Steel Castle was originally a beautiful place. It was once an economically developed city, so all the buildings were built with metal and building materials. And the people here love nature, so this place used to be a combination of natural beauty and technological beauty. City.

But after the Zerg invaded, everything changed. Due to various reinforcements and the installation of various weapons and defenses, the originally beautiful city turned into a hedgehog, like a barb that stabbed into the Zerg. territory.

It is precisely because of the special geographical environment here that the Zerg focus here most.

During the Zerg attack, there were thousands of battles on the front line, and Steel Castle accounted for half of them.

From a distance, today's Steel Castle looks like a giant beast covered in thorns crawling on the ground.

"This city was bought back by the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for it!"

Zhang Chen sat on the transport plane, looking at the steel castle getting closer and closer from high in the sky, sighing slightly.

Soon, the transport plane landed.

At the military airport, three soldiers had been waiting here for a long time. As soon as Zhang Chen and the others got out of the transport plane, the three soldiers greeted them.

"Hello, Master Chief! Welcome to Steel Castle! My name is Jiaming, and I am the person in charge here." A soldier at the head of the queue said and saluted with a standard military salute.

"Hello, I would like to know what's going on here?" Zhang Chen shouted amidst the roar of the transport plane.

Jiaming nodded and made a gesture of invitation, "Follow me!"

Jiaming took Zhang Chen to a building. Zhang Chen saw the building full of busy figures.

Jiaming explained to Zhang Chen, "These are from the Strategy Department. They usually need to study various tactics and understand the habits of the Zerg. It is precisely because of their existence that the current Steel Castle exists."

Zhang Chen nodded.

Suddenly, a flash of gray-white clothes disappeared among a group of military uniforms.

"The one wearing gray clothes is..." Zhang Chen pointed not far away.

Jiaming turned around and looked, "Oh, that's our underground elevator, and below is our Zerg research laboratory. The people you just saw should be scientific researchers."

Zhang Chen now became a little more interested.

"What does this laboratory study?"

Jiaming scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, I don't know much about it, but many new weapons and Zerg body structures are taught by these researchers every time."

Zhang Chen nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, Jiaming took Zhang Chen to the bottom of the building.

"This is our training room. At the same time, this is also where the troops are integrated." Jiaming introduced to Zhang Chen as soon as he entered the door.

Zhang Chen nodded to express his understanding.

Soon, Zhang Chen was taken to the door of a room. The door of the room was not closed, and Zhang Chen could hear the sounds of training inside.

Jiaming motioned for Zhang Chen to go in.

Inside is a small training room.

Jiaming clapped his hands and said, "Stop for a moment, stop for a moment."

After everyone stopped training, Jiaming introduced Zhang Chen to everyone, "This is the new Master Chief and your future superior."

After saying that, Jiaming turned to Zhang Chen and said, "The next step is up to you."

Zhang Chen nodded and took a step forward. "Hello everyone, I am Zhang Chen. I am the newly transferred master sergeant. I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future."

The scene was quiet, no one spoke, everyone was staring at Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen also looked at the sweaty soldiers with a smile.

The atmosphere became awkward for a while.

"I don't agree. It's impossible for me to apply for a change of commander, or to select a commander from us. Let this airborne officer of unknown strength command our first elite team!" One of the sturdy men said to Jiaming shouted.

Just as Jia Ming was about to speak, Zhang Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Then tell me, how can I become your commander?"

"Unless you beat me!"

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed, "Well, you can pick any of the two people behind me. As long as you can defeat one of them, how about I turn around and leave?"

Zhang Chen really didn't want to bully this soldier, and asking him to fight him was simply abusing him. It happened that Monte and Gus behind him had not been idle in the past few weeks, so they asked him to practice with the two of them, and Zhang Chen also Look at the results of these two people.

As Zhang Chen finished speaking, Monte couldn't help it anymore. He came to the front and geared up, "Captain, let me do it. I'll get rusty if I don't move for a few days!"

Zhang Chen nodded and looked at the soldier who wanted to challenge him.

The soldier also stepped forward and confronted Monte.

The next moment, the soldiers rushed directly towards Monte.

Monte looked at the soldiers rushing over and had only one feeling: too slow!

Indeed, Monte's idea was not wrong. You must know that Zhang Chen had sparred with them before and even trained them personally for two weeks. There was no comparison between this soldier and Zhang Chen.

Monte dodged, hooked his foot, and blocked his arm forward, and the soldier fell to the ground.

The fallen soldier was about to get up, but Monte's fist had already come over and stopped in front of the soldier.

Zhang Chen already knew that Monte would win, but what Zhang Chen didn't expect was that the soldier would be so weak.

Jiaming glanced at the soldiers around him, "Do you still have any opinions?" Seeing that no one was speaking, Jiaming looked at Zhang Chen, "I'll leave this team to you!"

Zhang Chen nodded.

After Jiaming left, Zhang Chen glanced at the people around him and shook his head, "I originally thought you had the capital, after all, you could contradict the new superior, but I didn't expect that you were so weak. Your previous superior taught you this way! No wonder he was eaten by insects!"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, he was refuted by everyone.

A group of people came forward to teach Zhang Chen a lesson.

The soldier who challenged before stopped everyone and stepped forward alone and said seriously, "You can insult me, but my superior died in battle! He is a martyr, please apologize!"

Zhang Chen suddenly laughed when he saw this scene, "Okay, I apologize and take back what I said before. Although you are all trash, at least you still have a little cohesion."

"Take a day off today, pack up what you need to pack up, call home if you need to call, and from tomorrow, no one except me can contact the outside world!" Zhang Chen finished speaking, and went out directly without waiting for the group to ask.

On the way, Monte couldn't help asking, "Captain, what are you doing? This is not like you in normal times!"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "This group of people is pretty good. Although their strength is a little weak, their cohesion is enough. Next, I will take them for special training!"

"Special training?"

Zhang Chen nodded and sighed, "Yes, special training. I want to train them into a real elite that can adapt to all battles!"

Monte was thoughtful, but what he didn't know was that one of Zhang Chen's tasks required Zhang Chen's rank to reach the rank of brigadier general. If Zhang Chen wanted to upgrade his rank, he must have his own ever-victorious army, and it was an ever-victorious army that could go straight to Huanglong!

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