General headquarters.

In a huge room, everyone was busy sitting in front of the computer.

"The Third Corps sent a request for support!"

"Let the Sixth Corps take over!"

"The Second Corps requested fire support!"

"Aren't they already on the way? Let them hold on!"

"The fighter group was attacked, requesting to return!"

"This is a war! Fight back if attacked!"

As orders were issued one after another, the entire battle began to enter a white-hot stage!


At this time, Zhang Chen was also very busy. In the insect nest, a road covered with green liquid led all the way to the depths of the insect nest.

Zhang Chen kept waving the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and green liquid splashed everywhere.

After Zhang Chen was discovered before, he had thought of a countermeasure. Zhang Chen turned into a relatively narrow passage, which not only restricted the movement of the Zerg, but also Zhang Chen did not have to worry about being attacked by a group. It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

This is the situation now. Although the insects in front of him are swarming in piles, Zhang Chen only faces four at most, which greatly reduces Zhang Chen's burden.

Since the last special training, Zhang Chen found that Xuanyuan Sword would not be corroded, so since then, Zhang Chen has used Xuanyuan Sword whenever he has nothing to do.

However, it is very helpless that although Zhang Chen knows the magic of Xuanyuan Sword, he has spent so much time and has not found any other uses except that it is a magic weapon.

Zhang Chen killed the insect in front of him, but suddenly a green liquid spurted out and shot towards Zhang Chen's face.

For a moment, Zhang Chen had no way to dodge, so he could only throw out the spiritual beans to instantly form a spiritual weapon to block Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen only had time to breathe at this time.

This time, Zhang Chen almost capsized in the ditch, so he didn't dare to think about anything else. He concentrated his attention and put all his thoughts in front of him.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, the system notification that Zhang Chen had been waiting for appeared.

[The mission is completed after one year of survival! The reward will be settled uniformly in the return space! ]

[Do you want to return now? ]

Zhang Chen immediately chose no, after all, Zhang Chen was still thinking about the insect nest.

[You can return at any time within 30 minutes. The countdown begins! ]

At this point, Zhang Chen stopped wasting time. He threw out three spiritual soldiers to block the passage. Zhang Chen recalled the Xuanyuan Sword, pinched the sword formula in his hand, took a deep breath, and then directly inserted the Xuanyuan Sword into the ground.

"Shock the Earth!"

Countless ground spikes rose from the ground and instantly rushed towards the passage ahead.

Puff puff puff!

After a burst of piercing sounds, the entire passage was filled with ground spikes, and streams of green liquid slowly flowed out of the ground spikes.

Zhang Chen raised the Xuanyuan Sword, and rushed forward while using the sword control technique to cut off the ground spikes.

After a while, Zhang Chen came to a large empty space.

The surroundings of the cave were all white insect eggs that rose and fell. Zhang Chen could vaguely see the larvae that were hatching inside. In the center of the cave, countless muscles stretched out from a big eye, firmly grasping all parts of the cave. Seeing Zhang Chen's arrival, the huge eyeballs stared at Zhang Chen tightly.

"It turns out to be a big eye!" Zhang Chen sighed.

After seeing Zhang Chen speak, the eyeball suddenly shook violently twice. As it shook, Zhang Chen vaguely heard countless hisses outside.

Zhang Chen took off his backpack and took out the notebook-sized bomb that the officer had stuffed into him before.

Seeing the eyeball shaking more violently, Zhang Chen looked at the top of the cave where the soil was falling down, "Don't struggle, I'll leave you after I set it up!"

Then Zhang Chen set the time to 5 minutes later and threw the bomb directly under the big eye.

Suddenly, muscles rushed over and wrapped the bomb tightly into a ball.

Zhang Chen was a little surprised, "You are actually aggressive!"

Originally, according to Zhang Chen's estimation, since the brain worm was hidden so secretly, it would definitely not have much self-protection ability, but looking at the strength of those muscles just now, if an ordinary person was entangled, all the bones would be crushed in minutes.

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, muscles whipped Zhang Chen like whips.

Zhang Chen used Xuanyuan Sword to cut off the attacking flesh whips one by one and shook his head, "No need to struggle to death, you can't survive."

It happened so fast, in less than two seconds, Zhang Chen suddenly found that everything around him was swelling unnaturally, and the source was the bomb wrapped by the brain worm!

Zhang Chen reacted instantly! "Damn, isn't it timed for 5 minutes! It's only 5 seconds!"

"System! Return!"

As Zhang Chen's last word fell, the insect nest was completely submerged in flames and shock waves.

Just as Zhang Chen and the brain worm were in a standoff, a surprised cry suddenly came from a separate room far away in the command center.

"The bomb has been activated! Major General Zhang Chen succeeded!"

This voice instantly attracted everyone's attention.

At the same time, news came from all the legions fighting on the front line.

"Report! The Sixth Legion called and said they can't hold on any longer! Request evacuation!"

"Report! The First Legion called and said only one in ten people are left!"

"Report! Battle reports came from the front, all the Zerg suddenly attacked frantically, we can't hold on any longer!"

As the news of the crisis came, everyone present changed their expressions.

The commander-in-chief turned his head with a serious face and shouted at everyone, "It's the last moment! Let them all hold on! Just two minutes!"

The commander-in-chief's words were passed down to the front line layer by layer.

On the battlefield, a soldier saw the insects leaping up and falling towards him, and closed his eyes in despair. After waiting for a while, he found that he was not dead. After opening his eyes, he saw groups of Zergs falling down like wheat, and there was no sound anymore.

The people who had already despaired on the battlefield suddenly found that all the Zergs were like dead, and no one moved anymore.

"This is..."

"Did we win?"

A soldier who lost his left arm reacted at this time and raised his gun with his only remaining right hand, "We won!"

The news of victory spread throughout the world in an instant, and all the people persecuted by the Zerg ran to tell each other. In this news, there was also a person's name that they remembered forever.

The last hero - Major General Zhang Chen!

Later, people built a statue of Zhang Chen in the place where the insect nest was originally, dedicated to commemorate this great hero!

And in the endless void, Zhang Chen suddenly appeared in an unknown white space.

Zhang Chen now looked miserable, with dense burns and various wounds all over his right leg, and his right arm twisted unnaturally. He looked like he had just come out of a fire scene.

"Damn it! I was tricked in the end! What a lousy bomb! Isn't it usually calculated in minutes at the end? Why is it calculated in seconds!" Zhang Chen cursed loudly while grimacing in pain.

[The mission is completed by destroying a worm nest! ]

[Now back to the return space! ]

Another plane is finished! Throw flowers! Also ask for massage tickets and collections!

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