The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 46 The curtain opens [Three updates! ]

The headquarters' operation this time was extremely huge, with hundreds of thousands of troops mobilized on the front line alone.

And the dispatch and arrangement of so many people were completed in the headquarters, so there was no idle person in the headquarters during this period.

No, there was another idle person, that is Zhang Chen.

As time went by, Zhang Chen estimated that he would set off soon, and Zhang Chen had made preparations in the past few days.

Zhang Chen decided to wait for time to go to other planes to find someone who understood, after all, Zhang Chen now knew nothing.

Zhang Chen had been well prepared for the other two months of meetings. As time was getting closer to one year, Zhang Chen began to get a little nervous.

The headquarters was very efficient, especially in the current situation. Once the war machine was running, there would inevitably be a big war next.

Zhang Chen waited for a few more days and finally received his task.

In the equipment room, Zhang Chen did not ask to wear a heavy mecha, but chose a light nano combat suit, which was very strong and had a certain degree of defense. The most important thing was that it did not affect the action.

Then Zhang Chen took two sabers made of the latest materials, equipped with the latest wearable tactical glasses and a micro radio, and walked out of the equipment room.

The soldier was already waiting outside the door, holding a tactical backpack in his hand, "Major General! There is a time bomb inside, used to destroy brain worms."

Zhang Chen nodded, took the backpack, put it on his back and walked out.

In front of the transport plane, all the big guys of the general command were present, all standing behind the transport plane to watch Zhang Chen's arrival, and behind them were all the soldiers of the general command.

The commander-in-chief was at the front. When he saw Zhang Chen coming, he immediately saluted, "I wish Major General Zhang Chen a successful start!"

All the people behind him also saluted in unison at this time, "I wish Major General Zhang Chen a successful start!" The voice resounded through the sky.

Zhang Chen stood in front of the transport plane and saluted everyone, "Thank you!" After that, Zhang Chen got on the plane directly.

As the transport plane Zhang Chen was in flew into the sky, the commander-in-chief waved to the people behind him, "Everyone prepare! Convey the attack order!"

"Yes!" The tall figures behind him said loudly.

At the same time, on the front line, hundreds of thousands of troops were completely deployed, divided into three echelons, and attacked the Zerg hinterland.

Tactical teams were independent and helped each other, and they moved forward to carry out carpet-style clearing.

At the beginning, it was very smooth, and they kept pushing in for a long time, and the casualties were almost negligible, but when the front became a plain, all the soldiers saw a black mass.

Bugs, all bugs, overwhelming, even in the sky there were many flying bugs, all the bugs stood quietly in place, and there was no end in sight, and the reddish-brown color covered the entire plain!

The next moment, with the roar of a Zerg, the war began.

The flamethrowers in the front row were the first to exert their strength. A whole row of blue flames sprayed towards the Zerg. In an instant, countless crackling sounds were heard, and at the same time, a burning smell rose, and the Zerg's offensive stopped briefly.

It was really a short pause. Just when everyone was excited after seeing the miraculous effect of the flames, explosions and flames came from not far away.

The roars of countless soldiers and the hissing of the Zerg were like an epic and tragic war song. In just two hours, the entire plain was covered with red and green colors.

At this time, Zhang Chen had already arrived at the rear of the Zerg with a transport plane.

In the jungle, Zhang Chen was alert and relieved.

Although Zhang Chen's personal strength was superior, he could not stop the terrifying number of Zerg. Without hundreds of thousands, as long as tens of thousands of Zerg attacked, Zhang Chen would have to fly away on his sword.

However, Zhang Chen, who was in a dangerous situation, felt that he was completely excited. Maybe Zhang Chen was born with a spirit of adventure.

After checking the time, Zhang Chen found that there was still half a day left before he arrived here a year later.

At this time, Zhang Chen didn't care about exposing his strength. He flew high in the sky with his sword, identified the direction, and rushed directly to the Zerg's nest.

In fact, Zhang Chen didn't need to take risks. In the last period of time, as long as Zhang Chen kept flying with his sword and made everyone unable to find him, Zhang Chen could return safely, but Zhang Chen didn't do so, because Zhang Chen wanted to know what rewards the system would issue after he completed the system task.

Although Zhang Chen had destroyed a small Zerg nest before, the system did not prompt, which means that in the eyes of the system, it was not a nest, but at most a stronghold, that is, Zhang Chen still had a side task to complete.

Zhang Chen had decided to enter the Zerg nest at the last moment, so that Zhang Chen could return at any time after placing the bomb, and Zhang Chen also wanted to see the legendary brain worm.

After making a plan, Zhang Chen turned off the radio and started flying at full speed.

Soon, Zhang Chen saw the black tower that pierced the sky.

The tower looked full of holes, but the sharp points on all sides gave it a hint of ferocity.

In the sky above the tower, dense black dots were patrolling in groups. The ground was a black plain. From the sky, it looked like hell.

Zhang Chen quietly landed, without stepping on the black ground. Instead, he flew through the air with his sword. Zhang Chen carefully bypassed the three teams of Zerg patrolling on the ground, and then immediately performed the magic of gathering sand into a tower to wrap himself up.

A faint gray-yellow light flashed across Zhang Chen's body. After Zhang Chen was sure that he had completely wrapped himself, he flew towards the Zerg nest.

I don't know if it was because the Zerg had poor eyesight or because Zhang Chen used the sand-forming tower to conceal all his own smell, but Zhang Chen arrived at the entrance of the nest without any danger.

The nest obviously led to the underground. Zhang Chen observed it for a while, avoided the Zerg patrolling at the entrance, and went deep into the underground.

There were passages in all directions underground. Zhang Chen chose the widest one and flew directly to the end. There was a corner at the end. When Zhang Chen was about to go over, two roars suddenly came from the ground behind him.

Zhang Chen quickly turned his head to look at the ground behind him. Two huge flesh thorns suddenly swung out from the ground and stabbed Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen dodged in the air and avoided the attack. At the same time, he quickly pulled out two sabers and swung them hard at the place where the flesh thorns appeared.

The two sabers instantly stabbed into the ground, and soon, streams of green liquid gushed out in the direction of the sabers.

Just as Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, countless roars suddenly came from outside.

Zhang Chen's face changed, and he quickly landed on the ground, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, and walked towards the inside of the insect nest.

"Since we have been discovered, let's fight head-on. Let's see whether you kill me first or I blow up your home first!"

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