Zhang Chen naturally didn't know about the grizzly bear's nervousness. He had just ordered a rest and sent two people to guard the perimeter, and Zhang Chen closed his eyes to rest.

Monte and Gus, who were not far from Zhang Chen, started chatting again.

"Big Beard, how do you think the captain found out if there was any danger around?"

Gus rolled his eyes at Monte, "How would I know!" After saying that, Gus seemed to remember something, "But I seem to have heard from the veterans that there seems to be a female sergeant in the army who has a natural sense of danger, and it is said that this sergeant is very fierce!"

Mont had a look of disbelief on his face, "Cut it out, forget it, I would rather believe that the captain determined whether there was any danger by observing the surrounding environment."

Gus scratched his head, "You asked me to say it, I don't know, I can only say some rumors in the army!"

The two started to play around while talking.

Although Zhang Chen closed his eyes to rest, he heard their conversation clearly. The two guessed wrong. Zhang Chen judged whether there was any danger by breath.

However, the lady officer mentioned by Gus still aroused Zhang Chen's interest. Zhang Chen really wanted to see how powerful the danger perception was. There was also the observation of the environment mentioned by Monte, which was also a way of reconnaissance, because the senses of some small animals were more acute than those of humans.

Zhang Chen thought of this and suddenly stood up and looked around.

The more he looked, the uglier Zhang Chen's face looked.

"Everyone, be alert!"

Seeing Zhang Chen so nervous, the other team members also stood up and became alert.

Gus approached Zhang Chen and whispered, "Captain, what happened?"

Zhang Chen looked gloomy, "It's too quiet."

Gus didn't react for a while.

Zhang Chen scanned the surrounding environment, "It's too quiet, even the birds that were there just now are gone, which means that there are people lurking nearby or there are things that can threaten them."

At this time, Zhang Chen didn't dare to issue a breakout order casually, because he didn't know the specific situation. If he just rushed around blindly, it was not impossible that the whole team would be destroyed.

But soon, Zhang Chen made the decision to break out. The reason was very simple. In Zhang Chen's perception, strange auras suddenly appeared in all directions, and this aura was exactly the same as the previous bugs!

Zhang Chen glanced at the team members around him, "Everyone, we are surrounded now. Next, I will lead everyone to break out. Follow me!" After that, Zhang Chen rushed towards the direction where there were only three or four auras.

The team members behind him were still a little hesitant, but obviously no one wanted to follow the black man's footsteps, so they all tried their best to keep up with Zhang Chen's pace.

The battle started.

But it was not Zhang Chen who fired the first shot, but Gus behind him.

Gus's shot directly injured a bug, but this shot also poked a hornet's nest.

Hiss! Hiss!

The hissing sound coming from all directions was getting closer and closer.

Zhang Chen's face changed, and he shouted to the players behind him, "Defense formation! Double-layer circular attack!"

The double-layer circular defense formation was a formation that Grizzlies particularly admired during previous training. It can run and fight, has no dead angles, and the outer circle and inner circle can be switched at any time, so there is enough time to change bullets and rest, which increases the endurance of combat.

After Zhang Chen finished shouting, he accelerated and rushed forward.

He must open a gap in a very short time so that his players can fight while walking, and he will have no worries.

Zhang Chen took out the saber again and held it in front of him. At the same time, the bullets in the gun accurately swept towards one of the breaths in front. Zhang Chen was ready to solve one of the other two in close combat first, but unfortunately, Zhang Chen's wishful thinking was wrong this time. This burst of bullets not only failed to eliminate the target, but also led to a high-speed green liquid shooting towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen reacted quickly and rolled to avoid it, and the green liquid shot directly to the ground.

After stabilizing his body, Zhang Chen turned his head and saw many tiny holes on the ground, with white smoke coming out of the holes.

Zhang Chen immediately broke into a sweat.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged the attack directly. This liquid was obviously highly corrosive. If someone else encountered such an attack during a high-speed sprint, he might be killed!

However, in addition to this highly corrosive liquid, there was an even more serious problem waiting for Zhang Chen, that is, a new type of insect race appeared.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether this was specially set up by the grizzly bear or the insects evolved themselves.

If the grizzly bear caught it specifically, it would be fine. If the insects evolved themselves, then this race would be too terrible!

But soon Zhang Chen didn't think about it, because the breath of the three insects was slowly approaching Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen took a breath, tightened the saber in his hand, and rushed up again.

As Zhang Chen sprinted, three streams of liquid sprayed again. Zhang Chen dodged one by one and changed direction to approach again.

Finally, after dodging three waves of attacks, Zhang Chen saw three bugs.

Unlike the ones he had seen before, these three bugs obviously had no hind legs, and moved by wriggling their lower bodies, and walked upright. Their mouthparts were no longer the chewing type, but the piercing type suitable for spraying liquid.

At this time, Zhang Chen used the saber to perform the sword control technique and shot directly at one of them.

The saber flashed past the bug's head, and then there was the sound of the bug falling to the ground.

When Zhang Chen was about to continue attacking, he found an embarrassing thing, that is, the saber had been corroded by the bug's body fluids and was riddled with holes, and could no longer be used.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the team members not far from Zhang Chen, and at the same time, the originally neat gunshots also became a little messy.

Zhang Chen knew that he didn't have much time, and he could no longer care about shocking the world. He threw out three spirit beans and used the bean-casting soldier technique!

After a period of change, the spirit beans turned into three spirit soldiers with eight heads and one meter tall. Seeing that the spirit soldiers were formed, Zhang Chen quickly evacuated here and rushed to his team members.

Gus's vision was already a little blurry.

Just now, a bug suddenly jumped out and scratched Gus's left arm with its sharp forelimbs. The armor was like nothing in front of the bug, and Gus's left arm was instantly bleeding.

Fortunately, although the wound was deep, it did not hurt the bone. It was just that Gus was in the battle now, and there was no way to bandage and stop the bleeding. Excessive blood loss caused Gus to feel dizzy and his vision was blurred.

But Gus did not give up, but continued to shoot at the bugs outside, because Gus believed in Zhang Chen, he believed that Zhang Chen would be able to successfully lead them out of here.

"Captain... hurry up... I feel like I can't hold on any longer..."

Finally, Gus fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss. The inner circle team members saw him and rushed over to bandage him. Gus seemed to see Zhang Chen rushing towards him in a daze.

Gus raised his right hand and gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up, and then he completely fainted.

When Zhang Chen arrived, he happened to see this scene in front of him. All the team members were injured, but no one withdrew from the battle on their own. At this time, Zhang Chen could no longer care about hiding his strength.

Zhang Chen's entire cultivation was agitated. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand, and waves of air surged from Zhang Chen's side.

Zhang Chen walked towards his team members step by step. The shocking momentum made the team members forget to shoot. Even the insects did not attack at this time, but wandered in place, as if Zhang Chen made them feel scared.

Zhang Chen held the sword in one hand, slowly walked over, smiled slightly, "Thank you for your hard work, next, watch me."

The author is here again! Yesterday I created a plane forum in the book review area. If you have any planes or worlds you want to see, please leave a message there! Also! Please collect and recommend!

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