Before dawn in Thor City, the wake-up call in the new military camp was already sounded, and at this time, the people in the military tent had just woken up.

Gus was wearing military training uniform and saw Zhang Chen's bed was empty, so he asked Monte who was in Zhang Chen's lower bunk.

"Mont, where is our captain?"

Monte stood up from the bed, yawned and pointed outside, "The captain went out for training in the early morning."

Gus glanced outside the military tent, and sure enough, Zhang Chen was doing physical training in front of the Grizzly Bear instructor.

Suddenly, Gus's spirit of gossip ignited, and he sat beside Monte's bed, looked around like a thief, and whispered, "Mont, you think our captain won't offend this pervert Grizzly Bear, right?" Why does this grizzly bear like to torment the captain whenever he has nothing to do?"

Monte rolled his eyes at Gus, "Don't talk nonsense, it's the captain who wants to become stronger, so he specifically sought out the Grizzly Bear Instructor." Monte looked at Zhang Chen who was doing push-ups outside and murmured, "Captain, he's just I have never given up. I still remember the cross-country training a month ago.”

Outside the military tent, Zhang Chen was sweating like rain while doing push-ups.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Is that all you can do? I'm so disappointed in you because I gave you special training because of your progress!" Grizzly shouted as he looked at Zhang Chen who was slowing down.

After Zhang Chen heard Grizzly Bear's words, he gritted his teeth and continued to speed up.

Ever since he passed out while cross-country, Zhang Chen has been thinking about this every day. Others don't know why Zhang Chen works so hard, but Zhang Chen himself knows.

There is an essential difference between Zhang Chen and these ordinary people. Zhang Chen is at the pinnacle of qi training. If he is more destructive than a single person, Zhang Chen dares to pat his chest and say that no one in the world is stronger than him. But in cross-country competition, In terms of endurance, Zhang Chen lost to ordinary people in this world!

Zhang Chen was unwilling to give in. This had nothing to do with his realm. It was a matter of the dignity of a monk.

It was also at that moment that Zhang Chen clearly realized that without cultivation, Zhang Chen would be just an ordinary college student, whose physical fitness was not even as good as that of ordinary people.

So when Zhang Chen woke up the next day, regardless of the soreness and weakness all over his body, he drank a few drops of Guiyuan Liquid to recover his body, and then directly joined the next day's training. Even the Grizzly Bear couldn't persuade him.

Ever since Grizzly Xiong learned from the doctor that Zhang Chen was likely to have that special physique, he paid more attention to Zhang Chen. He didn't want such a good young talent to become useless under his hands.

However, Zhang Chen simply didn’t rest. He practiced until he was unconscious every day, and continued to train the same way when he got up the next day. Grizzly Bear was worried and took Zhang Chen to check it out. But the result was that not only did he not have any hidden injuries after overdraft, but his body was even worse than before. I got a little stronger the past few days.

Grizzly Bear didn't know that Zhang Chen had such a magical thing as Guiyuan Liquid. After seeing Zhang Chen's data, he could only lament Zhang Chen's physique, and even Grizzly Bear was a little jealous.

From that day on, the Grizzlies no longer cared about Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen was a restless person. After more than half a month of training, Zhang Chen had completely adapted to this high-intensity physical training.

It wasn't until he fully adapted to the training that Zhang Chen discovered that due to physical training, his body had undergone an indescribable change. The energy, blood and spiritual energy in the body tended to merge into one, and even Zhang Chen's body slowly Evolving towards non-human beings.

Now Zhang Chen's cultivation has reached the peak of the Qi refining stage. It can be said that except for practicing Guiyuan Liquid and Spiritual Energy Bean, Zhang Chen's cultivation has not improved for a long time, which makes Zhang Chen feel a sense of crisis.

After coming to this world, Zhang Chen's strength was still in the same state as in the second world. Although Zhang Chen usually looked calm and calm, he still had a sense of urgency in his heart.

With this sudden improvement in cultivation, Zhang Chen must work hard to improve his strength.

Therefore, after the regular training, Zhang Chen took the initiative to find Grizzly Bear and asked for additional training alone.

"Okay! That's it for today. Everyone will get up soon and go clean up and prepare for training!" Grizzly looked at the time and said to Zhang Chen, then turned and left.

Zhang Chen stopped training, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a breath, sat on the ground to rest and looked at the system.

Name: Zhang Chen (a bad name, but it has some reputation in some places!)

Identity: Disciple of Shushan, disciple of Jiang Ziya (this actor has some background)

Cultivation: Peak of Qi training, fourth level of body training (powerful ant with both internal and external training)

Items: Talisman-making pen, Xuanyuan Sword (under seal), Guiyuan Liquid, Spiritual Qi Bean (Throw the beans to form an army)

Rewards: None yet

Skills: Talisman (Advanced), Sword Control (Advanced), Sword Flying (Why don’t you take advantage of the wind), Throwing beans into soldiers (ancient magic), Gathering sand into a tower (this is a classic), Returning to the origin ( A must-have for home and travel), Emotional Sky (a powerful attack that attracts the power of the world)

When he saw the words "Fourth Level of Body Refining" added to the back of the cultivation base, Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Back in the military tent, others had already gone to eat. Zhang Chen went to the bathroom and took a shower. After he came out refreshed, he took out a few drops of Guiyuan Liquid and drank it into his stomach. Zhang Chen moved a little and went to Rush to the training ground.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since I arrived here. Although I can't receive information from the outside world, in the middle of the night every day, when Zhang Chen goes to see the Grizzly Bear for additional training, the Grizzly Bear always looks at the documents and frowns. Such a scene has happened before. Many times, Zhang Chen had a premonition that the situation on the front line would not be optimistic, and maybe the battlefield would soon be over.

Arriving at the training ground, Zhang Chen led his team and started a day of training.

"Look carefully! This is a firearm developed by the Federation, specifically targeting those damn bugs. Just pull the bolt, then aim and shoot!" Grizzly held a firearm that looked very sci-fi, explaining and demonstrating to Zhang Chen's team.

After Grizzly finished the demonstration, Zhang Chen led his team to get the gun. Monte behind him finally couldn't help asking, "Captain! What's wrong with this perverted coach? He didn't let us touch the gun before, but today he is specifically talking to us about guns. Are we going to the battlefield soon?!"

Zhang Chen had a serious face and moved his mouth, "Be quiet, you're not afraid that Instructor Grizzly will hear it!" After seeing Monte's embarrassed smile, Zhang Chen continued to whisper, "When I went to Grizzly these days, he always frowned with a few documents. Maybe we can't stay here for a few days. Okay, don't say it, we're here!"

Monte wanted to say something, but after seeing that they had arrived at the armory, he held it in his heart.

After receiving the gun, everyone couldn't let it go, even Zhang Chen was no exception. After all, every man has a dream of shooting a gun.

After seeing everyone get the gun, Grizzly said seriously, "Today's training is a little special! We specially pulled nearly 20 Zergs from the front line! And scattered them all in the valley behind the military camp. Your training today is to wipe out all those bugs!"

The climax is coming! This is the first time the author has written an article, so the description may be a bit superficial. Please forgive me, but the author will try his best!

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