Behind Thor City is a small primeval forest. Next to the primeval forest is a natural valley with complex terrain and rich vegetation. Before the Zerg invasion, this was the most popular place for various explorers.

Zhang Chen led his team to stand a thousand meters away from the valley.

This is a camp established by the recruit camp, specially used for the final actual combat training.

In addition to a gun on his back, Zhang Chen also has a saber on his waist. He is fully armed and wears a combat exoskeleton armor. From a distance, the whole person looks like a small mecha. The armor is very heavy. Zhang Chen conservatively estimated that it weighed at least fifty kilograms, but it can be seen from the weight how high the defense of this combat armor is.

It has to be said that this world is much more developed than the world Zhang Chen lives in. After all, this kind of exoskeleton armor is still in the research and development stage in the real world, but here, it can already be used in actual combat.

Grizzly glanced at the heavily armed team and said expressionlessly, "Your special training will begin after you leave this recruit camp! I will combine your usual results with this battle and report them to the military region. So, this A training is crucial!" Grizzly said, changing the topic, "But don't take it lightly because it's training! There were teams that took it lightly before, but the final result was that the whole team was out of ten, so remember! Camp, this is your battlefield!”

After finishing speaking, Grizzly Xiong winked at Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen stood up directly and faced his team.

Zhang Chen glanced at the high-spirited faces in his team, took a deep breath, "Everyone is here! Let's go!"

In the dense forest in front of the valley, Zhang Chen carefully observed his surroundings. After finding no danger, he motioned for the team behind him to follow.

Half an hour has passed since he left the camp, but Zhang Chen did not take it lightly, but pushed forward slowly and steadily. It’s not that Zhang Chen didn’t dare to go in. With Zhang Chen’s strength, it can be said that these bugs are not enough for Zhang Chen to fill his teeth. , but Zhang Chen is not alone. He cannot put his teammates into dangerous situations because of his own willfulness.

Zhang Chen observed the surrounding situation and waved to his teammates behind him, "Follow me."

Monte behind him looked at Zhang Chen's nervous look and was speechless, "Captain, you are just dealing with a few bugs, are you so careful?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense. Since I am the captain, you have to listen to me. This is not training, and someone might die."

Finally, due to Zhang Chen's caution, the entire team arrived at the mouth of the valley safely.

Zhang Chen looked around and found that there was no danger. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Everyone is here, rest where you are."

Although Zhang Chen said so, there were still people in the team who disagreed with Zhang Chen's caution.

"Coward, you have to give me a reason! The grizzly bear clearly said that the bugs were put into the valley, but you led us to waste more than half an hour outside the valley!" A black man in the team finally couldn't help it and stopped him. Zhang Chen, who was about to rest where he was, asked loudly.

Zhang Chen looked at the black man in front of him. To be honest, Zhang Chen was quite impressed by him. His physical fitness was very good, and almost all the previous training was easy for him.

"Since Grizzly Bear asked me to lead you in this training, then I will be responsible for all of your lives!"

The black man did not listen to Zhang Chen's words. Instead, he pushed Zhang Chen and shouted grumpily, "Fart, you are just a coward! You Orientals are all cowards!"

"Hey, brother, the captain did nothing wrong, so please stop making trouble."

"Yeah, forget it!"

When Monte saw that the situation was getting worse, he hurriedly went up to stop the black man, and members of several other teams also came up to stop him.

The black man was pulled by a group of people and struggled a few times. "Let me go! You cowards! Since you all think this coward is right, then you can follow this coward and travel slowly!" The black man broke free from the restraints of several people. , picked up his equipment and walked into the valley.

Zhang Chen watched the black man walking towards the valley, but he was thinking about how to complete this mission.

Zhang Chen was sure that there must be an ambush of insects nearby, because just 10 minutes ago, Zhang Chen saw a piece of blood-stained metal fragment.

Combined with what Grizzly Xiong said before leaving, training has already begun after leaving the recruit camp, Zhang Chen is sure that this trip is definitely very dangerous for the recruits.

The black man cursed and walked forward while holding a gun and poking at the weeds on the road. Suddenly, under the cover of the weeds, a dark object nearly half a meter long rushed towards the black man.

The black man reacted quickly, but because the gun was used by the black man to clear the way, although he discovered the abnormality immediately, he was unable to attack immediately. He could only watch the black shadow pass by him and take away his left hand. arm.

The armor on the black man's body was useless in front of the black shadow. The next moment, the black man was awakened by the severe pain and screamed.


The black man's screams attracted the attention of Zhang Chen and other members of the team.

Zhang Chen quickly stood up and rushed towards the direction where the black man left, "Everyone is here, alert the surroundings!"

Zhang Chen increased his speed to the limit. Almost at the next moment, Zhang Chen saw the black man lying on the ground. However, Zhang Chen did not act rashly because Zhang Chen found that he was surrounded by insects.

Several strange auras were scattered around Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen did not hesitate and took off his saber. He held a gun in one hand and a saber in the other. After arming himself, Zhang Chen ignored these auras and rushed directly towards the black man.


A black shadow rushed towards Zhang Chen who was sprinting at high speed.

Although Zhang Chen was sprinting forward, he was very alert to these auras, so Zhang Chen had already noticed the black shadow as soon as it moved.

Seeing the black shadow getting closer and closer, Zhang Chen suddenly stopped in place and used inertia and centrifugal force to swing the saber across his chest backwards.

Puff! The saber chopped on the black shadow, and a stream of green juice gushed out of the black shadow. Zhang Chen's knife almost cut the black shadow in half.

After solving the black shadow with one knife, Zhang Chen did not have time to see what the Zerg looked like, but quickly drew his knife to defend himself, because the remaining three auras attacked Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen locked onto a breath and fired without hesitation. The recoil of the gun was useless under Zhang Chen's strong control. A whole magazine of bullets was fired at the nearest breath. Feeling the breath gradually weaken, Zhang Chen took the initiative to attack and threw the saber at a black shadow.


After hearing the sound of the saber slashing the target, Zhang Chen quickly used the saber to perform the sword control technique, and the saber quickly flew towards the remaining breath.


All that Zhang Chen did seemed slow, but it was completed in less than ten seconds. The team members who arrived later also discovered Zhang Chen's danger, but before they could shoot, the danger was eliminated by Zhang Chen in a flash.

Monte opened his mouth in surprise and touched Gus with his elbow, "Man, am I not watching a science fiction movie? Is this our captain?"

Although Sige was not as exaggerated as Monte, he also blushed and said excitedly, "Yes! This is our captain!"

The author is here again! I have good news for you all. The author will have a day off this weekend! I am not sure which day it will be yet, but I can be sure that I will update the book on the weekend! Don’t keep your collections and recommendation votes in your hands! Give them to the author!

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