The female captain stood in front of Zhang Chen, expressionless, "I can feel that you are very dangerous."

"Yes, I am dangerous, and I am very durable. Beauty, can I know your name?" Zhang Chen looked at the expressionless female captain and shrugged indifferently.

"Qiu Yun." Qiu Yun replied to Zhang Chen seriously.

"Qiu Yun, you have a beautiful person and a beautiful name. My name is Zhang Chen." Zhang Chen looked at Qiu Yun in front of him, and then his eyes stayed on Qiu Yun's chest. I have to say that Qiu Yun became angry for a reason. With her looks and figure, she would definitely be a female star in peaceful times.

Qiu Yun saw Zhang Chen looking up and down at him with squinting eyes. In fact, he had been ready to take action several times, but for some reason, every time he was about to take action, Qiu Yun felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, as if he didn't care about him. No matter how you strike, the person on the opposite side will hit you fatally.

The reason why Qiu Yun can survive to this day is that he relies on his own perception that is beyond ordinary people, so Qiu Yun believes in his own perception. In this case, Qiu Yun does not dare to underestimate Zhang who looks like a gangster in front of him. morning.

"Zhang Chen, are you the master chief who led the elite team to disappear?" Qiu Yun thought about it carefully and finally thought of Zhang Chen's origin.

Zhang Chen stared at Qiu Yun's proud chest and nodded absently, "Yes, I am."

Qiu Yun could tell that although Zhang Chen looked at him with a look of death, there was no desire in his eyes but only admiration. But at such an age, no one had ever dared to look at her breasts like this and still have them intact.

"I don't know what you are doing here, but please go out now. This is where our team trains!" Qiu Yun suddenly said in a tough tone.

After hearing these words, Zhang Chen raised his head and said, "As expected of a soldier, with a bloody spirit, even if your senses tell you that I am in danger, you still continue to contradict me."

"You! What do you know?!" Qiu Yun was shocked when he heard Zhang Chen's words and immediately put on his fighting stance.

Zhang Chen looked at Qiu Yun who looked alert with some interest.

In fact, during the previous selection training, Zhang Chen heard Monte say that there was a female officer in the army who had extraordinary perception and had relied on this perception to turn danger into disaster many times. At that time, Zhang Chen wanted to see it. This ability is similar to precognition, but hearing it and seeing it yourself are completely different.

Qiu Yun in front of her had already tensed up her muscles when she first saw Zhang Chen. Although she didn't look abnormal, she could react instantly as long as something happened. It was precisely because of this. Zhang Chen's defensive posture made Zhang Chen aware of the power of this perception.

"I have no other intention. I just came to watch your training today." After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he turned and walked back.

Qiu Yun frowned and looked at Zhang Chen who was leaving, "Inexplicably, this Zhang Chen is really a weirdo."

As soon as Zhang Chen came out, Monte ran over from not far away.

"Captain, I finally found you, and your commendation order has been issued."

Zhang Chen nodded, "Okay, give it to me, I'll go back and take a look later."

Monte glanced at the surrounding environment and said a little strangely, "Captain, why are you here? I remember this is not our territory, right?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Come here to watch your juniors train."

When Monte heard about his junior, his eyes immediately lit up, "How is it? Are you not as good as me?"

Zhang Chen walked to his room with the documents and said with his back to Monte, "The posture is very military, the squats are very high, and the push-ups are very white."

Monte was confused after hearing this!

What is this that the captain is talking about! I don’t understand it at all!

Suddenly, bursts of female soldiers' hehes came from the training room, and Monte had a bold guess!

"Captain doesn't want a woman!"

Ignoring Monte's random thoughts behind him, Zhang Chen returned directly to his room.

It has been a week since I handed in my information. After the last special training, the commendation orders for everyone in the elite team came out. Everyone's military rank was promoted by at least four levels. This seems to Zhang Chen as a matter of course. It should be, because Zhang Chen's team not only eliminated a large number of Zerg, but also brought back many cherished Zerg samples, and even destroyed a small nest. After so much credit, it is natural for him to be promoted.

However, Zhang Chen's commendation order has not yet come out. Zhang Chen also approached Jiaming, but Jiaming just talked about the factional dispute and gave Zhang Chen a piece of information and was unwilling to say anything more.

Through that information, Zhang Chen found out that after doing so many things this time, he was inadvertently involved in a fight between two factions.

Except for the commander-in-chief, the people in the high command are divided into defensive and offensive factions.

The two factions disagree on many things due to their different ideas. The offensive faction has always been at a disadvantage because they have never achieved any tangible results. However, because they are all for the survival of mankind, although they have disputes, they all maintain restraint. , but the rise of Zhang Chen's team has given the offensive faction hope, so the offensive faction is ready to vigorously cultivate Zhang Chen's elite squad model, especially the hero Zhang Chen.

Defenders disagree.

It is true that rewards should be issued, after all, this is a great contribution, but you are so good to Zhang Chen, is it because you have selfish motives? What about the resources you want to cultivate him vigorously? Are they used on him? No need to defend other places? No need to consume resources?

So Zhang Chen's commendation order became the center of the dispute between the two factions.

The reason why Zhang Chen's commendation order came down in the past few days is thanks to the commander-in-chief.

When the two parties were arguing, the commander-in-chief said something.

"You guys fight first, what you are fighting for is resources, then there is no problem with other rewards, right? I will issue a commendation order to this great hero first!"

So Zhang Chen can only receive it now, otherwise, it is estimated that Zhang Chen will not have to think about his reward in a short time.

The moment he opened the commendation order, Zhang Chen received a notification from the system.

[Reminder to the host, the task of upgrading the military rank is completed! The reward will be settled uniformly in the return space! ]

Zhang Chen was relieved when he heard this.

The most critical point has finally been achieved, and these six months have not been in vain!

Now there are only two tasks left, two Zerg nests and one year of survival.

"Zerg nests... It seems that I have to stand on the side of the offensive faction!"

Zhang Chen lay down on the bed and sighed.

It is becoming more and more difficult to return now, and the more I sleep on the bed in this military camp, the more I get used to it!

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