For a moment, the entire valley became completely quiet.

There were no gunshots, roars, or screams, only the sound of waves of air blowing away the surrounding weeds around Zhang Chen.

Along with the air wave, the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhang Chen's hand flew out instantly, drawing a white stream of light in the air. It seemed that in just a moment, the stream of light passed through the bodies of the surrounding insects. The next moment, the Xuanyuan Sword returned to Zhang Chen's hand again. .

As Zhang Chen gently held the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword, everything around him returned to normal.

Puff puff!

The bugs that had just been passed through by the stream of light exploded at the same time. In a split second, Zhang Chen solved the extremely dangerous situation just now.

All members of Zhang Chen's team swallowed at the same time.

Monte's mouth opened even more, and the bandage originally used to bandage the wound fell to the ground without noticing.


At this moment, an explosion suddenly came from the place where Zhang Chen came.

Zhang Chen sensed that his spiritual soldiers had lost contact, and instantly turned around and rushed back.

This explosion also woke up the stunned people.

Monte suddenly woke up and hurriedly picked up the bandage he had just dropped. At the same time, he saw that Gus was still bleeding and hurriedly touched his teammate who was still in shock next to him.

"Hey, hey, hey! You've all come to your senses! If you don't come to your senses, the wounded will bleed to death!"

Only after hearing Monte's words did everyone react, and began to work in a hurry, bandaging what should be bandaged, and guarding where they should be vigilant.

While bandaging Gus, Monte murmured to Gus, "Gus, I'm sorry, if you hadn't suddenly woken up, you might not have died from the insect's mouth, but from the hands of your teammates!" At this point, Monte raised his head and glanced at the place where Zhang Chenyuan went, with a smile on his lips, "But, our captain is really awesome!"

Zhang Chen didn't care about his team members anymore. After all, all the bugs around him were dealt with by himself. The primary purpose now is to eliminate the last two evolved bugs. Otherwise, if they see his injured team members, everyone in this group will probably be killed. Can't survive!

Soon, Zhang Chen discovered the figure of Chongzi, but the Chongzi now was much more miserable than before.

Green liquid was flowing everywhere on the two bugs, and one of them had even lost the ability to move.

Seeing Zhang Chen coming over, one of the less injured bugs quickly sprayed out a stream of liquid, but the liquid did not even exceed a distance of two meters before falling to the ground weakly.

Zhang Chen once again took out two spiritual energy beans and directly summoned the spiritual soldiers.

These two bugs are corrosive, and Zhang Chen doesn’t want them to corrode Xuanyuan Sword. Although Xuanyuan Sword is a divine weapon of heaven and earth, it has been sealed after all, so there is no guarantee that Xuanyuan Sword will not be corroded. , Zhang Chen would not take this risk.

It wasn't until Zhang Chen saw two spiritual soldiers trampling the two insects into corpses that Zhang Chen walked back.

Returning to the place where they fought before, all the team members were very excited when they saw Zhang Chen coming back. After all, Zhang Chen had just dealt with these damn bugs like a beast.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly at the team members around him, "Why are you looking at me? By the way, do you hope that what just happened will be kept a secret from me?"

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, everyone nodded vigorously.

At this moment, the roar of propellers came from the sky, and at the same time, in the distance, a mighty-looking transport plane slowly approached.

As the transport plane flew in, this mission was completely over.

Three days later.

Zhang Chen walked out of the military tent and walked to the Grizzly Instructor's office.

"team leader!"

"Hello, Captain!"

Many people took the initiative to say hello to Zhang Chen along the way, and Zhang Chen nodded and smiled.

Arriving at Grizzly Bear's office, Zhang Chen knocked on the door.


Zhang Chen walked in after hearing the sound.

Grizzly Bear was originally looking at the documents. When he realized that the person coming was Zhang Chen, he quickly stood up and said with a smile, "You're finally here!"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "Instructor Grizzly Bear called me, how dare I not come? Instructor, what's the matter?"

Grizzly Bear stood up and walked to Zhang Chen, patted Zhang Chen's shoulder, and nodded with satisfaction, "Well, not bad, he's a lot stronger than when he just came in!" After saying that, Grizzly Bear picked up a document from the table. , handed it to Zhang Chen, "This is the appointment letter from above. Since you led the team to complete the selection training three days ago, the above comprehensively considered all factors, including the independently mutated bugs and the explanations of your team members, and decided to promote you. ! From now on you are the Master Chief!"

Zhang Chen took the document and looked at it, then frowned quickly, "Instructor, I don't have any objection to the promotion, but... is someone above trying to punish me? How come I was transferred to this place? Steel Castle? I don't If you remember correctly, this is the front line, right? I’m a new recruit who has just been training for more than a month and is going to the front line!”

The Grizzly Bear smiled and shook his head, "Those who are able work hard!" After the Grizzly Bear finished speaking, his tone also became serious, "The most important thing is that these are extraordinary times. This Steel Fortress has gone through a big battle before, and many middle-level officers have He died in the line of duty, so we are in urgent need of talented people with the ability to command.”

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly, "So I, the person who led the team to pass the extremely difficult selection with almost no injuries, am the perfect candidate, right?"

Seeing that Zhang Chen wanted to peel off the skin, the grizzly bear straightened his face and said, "Zhang Chen! Obey the order!"

Zhang Chen stood at attention reflexively, "Yes!" But after saying that, Zhang Chen suddenly showed a smile on his face, "I can go, but instructor, I have a condition!"

After coming out of the Grizzly Bear, Zhang Chen felt refreshed and even hummed a little tune.

"No wonder this system keeps cheating me. It feels so good to cheat others! Haha, I can't wait to see their expressions now!"

In the past three days, after this selection training, all the team members were arranged to various places. Only Zhang Chen refused to take orders. The reason was very simple. During these three days, Zhang Chen secretly Special training for Monte and Gus.

The military tent that was originally full of people now only had Zhang Chen and the three of them, and the rest were ordered to leave.

Zhang Chen returned to the military tent and glanced at Gus who was doing push-ups and Monte who was slashing in the air with a saber. Zhang Chen coughed and said, "Ahem, stop for a moment, stop for a moment!"

Gus, sweating profusely, stopped his training and looked at Zhang Chen, "Boss, what's wrong?"

Zhang Chen pretended to raise the document in his hand, "Nothing, just my appointment letter is here. From now on, you can call me Master Chief!"

Gus looked incredulous, "Boss, isn't it?! What you're doing is better than the triple jump!"

Monte on the side also stopped what he was doing and nodded enviously, "Yes, boss, I'm still a sergeant now!"

Zhang Chen said to them while enjoying the shock of the two people, "But I want to go to the front line."

When the two of them heard that they were going to the front line, they went crazy. "Captain, it seems against the rules to go to the front line just after training, right?"

"Yes, this is too dangerous, but...for a pervert like the captain, maybe this is normal."

Monte walked up to Zhang Chen with a serious look on his face, and patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder, "Goodbye, captain!"

The two people's muttering made Zhang Chen depressed for a while, but thinking about the grizzly bear agreeing to his conditions, Zhang Chen became cheerful again.

"Goodbye?! Hey hey, what you think is so beautiful, I haven't finished yet." Zhang Chen glanced at the two of them with gloating, "Not only am I going, but you two are going too, and I'm the one commanding you. !”


"No! This is too dangerous! I have to go find the perverted instructor to reason!"

Watching the two people leaving, Zhang Chen felt that he was one step closer to returning to the real world!

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