The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 44 The Disappearing Elite Team

Sure enough, in the next few months, people in Steel Castle discovered that the well-known elite team had disappeared!

That's right, they disappeared. No one knew where they went, not even the commander Jiaming here. Zhang Chen only told him that he would conduct special training for this team.

In the past few months, Steel Castle has experienced many Zerg attacks, but they have all been successfully resolved. However, the elite team that was supposed to be on the front line of the battle did not appear. Fortunately, a new team appeared every time. The Zerg can suffer huge losses at a time. This team has become famous in Steel Castle, and because the commander of this team is a beauty, this team has a tendency to replace the elite team.

Jiaming glanced at the computer in front of him. Zhang Chen's messages came from the computer every day.

"It's Ping An again, what is this Zhang Chen doing!" Looking at the line of Ping An on the computer, Jiaming shook his head with a wry smile. Since Zhang Chen disappeared, Jiaming searched the entire Steel Castle, but there was no trace of Zhang Chen. In the end, Jiaming could only conclude that Zhang Chen was outside the Steel Castle.

"Forget it, let him go, the Zerg offensive has weakened for some reason during this period..." Jiaming shook his head and stopped caring about Zhang Chen.

So where did Zhang Chen go?

Half a kilometer outside the Steel Fortress, Zhang Chen walked leisurely at the front carrying a gun, followed by a group of team members covered in green liquid.

Behind each team member is the corpse of a bug. And Monte continued to sprinkle a potion at the end.

When he came to a stone, Zhang Chen put his face close to it, a red light flashed, and a door silently opened on the stone.

After everyone entered, the door closed silently, and the surroundings returned to silence.

Soon, Zhang Chen's figure was revealed in the underground laboratory of Steel Castle.

"Come here, some people! We've got the sample you want!" After Zhang Chen walked in, he shouted at the scientific researchers wearing white coats inside.

Soon, many scientific researchers took all the samples from the team members behind Zhang Chen.

After Zhang Chen saw that everything was done, he waved to the team members behind him, "Everyone go back and rest for a day. Your graduation test starts the day after tomorrow!"

"Yes! Sir!" The response was uniform. Although they were all exhausted, none of the team members complained.

After these few months of training with the Zerg, this team has completely integrated together, and even designed many tactics with Zhang Chen as the leader.

After Zhang Chen heard the response, he turned and walked directly to the laboratory.

In the past few months, Zhang Chen led this team from the laboratory and went all the way to the depths of the Zerg. In the past few months, this elite team has made outstanding achievements, not only helping the laboratory to get back many cherished evolved bugs bodies, and even destroyed a Zerg nest.

And in the past few months, through Zhang Chen's practical training, the elite team's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, the team has become more integrated, and they are completely convinced of Zhang Chen.

Above the laboratory is Commander Jiaming's office, and Zhang Chen is preparing to ask for credit.

Zhang Chen calculated that in the past few months, with the performance of the elite team, everyone might be promoted to the position of master sergeant. As for Zhang Chen himself, it goes without saying. After all, one of Zhang Chen's purposes here is Military rank.

After sorting out the video and written reports of the battles over the past few months, Zhang Chen knocked on the door of Jiaming's office.

"Please come in."

Jia Ming, who was in the office, was frowning at the latest battle report. When he saw Zhang Chen come in, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Zhang Chen, you are finally back!"

Zhang Chen put the document in his hand on Jiaming's desk and said with a smile, "You miss me so much? It's a pity that I'm not gay!"

Jiaming glared at Zhang Chen, then picked up the document Zhang Chen put down and asked, "This is..."

Zhang Chen consciously sat on the sofa, "This is the battle report of our elite team in the past few months."

Jiaming looked at the document seriously without saying anything. When he saw the report saying that a Zerg nest was destroyed, Jiaming looked at Zhang Chen excitedly and said, "This... everything written on it is true?!"

Zhang Chen nodded and pointed to the U disk under the file, "Here are the video materials of our battle. You can take a look at it when you have time. I will leave first." After saying that, Zhang Chen stood up and walked out of the office. , walked to the door, Zhang Chen stopped and said, "By the way, please calculate how many military achievements these are. Although I don't care, you can't give me any less credit for the contributions of the team members under me, otherwise I will follow You’re not done yet!”

After Zhang Chen left, Jiaming hurriedly plugged in the USB flash drive. After watching the video record inside, Jiaming exclaimed with joy on his face, "Zhang Chen is really a lucky general!"

That afternoon, Zhang Chen's report and video were sent to the military region's high command.

After research and discussion by the high command, it was unanimously decided to train this team into an ace team, with resources allocated as much as possible, and the lowest military rank of all members of this team was promoted to sergeant major, and the highest to lieutenant.

As for Zhang Chen, he had already entered the eyes of the supreme commander. This time, Zhang Chen came with even greater results. He felt menacing. Although the other members of the team had no different opinions about their promotion in rank. , but the high command had disagreements about Zhang Chen's promotion of military rank.

Some people think that Zhang Chen's information is insufficient, and even using the resources of the military district cannot find Zhang Chen's identity. It is very likely that there will be problems if such a person of unknown origin is promoted too quickly.

Others think that people should be trusted, and Zhang Chen, as a human, will definitely not be in cahoots with the Zerg. More importantly, in so many beautiful battles, the important commander is Zhang Chen alone. If such a talent is not rewarded, it will not be enough to convince the public.

In the Iron Fortress, Zhang Chen was lying on the railing and watching the training of the team whose prestige almost exceeded that of the elite team.

I don't know whether it is because the commander of this team is a female soldier or for other reasons, the proportion of female soldiers in this team is very high, and it is precisely because of this that this team is a bit erotic during training.

Zhang Chen looked at it and smacked his lips, "Well, this one is good, eh? That one is also good, wow, this squat is so turbulent!"

Zhang Chen's comments were extremely clear in the training room.

The female commander at the head of the team frowned and glanced at Zhang Chen who was commenting on the side. After signaling others to continue training, she turned around and walked towards Zhang Chen.

When Zhang Chen saw the female conductor coming over, his eyes lit up.

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