experienced such high-intensity training when he was a recruit, but the situation was critical now. For the victory of mankind, this was the only way. However, what made him happy was that none of the recruits gave up or fell behind, even Zhang Chen, who seemed to be about to faint at any time, had persisted until now.

Finally, the team entered the camp, and everyone collapsed on the ground after entering the camp.

Grizzly jumped off the car and nodded with satisfaction, "Very good! Go back and rest now, Captain! Captain?! Where is your captain!" Grizzly looked around and did not see Zhang Chen.

Monte pointed to the entrance of the camp at this time. Zhang Chen had completely fainted at the place where he had just entered the camp.

Grizz led a few people to send Zhang Chen to the infirmary. After that, he let the others rest and stayed here alone.

"Doctor, how is this new recruit?"

After the military doctor checked him, he took the report and was amazed.

The military doctor handed the examination report in his hand to Grizz, "The reason for the coma is that the body is overdrawn! But... there is a strange thing, his physique has suddenly improved greatly, and even some parts of his body have detected weak energy!"

Grizz looked at the report in his hand with an incredible look on his face, "You mean..."

The military doctor nodded, "He has that kind of special physique!"

The author is here again! Yesterday a reader asked what world this is. The author answered here. All the worlds in the whole book are created by the author himself through the data. There will be many familiar elements in it, but both the plot and the background are brand new! Refuse plagiarism! Start with the author! What's the use of keeping the recommendation tickets and collections in your hands? Give them all to the author!

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