After the threat was removed, Zhang Chen asked the people who came from behind to clean up the battlefield and took back the corpses for everyone to study. Zhang Chen quickly rushed towards the black people. Just now, Zhang Chen had at least 20 seconds from the time he rushed out to the end of the battle. , but the black man’s cry was never heard again. Zhang Chen estimated that it was more serious than bad.

Sure enough, when Zhang Chen came to the place where the black man was attacked, the black man had disappeared, and there was only a pool of blood and broken metal armor fragments on the ground.

Zhang Chen looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy expression. He picked up a few larger pieces from the ground and put them in his pocket. He took a deep look at the dark hole in the ground, turned around and walked back.

Back in the center of the team, Zhang Chen was quickly surrounded by Monte and Gus.

"Captain, it turns out you are so powerful!"

"Captain, you are so awesome!"

Seeing the team members looking at him with admiration, Zhang Chen, who should have been happy, was not happy at all.

Zhang Chen took out the blood-stained armor fragments from his pocket. After slowly looking around for a week, he said with a serious expression, "Not even an hour after we entered the training, we had casualties. If you still have any complaints, please tell me." After the war, he told me that this is no longer training! I don’t want this to happen again! I don’t want to end up with a pile of armor fragments.”

After hearing Zhang Chen's words, the team members were all silent.

Many people in the team actually had the same complaints about Zhang Chen as the black people, but with the black people's experience and the strength that Zhang Chen just showed, everyone was surprised. No one could have imagined that Zhang Chen was so strong. ! Even if Monte and Gus knew that Zhang Chen was training extra every day, they never expected that Zhang Chen would easily deal with these bugs.

After Zhang Chen saw that no one spoke, he asked everyone to rest where they were, but he walked to the bodies of the black figures and studied them.

The corpse seemed to be the size of a large dog, but it was different from ordinary animals. The bones of the corpse were all under the skin. It was an obvious exoskeleton. It had chewing mouthparts, and the fangs on both sides of the mouthparts were unusually developed. It looked like It is more ferocious, with four limbs. Although the forelimbs are short, Zhang Chen noticed that the front ends of the forelimbs are very sharp and have barbs, and the hind limbs are well-developed. Moreover, Zhang Chen recalled the speed of the black shadow before. Zhang Chen guessed that these insects should Good at jumping.

There were gill-like things on both sides of the head of the corpse. Zhang Chen looked carefully and saw layers of thin film inside. Zhang Chen touched it with his hand and made a hissing sound. Zhang Chen estimated that these were insects. Organ of communication.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Zhang Chen's face was extremely ugly. It had an exoskeleton, well-developed mouthparts, fast mobility, sharp forelimbs, and bone spurs on its body. It could be said that this was a natural killing machine. Zhang Chen even doubted that this time it would be different. Without me, maybe no one in this team can get out alive!

Zhang Chen felt a sense of urgency when he thought of this. Grizzly Bear had also said before that 20 bugs were placed here. The mission of Zhang Chen's team was to wipe out all these bugs.

Now Zhang Chen has eliminated 4 of them, and there are still 16, but Zhang Chen is not happy at all. It is very simple. Although these insects are few, they can set traps and cooperate with each other. The most important thing is that they all obey orders. And how many of these people are really willing to obey my orders...

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen turned around and looked at his team. For the first time, Zhang Chen felt that he had no power to use.

After finding nothing more, Zhang Chen returned to the team.

Looking at the team members who were more nervous than before the battle, Zhang Chen frowned and said, "Don't be too nervous, everyone. This area is safe for now. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to send people to guard the surrounding area during the break. If you are nervous for a long time, you don't have to worry." When the bugs attack us, we will be defeated first.”

After listening to Zhang Chen's words, Sige and Monte relaxed first. Some of the remaining team members still felt a little frightened. Zhang Chen knew that this situation would not disappear for a while.

"Big Beard, what do you think the perverted instructor was thinking, actually letting us participate in this kind of training? The black man before was the most physically fit here. Unexpectedly, he died before entering the real battlefield." After Monte relaxed his nerves, and Gus whispered.

Gus was a little scared, but after hearing Monte's words, he still glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense. Although the Grizzly Bear Instructor was a little harsh on us, he would not let us die in vain! Otherwise, how could those teams who had the same training before Are they all dead?" After speaking, Sige glanced at Zhang Chen who was resting with his eyes closed, and whispered, "I suspect that this training is not a regular training, it is probably a selection training!"

After hearing this, Monte spread his hands and said, "Who knows? Just follow the boss."

In fact, under the current situation, it is safest for Zhang Chen to act on his own and let these people rest where they are, but Zhang Chen can't. The Grizzly Bear instructor must have a way to monitor them and keep track of their status at any time. Zhang Chen doesn't want to expose his special skills yet. place.

After resting for another ten minutes, Zhang Chen directed the team to move forward. This time, no one objected to Zhang Chen's caution. Some people even felt that Zhang Chen's investigation was not careful.

Zhang Chen walked into the valley, while looking at the surrounding environment vigilantly, he said to the team members behind him, "Let's all stick together, don't act alone, pay attention to your feet, and stay away immediately if you see any unusual holes or strange things." , and then notify me."

After hearing the responses from the team members behind him, Zhang Chen continued to walk forward.

Zhang Chen distinguished the direction while rushing to the place where the Grizzly Instructor said to release the insects. Along the way, Zhang Chen played the triple roles of scout, commander and guide.

The environment in the valley was a bit complicated. Not only was the road uneven, but there were also weeds everywhere. The only road could only accommodate one person, but Zhang Chen did not take this road because there were half-height weeds on both sides of the road. If you walk for a long time, it is easy to get visual fatigue, so Zhang Chen will not be able to avoid the attack of insects.

Halfway through the valley, nothing happened along the way, but Zhang Chen could feel that the team members behind him were actually very tired because of their high nerves. After detecting that there was no danger around, Zhang Chen decided to rest on the spot.

But what Zhang Chen didn't know was that Grizzly, who was far away in the camp, had raised the radio in his hand several times at this time, but put it down again.

Zhang Chen's guess was correct. Although Grizzly didn't know the specific situation, each combat armor was equipped with a tracker, and each insect was also equipped with a different tracker. These two different trackers would eventually display their locations in the camp's command center.

In addition to Zhang Chen's display screen, there are three other display screens in the command center, and there is an instructor watching carefully in front of each screen.

The most nervous person here is Grizzly, because the display screen now shows that all the green dots are surrounded by red dots, and the encirclement is slowly shrinking. If no action is taken, the entire team will be wiped out in ten minutes.

Grizzly nervously grasped the radio in his hand, gritted his teeth and whispered, "Zhang Chen! Get out quickly! Get out!"

The author is out, the demons retreat! Hurry up and offer your collection and recommendation tickets! Otherwise, the author will let the bugs bite you!

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